I Watched You on the Avenue

Tension so Thick

Patrick came home the following day just as Tom had left to go back to filming but he said he'd keep in touch. I was sleeping in our bed as Patrick crept into the room quietly to set his bags down then went over to lean over into my ear.

"Wake up Reggie,"He whispered.
My eyes slowly opened as I smiled then turned to look at him,"Hey. What time is it?"
"10,"He whispered getting into bed with me.
"Dude, it's so late, I need to get things done,"I sat up as he pushed me back down into the sheets.
"Relax, it'll get done,"He smiled,"Just stay in bed with me longer."
"I'd love to but I've got laundry, cleaning the house-"
Patrick put his finger up to my lips,"They'll get done, just stay in bed for a couple more hours."
"Ok,"I smiled back at him.

Patrick wrapped his arms around me as he stared into my eyes.

"I'm sorry about earlier,"I looked at him,"I mean if I were in your shoes, I'd feel the same."
"I shouldn't have overreacted though,"He moved his thumb across my cheek,"I should trust you and your judgements."
"We should so start planning this wedding."
"We will,"He laughed,"We should probably start with the guest lists."
"That would be logical,"I nodded.

The next couple hours, we just laid in bed for a while til I decided it was time to get dressed and start cleaning the house and everything. I wasn't the only one doing things since Patrick was helping. As I past by Patrick again, he stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"Pete's stopping by at 4,"Patrick smiled at me,"He said he needed to talk to you about something."
"How come he didn't call me?"I cocked my head to the side.
"I don't know, he is your best friend,"Patrick shrugged.
"He's yours too,"I called out as I walked off to the laundry room.

Around 2, I decided to make some crepes for lunch which was another thing I loved doing, cooking. It's a passion of mine that I probably should have took up and started my own resturant but I loved music more. I guess it's the family trait or something. Who knows? Patrick came in and sat on a bar stool watching me as I made the crepes.

"You should've been a chef."
"Are you saying I'm a bad musician?"I smirked but didn't look towards him.
"No,"Patrick jumped quickly,"I mean you're an amazing guitarist and-"
"Patrick, relax,"I laughed facing him,"I know what you mean. I get it alot.. And I still can. Well open a resturant at least."
"You're becoming more like Pete,"Patrick shook his head.
"I take that as a compliment,"I smirked going back to cooking.

As I was cooking, the door bell rang to our house but I knew it wasn't Pete yet since well it wasn't 4 and normally Pete was pretty good about telling you if he'd be there early. Patrick went to get the door then came back to the kitchen.

"Um, Reggie,"Patrick started.
"Who was it?"I didn't look behind me.
"Turn around,"Patrick mentioned slowly as I turned.

Standing behind me was Jamie Lynn with a man that I haven't seen in forever. My eyes went wide a bit as I stared at the man for a few seconds before making that connection in my head.

"Hey Reggie,"He smiled lightly.