I Watched You on the Avenue

5 am

"Reggie, sweetheart, wake up,"Patrick kissed me on the cheek lightly.
"Huh what?"I opened my eyes to see Patrick standing there with a slight smile.
"I've got to go,"He whispered,"Pete's meeting me at the airport.
"I don't want you to go,"I looked at him.
"I know,"He smiled lightly,"But I'll be back before you know it."
"You better,"I looked at him with a slight smile,"I probably won't be able to sleep without you here."
"I know,"He took off his jacket,"Here, I'll leave this with you."
"Won't you get cold?"
"I've got others,"He smiled leaning down to me again,"I'll call you when we land,ok?"
"Ok,"I reached up to touch his cheek lightly,"You need to get going."
"I will,"He leant over to kiss me,"I love you."
"I love you too,"I smiled lightly feeling a tear escape.
"See it's hard,"Patrick laughed.
"Shut up and go!"I mock glared at him.
"Don't get into trouble,"Patrick warned from the door.
"I won't, now go or Pete will be calling like every 5 minutes."
"Bye,"He waved.

He shut the door then I heard our front door close as he left. Sighing, I looked at the time to see it was only 5 am. I couldn't fall back asleep now. Pulling on some pajama pants, a tank top, and hoodie, I made my way out of our room. I just needed someone to talk to right now, so I made my way over to Tom's room he was staying in. Sure enough he was sleeping. Which caught me off guard since I forgot how he slept in just pajama pants. Damn, he had muscle tone to him.

Shaking my head, I made my way over to his bed and sat down next to him

"Reggie?"Tom looked at me rubbing his eyes,"What's up?"
"Patrick left,"I sighed,"Him and Pete had to go to New York and he left just a few minutes ago."
"Aw I'm sorry, you ok?"
"Yes and no,"I sighed,"I can't get back to sleep."
"You miss him that much huh?"
"Yeah,"I smiled lightly at him.
"I remember we used to be like that,"Tom smiled.
"We were,"I nodded with a smile,"I used to hate it just as much."
"Are you tired still?"
"Yeah,"I looked at him.
"Here,"Tom shifted a bit to move over,"Climb in."
I gave him a look of uneasiness and he just laughed,"I'm not going to do anything, promise."

I gave in and climbed under the sheets with him. He wrapped his arms around my lightly which I jumped to a bit but then settled into.

"See, that's not so bad,"He mumbled, his hot breath against my neck.
"No,"I laid my arms against his.
"Get some sleep and we'll do something in a few hours to keep you occupied."
"Thanks,"I smiled as he started to fall back asleep.

I soon somehow managed to fall asleep which if anyone of my friends walked into right now, might find this weird or even bad but I swear it wasn't. I mean, I was just finding comfort in my friend who happened to b ex-boyfriend, right?