I Watched You on the Avenue

Lightning Strikes

Finally waking up a few hours later, I found that I was now facing Tom who smiled brightly at me.

"I see you're feeling better now,"Tom smiled some.
"I am, well I could sleep at least,"I smiled lightly at him"Thanks."
"No problem,"Tom looked at me as I got up,"I was thinking you could show me around town or something today."
"Sounds fun,"I smiled walking towards the door,"I'm going to get dressed, you should too."

I walked out the door then totally forgot that Tom's seen the town before since well I did date him for 2 years. Shaking my head, I finally finished getting dressed and putting make up back on. I made my way out of the my room to see Tom doing the same thing.

"So, um you have seen the town before,"I moved a piece of hair that fell into my face since I pulled it into a pony tail.
"Well yeah,"He laughed,"But it'll keep your mind off Patrick, besides it might've changed since I've last been here."
"Eh, not so much,"I shrugged,"Ready to go?"
"After you,"Tom held my door open as I walked out.

We got into my car as we decided to drive towards the Loop just to walk around and see things since there wasn't much to do right now. Honestly I needed coffee too which I knew he would be able to find for me since he still knew my favorite spot to get coffee over here.
After coffee we headed to Millenium Park just to walk around since it was now around noon.

"See it hasn't changed much,"I smirked and elbowed him some.
"I guess not,"He shrugged at me,"But it's nice to get to spend time with you."
"It is,"I smiled,"So really, nothing's been up in your life?"
"Not really,"He shrugged putting his hands into his pockets,"Just filming and doing the normal actor thing."
"Is there anything Tom Welling does that's normal?"I laughed.
"Yes,"He smirked at me,"You should know first hand."
"Maybe,"I smirked back at him then pushed him lightly,"Tag you're it."
"Reg you're so not-"
"You're it!"I laughed and starting running through the park more.

Tom just shook his head as he chased me through the park,. Finally catching up with me, I slowed down as he grabbed my arm as I stopped at the tree to catch my tree.

"Looks like you're it,"He smirked as he looked at me.
"Truse?"I looked at him catching my breath.
"I guess,"Tom moved closer to me so he looked down at me as we both caught our breaths.

There was this pause between the two of us when Tom leant down to kiss me softly on the lips. For some reason, I kissed back but there was a spark there that I haven't felt in a while. Breaking away for air, I looked down at the ground then back, up towards him. Some people were giving us smiles as they walked past us.

"We should-"I started.
"Yeah,"He smiled at me as he let me up off the tree.

I started to walk off when he ran up to me and picked me up over his shoulder. I laughed as he carried me back to his car. Little did I know what was soon to follow. Let's just say I know how to get myself into very sticky situations.