I Watched You on the Avenue

Can't Cry Anymore

My band had practice today, the whole day since we've got another tour to do again. We were just playing around with covers to do since we had to do one for some performance on video or something. I was just joking when I said I'd sing Sheryl Crow "Can't Cry Anymore" or "Strong Enough" but my band wasn't since that's what I was doing. I was busy singing the lyrics to "Strong Enough" which was mainly percussion which wasn't going too good for me right now, I wasn't feeling it anymore. So then we decided to go with "Can't Cry Anymore". It was weird, I'm usually in the background, jumping around, spinning, getting the crowd pumped but singing lead was different for me. The world finally got to hear me sing which normally they only did on backing vocals. Not that I couldn't sing, I just didn't like to. It's not me.

Finishing up the practice that ended at 5 pm, I didn't want to go home right now so I ended up driving around. I was just sitting in traffic, not pissed or anything, for once in my life relaxed when my phone rang. Seeing the number as one of my friends I haven't talked to in forever, I decided to answer it.

"Hey,"I smiled into the phone.
"Oh good, I thought you wouldn't answer,"He smiled.
"No, it's cool, what have you been up?"
"Well, filming,"I could hear him smile,"I'm actually in Joliet right now."
"Seriously dude, I'll come out there,"I jumped up a bit.
"Hey sounds good, I'll see you then."

I hung up the phone then smiled to myself. In case you were wondering, that someone I was just talking to happened to be a good friend of mine and well ex-boyfriend Tom Welling. We met as some premier thing that Britney had and I got introduced to him by someone, we ended up talking the whole night which turned into us dating then being together for 2 years before I started dating Patrick. Ok, so we broke up like 8 months before I started dating Patrick but since then we've become friends, I just haven't talked to him in a while.

Driving to Joliet wasn't too bad. It actually didn't take as long as I thought it would. Once I picked him up, he threw his suitcase into my car since he had a few days off and wanted to hang out with me for a while. Driving back into town, we got to talk which I was probably more excited then I should be.

"So, what have you been up to?"asked Tom.
"Well, I did just got done with band practice when you called but didn't feel like going home so I was driving around,"I smiled.
"So are you still in the same house?"
"No,"I shook my head,"I'm living with my boyfriend, well soon to be husband since I'm engaged."
"You're engaged!? Wow,"Tom looked at me,"Who's the lucky man?"
"Um Patrick Stump, the vocalist for Fall Out Boy,"I smiled.
"That's cool, I guess there's no hope for us then huh?"He laughed.
"I guess not,"I smirked.
"Congratulations,"He smiled.
"Thanks,"I blushed a bit,"I'm nervous though. I mean he's talking about moving to LA and I don't want to."
"Well tell him,"Tom shrugged,"And if he gets pissed, then I don't know."
"Yeah,"I sighed,"So what about you? Seeing anyone?"
"Nah,"He shook his head,"Just a couple dates but nothing serious."
"You'll find someone,"I smiled at him to catch his beautiful eyes with mine.

I got lost in those eyes for just a second which if you ask me could've been a few seconds too long.