I Watched You on the Avenue

The deep dark secret

"What are you doing here?"I looked at him as he stood there.
"Jamie toldl me about what was going on,"He started,"How she left you and everything."
"Yeah, she decided that I don't know what's best for her,"I glared at her.
"She's sorta right sweetie,"He shifted a bit,"But she's wrong too since I know out of all my children you're smartest, street wise and in life."
"Thanks,"I smiled lightly,"But again, I ask why are you here?"
"I got your message too,"He looked at me,"And this whole custody battle thing, I want you to be able to have guardian ship over Jamie."
"Because,"He sighed,"Like I said yu're street smart, not to mention understanding."
"I'm sorry,"Jamie mumbled,"It was just pissed about everything."
"Ok,"I nodded,"Is that all?"
"Yeah,"He smiled,"I'd like to hear more from you sweetheart though."
"Maybe,"I smiled lightly at him.

They soon left and I looked at Patrick who closed the door behind him.

"Well that was awkward,"Patrick looked at me.
"You shouldn't have let them in,"I grumbled.
"Why, they are you're family?"Patrick looked at me.
"I'm not getting into it Patrick,"I looked at him.
"Reggie, you seriously need to let things go,"Patrick shook his head.
"It takes time,"I looked at him then changed the subject,"Is Pete coming soon?"
"4,"Patrick nodded.
"Good, cause I seriously need to talk to him,"I nodded while sighing.

Time past as we and Patrick just sat around when Pete came to the door. He seen us not talking much then got a worried look on his face.

"Please tell me you're not fighting again?"
"No, just bored,"I smiled at him,"How can anyone stay mad at this face."I smiled pinching Patrick's cheeks.
"Not many people can,"Pete smirked,"Even I have a hard time doing it."
"So hey, I need to talk to you,"I grabbed Pete by the arm and drug him to a room.
"Hey! This seems wrong,"Patrick laughed.
"Sorry we'll just be a minute,"I laughed,"That's all it takes."

I shut the door and locked the behind me to look at me. He sat on the chair knowing what I had to talk to him about. It's been our secret for the longest time and well, I was afraid it'd get out and I didn't want it to ever get out. No, we didn't have a kid or anything. We just, well things happened last year. Honestly, last year while I was single and when he was dating someone, we went off to Australia for 4 weeks, just telling everyone it was business. That business being partially romantic, mainly lust filled. I know what you're thinking, it could be forgotten right? Wrong, so wrong. There happens to be a matter of a tape and pictures that should never surface. I was only worried since those pictures of Pete from an ex-girlfriend or whatever it was happened to find their way to the internet.

"So?"I looked at him with crossed arms.
"They're safe I promise,"He smiled.
"You better be,"I looked at him,"I mean if they make themselves public, I will castrate you."
"Which is why they won't,"He stood up,"Just relax Reggie, you're secret's safe with me."
"Ok,"I looked at him,"Just I don't want anything bad to happen between me and Patrick."
"It won't,"He gave me a hug,"Now let's go back out there to find that lover of yours."
"Where could he go in a short period of time?"I rolled my eyes.
"You never know."
"Oh Pete, he just disappears randomly,."
"It can happen,"He laughed.
"Shut up,"I shoved him into the wall then went to find Patrick.

Patrick was still sitting on the couch as I sat next to him. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek.

"How was it?"Patrick joked.
"You should join us next time, threesomes are fun,"I smirked at him.
"And you would know this how?"He looked at me.
"I'll never tell,"I sung.

Patrick started tickling me and I couldn't breath as Pete just watched from a chair laughing the whoe time.

"Fine, fine,"I caught my breath,"I give."
"You two would make cute kids,"Pete mentioned as he looked at us.
"We've thought about it,"Patrick looked at him.
"They'd be so cute and then you'd guys would be amazing parents,"He gushed.
"Oh my god, you so want us to have kids right now,"I looked at him.
"Come on, there'd be little Fall Out Boys running around."
"Or girls,"I smirked at him.
"So?"Pete looked at us.
"Give us time,"Patrick looked at him,"Maybe after the wedding or something."
"Yeah,"I nodded,"It's kinda scary when you think about it."
"You're just growing up so fast,"Pete pinched my cheeks now.
"Stop it,"I squatted his hands away.