I Watched You on the Avenue

Not like a Fairy Tale

It's been a few months since I came clean to Patrick about my past. We actually haven't fought in a while either, it's like now he understands me for the most part. I swear men don't get women sometimes. Jamie was now living in the house with us again which was an adjustment. Both me and Patrick were actually writing again since both our bands we're going to start recording again soon. I mainly worked on lyrics since I had a lot to draw from while Patrick worked on music. So that meant we spent most our time in seperate rooms while we were working, it didn't bother us, it was better that way.

Right now, I was sitting out on the patio just to get fresh air with a pad of paper and a pen since it was nice out. Blaze was busy running around the backyard as I wrote and Jamie was working on some school work. Patrick walked out to the patio and started rubbing my shoulders which felt good right now.

"I thought you could use that,"He mumbled taking a seat next to me.
"I did,"I smiled at him then looked at the paper,"You know you should so produce one of our songs."
"Yeah,"I nodded then looked at him,"I mean you know how to deal with me in the first place, so there's not much difference."
"That I do,"He smirked then looked at the paper,"How's writing going?"
"Ok, I guess,"I shrugged,"We're working on stuff now but we're going back on the road in a month."
"Goo Goo Dolls tour?"Patrick asked.
"Yeah,"I sighed,"We love those guys, our music is almost different but we love those guys and they love us."
"You should get John to produce some stuff,"Patrick pointed out which I didn't think of.
"Of course,"I smacked myself in the forehead,"I so forgot that."
Patrick laughed looking at me,"Don't hurt yourself sweetheart."
"Wouldn't harm anything,"I mumbled.
"So have you thought of a date yet?"
"Well since we're so busy,"I thought for a second,"Hmm, I don't know."
"I have,"Patrick leant back in his chair.
My eyes went wide as I turned all my attention,"Really?"
"Yeah,"Patrick nodded as Blaze walked over to him,"I was thinking July 31st, that gives us 4 months to get everything in order."
"We're not going any shows are we?"I looked at him.
"I don't think so,"He thought,"Even so if we have it in the morning, we can still have the show."
"Dude, you know you're crazy right?"
"Yeah but look who I'm engaged to,"He laughed.
I flipped him off which he laughed harder at me.
"Besides you're not a normal girl who wants the fairytale wedding,"He smiled at me.
"I did always want to get married in Australia or somewhere like that,"I thought for a second,"But no castles, or eleborate decorations, just us, our closest friends and family, sorta dark, non traditional."
"I see,"He nodded then got up.
"Where are you going?"I asked watching him leave.
"I've got some things to take care of,"He smiled,"Don't worry, I'll be back."

Patrick kissed the top of my head as he walked off then Jamie came to sit outside with me.

"What do you want Jai?"
"My appointment's in an hour,"She sighed.
"Oh,"I looked at my phone,"Blaze, come on, let's go in."
"In the car, can we talk?"Jamie fiddled with her hands.
"We've got time, so why not,"I shrugged.