I Watched You on the Avenue

So if this is love

I woke up slowly to the car stopping. It was dark out and I was in a town, vaguely familiar.

"Where are we?"I asked Pete as I stretched.
"Michigan City, Indiana,"Pete smiled,"We're not far from home but I'm too tired to drive anymore."
"It's ok,"I smiled,"Is any place open at....2am?"
"I'm sure we can find some food Reg,"Pete said and nudged me.

He had found a hotel along the main strip of the town, so I got out and unloaded my suitcase along with him. As we were heading back out of the hotel room, he stopped me for a second.

"Patrick called while you were sleeping,"Pete sighed and I looked at him to continue,"He said he loves you."
"Why is it he can tell you that but not his own girlfriend?"
"I don't know Reg, I honestly can't answer that."
I rolled my eyes and looked at him,"C'mon I'm starving."

We walked out to the car and ended up going to this place across the street, Culver's so I could get some ice cream.

"Hey Pete, can I drive tomorrow morning?"
"Hmm, I don't know,"Pete started and looked at me with his infamous grin,"There is a Starbucks in this town so as long as we stop there first."
"Yay, I love you,"I smiled back at him.

I was actually feeling good right now. We finished eating and went back to the hotel, I was taking a shower as Pete crashed on the bed. By time I got out, he was passed out on the bed. I sighed and climbed into the other bed, it was actually the first time I was sleeping alone in a while. I was about to fall to sleep when I heard my phone beep. I groaned and picked it up. '1 missed call' I entered my pin # and waited to see who it was from, I never pay attention to that robot lady saying the phone number.

Finally when it got to the voice, my heart jumped. "Reggie...uh I'm heading to bed and by time you get this...god um I miss you. I just hope you're ok and I called to say I love you. come home soon, I'm so sorry. Well I'm heading to bed, call me? Love you to death." I sighed as I hung up my phone, that was almost enough to run back to his arms but I had a commitment to make. I needed time alone. I put my phone on the charger and drifted to sleep.

~~FF to actually making to Ohio~~

It was my turn to drive again and we just reached Ohio, Pete was asleep in the seat next to me. I sighed switched the radio to a local rock one. It was going good til I heard a ton of songs remind me of Patrick, so I turned it again and guess what came on? Fall Out Boy. Annoyed I put a cd on, The Academy Is..."Almost Here"to be exact and finally reached my destination as William sung the rest of the way.

~~3 days later~~

Well, Pete was right, I needed this! Surprised? Yeah I am too. I was having a blast with him from going to amusement parks to seeing local bands, going to clubs, goofing off, it was great. Not to mention, all the relief I was getting from being away from home and I only had 4 days left of it, I was so hating the end of my vacation. I was walking around the mall with Pete, accidently "bumping" into him as people gave us strange looks. we even got kicked out of some stores for being stupid. I was on Pete's back now as he carried me through the mall. We were actually in line to buy a pretzel when my eyes focused on a person. That height, the body shape, that same hat. I refocused my eyes to tell me I wasn't seeing things, and I wasn't.

"Holy shit,"I whispered as Pete turned to look at me.

Pete looked in the direction I had pointed with a slight smile on his face, there amongst the people stood Patrick Stump. He started walking towards us, and I froze.

"Hey Reggie,"smiled Patrick, well it looked big but his eyes said he was hurting.
"What are you doing here?"I asked a tad bit pissed.Why? I was coming here to escape.
"I'm sorry,"Patrick looked down,"I shouldn't of--it's just I love you so much and..."
"Say that again,"I demanded.
"I love you,"Patrick looked up at me.

I don't know why I did it but I couldn't stop myself. I pressed my lips to his, feeling him kiss me back. I pulled away looking into those amazing eyes. Tears starting to fall a little, I couldn't help it, he made me happy. And to think I was two steps of leaving him.

"We need to talk,"i whispered.
"I know,"Patrick whispered too,"Can we just enjoy now?"
I nodded and he kissed me again when I heard Pete "Awww"