I Watched You on the Avenue

The Lesson

That night, I moved some of the furniture around in the living room while Patrick slept again. He said he was tired for some reason. It could've been....sorry that's a different story. After moving stuff around, I turned on the stereo loud enough to wake up Patrick since I had enough of his sleeping. Knowing it would take him a while to come back out, I started working on an old routine I had when I was actually friends with Britney, back when she firsted started. You know the Drive Me Crazy video? Yeah, that one, since I was one of the dancers in the video. I finished the routine when Patrick started clapping behind me.

"Now that's something I haven't seen Reggie do in long time,"He smiled.
"I know, it's too easy,"I caught my breath while getting a drink of water,"Ready?"
"To do that? No thanks I think I'll pass."
"No,"I rolled my eyes at him,"I mean to dance. Trust me it'll be nothing too hard. Just some slow dances then faster. No macarenas though...I can't stand that dance."
"You know someone will want to hear it though,"He laughed.
"Cause it's the only dance old people and drunks can do without hurting themselves."
"Ok, so I'm in,"Patrick smiled.
"It wasn't a choice,"I smirked at him.

Patrick walked over to me as I turned on the stereo, I started with the faster songs since I wasn't in the mood to slow dance yet. I walked over to him, placed my arms around his neck loosely while his went around my waist.

"Now, follow me, keep your eyes up though,"I started moving my hips against it,"Just feel the rhythm."

After a while, Patrick's hips started to move with him which I smiled as moved my arms off his neck to turn around so my back was facing him. He fell into rhythm again which I knew he had in him, just he was embarassed about the people around him. Dancing for a few more songs, I told him to take a break as he got a drink and I went to change the song selection to something slower.

Over the radio you could hear Our Lady Peace "Somewhere Out There" starting to play. I walked over to Patrick with a smile.

"Wanna dance?"I asked with a smile.

I led Patrick out to the small dance floor that I created, teaching him classical slow dances at first than finally just moving into slowing dancing by time the song reached Bryan Adams "Let's Make A Night to Remember". I rested my head against Patrick's chest as we moved slowly with the beat of the song. I looked up at him to kiss him lightly just as the last beat of the song ended. After the long lesson, we kept the music going, as we collasped on the couch. I was half on Patrick's chest as he stroked my hair.

"Reggie, do you want to have kids?"He asked as we sat there.
"Eventually,"I sighed,"Just I don't know if I do right now."
"Would it matter if we're married?"
"Why Patrick are you pregant,"I laughed.
"No, I'm serious,"He looked at me.
"I know,"I sat up some,"It wouldn't matter, I'm not going anywhere."
"Would you ever move to LA?"Patrick asked.
"Um, I don't know,"I bit my lip,"I mean my band's here, our house everything. I love it here too much. Why?"
"Just wondering,"Patrick shrugged,"But if it were to happen, would you?"
"I don't know,"I shrugged,"I'm not a fan of LA ever since well what happened to Pete."
"It could've here,"Patrick mentioned.
"Yeah, but can we just not talk about it?"I asked.
"Sure,"He kissed me lightly on the forehead,"But kids."
I smacked him lightly as he laughed,"Shut up, do you?"
"Yeah, well maybe not right now but it would be nice to start a family."
"Crazy little Spears Stump kids running around,"I laughed.
"How many?"
"Maybe 2 at the most,"I shrugged,"I don't want like a shitload of kids running around."
"Ok, good we're on the same page then,"Patrick let out a sigh of relief.