I Watched You on the Avenue

Why Won't the World Revolve Around Me

Finally getting home, I knew Patrick was home and he'd be sorta aggrivated that I brought Tom home but oh well, he'll deal right?

"Patrick! Patrick!"I yelled looking for him,"I'm home and I brought an old friend!"
"Wow, this sure is a nice place,"Tom smiled.
"Thanks, I didn't pick it out, Patrick did,"I sighed,"But he let me decorate some things so it equaled out. I'll show you around if you want."
"Sounds good,"He smiled.
"Ok, let me just find Patrick real quick,"I smiled then walked towards the basement,"Patrick?"
"Oh hey Reggie, didn't hear you come in,"Patrick yelled from some where downstairs.
"Yeah, I'm back, um I brought a friend over, if it's okay with you,"I sat on the top stair as he stood at the bottom.
"It's cool, I'll be done in a second."

I went back to Tom then smiled at him,"Come on, I'll show you around."

I took Tom for a tour of our house which was fun, it was nice getting to see him again. I mean I haven't seen him in 4 months and haven't gotten to talk to him in a while so it was nice doing both. After I shown him around the house, we both sat the couch, watching some TV. I sat Indian style facing him just talking about things when Patrick came back up the stairs.

"So Reggie who is this fr-,"Patrick stopped when he seen Tom,"Oh, hey Tom."
"Patrick,"I looked at him,"Tom was in town so I just called him up to hang out."
"It's ok,"He nodded,"How long are you here for?"
"Um, a couple more days,"He shrugged,"I'm staying at a hotel closer on the southside."
"You know you don't have to,"I smiled at him,"We've got the room you can stay in a guest room."
"Really? That's nice,"Tom smiled back at me.
"Don't mention it,"I smiled at him.
"Yeah, um Reggie, can I talk to you in our room real quick?"Patrick motioned.
"Yeah, I'll be right back,'"I stood up to follow Patrick.

I walked into the room to have Patrick close the door behind me. I watched as he walked around me to his dressar.

"What's up Patrick?"I looked at him.
"What's up with you?"He growled a bit,"I mean c'mon Reggie, letting your ex stay in the same house with us and he just shows up at random. Did you call him?"
"No, he called me,"I walked over to Patrick,"Are you jealous?"
"No,"He looked the other way,"I mean we're supposed to be getting married soon and all the sudden he shows up again."
"Oh my god Patrick,"I laughed some to bring my arms around his neck,"There's nothing going on. Trust me ok? I'm just being a good friend to him since we do have history and well I don't want him to stay at hotel. Nothing's going to happen."
"Alright, he can stay,"Patrick sighed.
"Thank you,"I kissed him then started to walk off but he grabbed my head,"What?"
"Tomorrow me and Pete have to head to New York to do some Fuse thing."
"Oh,"I looked at him,"How come you didn't tell me before?"
"Sorry I forgot,"Patrick shrugged.
"Hey it's cool, I'll just hang out with Tom since I don't have anything to do,"I shrugged back.
"You sure you'll be ok?"Patrick looked at me.
"Yeah, I'll be fine,"I smiled.
"Ok,"He smiled.

I headed back to where Tom was, shown him his room then since by then it was late. He went to bed and I headed back to my room with Patrick. He was in bed reading something as I crawled into bed with him. I curled up next to him and started kissing his neck softly.

"Reg,"He whined.
"Patrick,"I mumbled into his neck.
"I'm trying to do something,"He kept his eyes glued forward.
"Yeah, ignoring me,"I laughed as I kept kissing him.
"You don't plan on giving up do you?"He slowly looked at me.
"Nope,"I smiled against his neck,"Besides you could be gone for a couple days. I'll miss you."

Patrick sighed putting whatever it was he was reading done then turned so he was on top of me more than. I looked up at him to see he had that smirk of his plasterd to his face.

"Fine, you win,"Patrick leant in to kiss me slowly.