I Watched You on the Avenue

6th Avenue Heartache

Getting back to my house with Tom was fun, I let him drive which meant I could pick on him which honestly felt like old times.Just something was nagging me in the back of my mind...oh yeah Patrick. Stepping out of the car, Patrick was the last thing on my mind when I seen Joe standing outside the door of the house.

"Hey Joe,"I smiled as I walked over to him.
"Hey Reggie,"Joe smiled looked at me then noticed Tom,"Where'd you go?"
"Oh just around, getting coffee,"I walked to the door to open it,"What brings you around?"
"Patrick asked me if I'd come over for a bit for some reason,"Joe shrugged.
"Why?"I looked at him, opening the door and Tom walked in as I stood in the doorway.
"I don't know,"Joe shifted as I looked at him crossing my arms,"Ok, so he doesn't trust Tom."
"He doesn't trust him?"I raised an eyebrow,"Ok, but he should trust me."
"He does, it's just he thinks Tom will try something,"Joe reasoned.
"So he sends you? He could just call,"I glared at him.
"Reg, he loves you, he just wanted to make sure you're ok."
"I'm fine,"I looked at him not moving,"Why does everyone have to put me under a microscope?"
"Well it happens when you're in a band,"Joe leant against the wall.
"Yeah but I mean with Patrick and everyone it's like no one trusts me to make my own choices."
"Hey, don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger,"Joe put his hands up.
"I know,"I sighed,"Look, just go spend time with your girlfriend, I'll talk to Patrick later."
"You'll be ok?"Joe raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, if I need anything, I'll call,"I smiled.
"Alright, I'll see you later,"Joe waved as he left my house.

Sighing, I walked into the house to see Tom glance over at me.

"Everything ok?"Tom asked
"Yeah,"I sighed then walked towards him,"Look about earlier, um I'm engaged-"
"I know,"Tom smiled at me,"It won't happen again, it's just like I felt something and then it seemed right when it wasn't."
"So we're cool?"
"Yeah,"Tom smiled pulling me into a hug,"As long as you invite me to the wedding."
"Of course,"I smiled.

Later that night, Tom was in the shower when I went to call Patrick. Sitting on our bed, I waited for him to pick up. I was busy tapping my fingers against the bed as I listened to his phone, finally he picked up.

"Hey,"I lightly smiled even though he couldn't hear it.
"Hey Reg, what's up?"
"Um, what's up with you sending Joe over here?"
"What are you talking about?"Patrick questioned, he was so not going to pull this on me.
"I mean you sending him over here to check up on me and Tom, do you not trust me?"
"No I do, it's him I don't trust,"Patrick scouffed.
"You should,"I defended him,"I know him better than you do."
"You don't think I see the way he looks at you? He's got something planned."
"oh my god Patrick, he does not,"I felt the anger boil in me,"You're saying if your ex were to show up to hang out, it'd be fine but the second I hang out with Tom, it's bad?"
"No, Reggie that's not what I'm saying."
"Then what is it?"
"Look, I just don't want to talk about it right now, we'll do when I come home ok?"
"No, if you have something to say then say it now,"I seethed.
"There's nothing to say since you'll defend him,"Patrick shot back.
"I do the same for you! Don't you ever thing I don't!"
"But when it comes down to it, you'll take his side more than mine."
"And you took my mom's side twice,"I reminded him,"That's far worse."
"And you took me back, shows what that says about you."
"You know, I'm done with this,"I shook my head feeling the tears fall,"I love you to death Patrick, that's why I've always took you back. Without you I'd die. Now the second I have someone just to talk to, you turn on me."
"I've got to go-"
"Don't leave me,"I pleaded as I hung up the phone and tossed it off the bed.

I was pissed, upset, so much that I went to the now stopped shower where Tom was to wash my face off. He noticed that I was upset and looked at me seriously.

"Reggie, what's up?"
"Patrick,"I sighed,"He's being a dick again."
"I'm sorry,"Tom smiled lightly.
"I swear to god, I don't know why I'm with him when he does this shit."
"It's because you love him,"Tom smiled as I turned to look at him, dude he was in a towel,"I see it in your eyes. The way they sparkle whenever someone mentions him or you hear Fall Out Boy."
"Then why can't he see it?"I looked at him.
"He's a guy,"Tom chuckled,"We're kinda blind to those things sometimes."
"I'm just tired of defending myself to him,"I sighed sitting on the counter.
"What was he mad about this time?"
"You being here, trust,"I shrugged,"I don't know anymore."
"Well I can see his side,"Tom smiled at me while combing his wet hair.
"He shouldn't be,"I looked at him,"I mean sure you're still well attractive and fun but he has nothing to worry about."
"You're saying you wouldn't want me back?"Tom threw me a fake hurt look.
"No, that's not what I'm saying,"I blushed,"I mean if I wasn't with him, then maybe but Patrick, he's embedded himself into my heart like a disease."
Tom pulled some pajama pants on as He took off the towel now,"He makes you happy right?"
"95% of the time,"I kicked my feet against the counter,"The other 5% he pisses me off."
"You know since I've been here, he's either made you cry from leaving or well almost leaving you."
"I know,"I looked at him as he pulled a shirt over his head.
"And we all know what he wants right?"
"Then I guess my question to you Reggie Spears is what do you want?"