I Watched You on the Avenue

Wait a Minute

Getting in the car, I turned on the radio to hear Jesse McCartney to which I kept on since well he's an ok artist. Pulling out of the driveway, I looked towards Jamie who looked scared or nervous or something.

"So what did you want to talk about?"I asked as I stopped at a light, resting my arm on the door.
"Well dad told me about what happened when you were 17,"She played with her necklace without looking at me,"Then I talked to Britney."
"Did you?"I swallowed hard as the light changed and I moved forward.
"Yeah,"She nodded a bit to look at me,"How come you didn't tell me?"
"It's a long story,"I sighed,"Besides I don't know, I thought if I forgot about it, then maybe it wouldn't hurt as much."
"So what exactly happened to you?"
I stopped again since we hit a bit of a traffic jam,"Damn traffic." I looked towards Jamie and she was waiting for an answer to which I smiled at her a bit,"I guess I've got time now huh?"
"I won't judge you, I promise,"She nodded.
"Well, I guess you know about what happened between me and TJ?"
"Yeah,"she nodded.
"Well mom, wouldn't hear of it, she made me get an abortion but I didn't want to,"I sighed.
"You could've stood up to her,"Jamie shrugged.
"I tried,"I let out a shaky sigh,"I really did but in the end, it wasn't worth me getting the shit beat of me."
Jamie looked at me with wide eyes,"So that's why you left?"
"Yeah,"I sighd brushing back tears,"I just didn't want you to go through the same thing since I see you almost like me then."
"I'm sorry,"Jamie put a hand on my arm lightly,"For how I've been and everything."
"It's ok,"I smiled lightly,"I just told Patrick about it not long ago too."
"Um,"Jamie started, I knew she was hiding something,"When I was with dad, I did a bit of well talking to people."
"What?"I looked at her hoping it was nothing bad.
"I called TJ,"She grimaced a bit hoping I wouldn't yell at her,"He sounded like he wanted to hear from you again."
"You called him?"My heart fluttered a bit not from love but nerves, I haven't talked to him in forever,"And what'd you say?"
"I invited him over next week,"
"You did what?"I looked shocked at her as I moved forward in traffic more.
"I'm sorry, don't get mad but I thought maybe you could talk or something."
"No, it's ok,'I shook my head a bit,"Just well I guess you're going with me to the store now."
"I guess so,"She smiled then paused,"So what about Tom?"
"Tom?"I asked playing with my necklace,"Tom, well as you know I was with him for 2 years which mom hated but he was the best thing that happened to me after I left. Well besides coming here and now Patrick."
"He seemed like a nice guy,"She smiled,"How come you two never got married?"
I shrugged,"I don't know."

Finally getting on some normal level of conversation with Jamie again, I got her to her appointment. As we got out, the clouds from today's thunderstorm that was coming through, started to build more. It made a nice breeze and felt nice. Once getting back into the car, we headed to get some groceries again which was fun since I got to joke around her Jamie, I missed doing that with her. Then we stopped by the video rental store to rent some movies since it was a good idea to do something like that today. By then, the rain had started to come down again as I looked up at it for a second before getting back into the car.

At home, Patrick had come back from wherever he was, I personally think it had to do with the wedding even though he was "trying" to be secretive, it wasn't really working that way. I didn't mind though since it was nice seeing him doing something for it. He seen us walking in, laughing from the couch and nodded towards us.

"Nice to see you two getting along."
"Don't get too comfortable Stump,"I stole his hat before heading to the kitchen,"We're having a party tonight."
"Party?"Patrick looked at me.
"Yeah, you, me, Jamie, and Blaze,"I smiled,"We're going Greek then we got moves,popcorn, candy. It's like a movie theatre."
"Does that mean I can throw popcorn at the couple making out during the movie?"Jamie laughed.
"If you see them,"I laughed as I headed into the kitchen and taking things out.
"Where'd all these smiles come from?"asked Patrick.
"We had a good talk on the way to her appointment,"I smiled with a shrug,"So we're ok."
"Well hey, I don't have to worry about having all this tension around,"He kissed me on the cheek.
"Aren't you lucky?"I smiled at him as he tried to get his hat back,"Sorry, I'm borrowing it for the time being."
"Well it does make you look really sexy,"He laughed,"I guess I can deal."
"I guess you can,"I smiled then got out the things I needed,"Wanna help us?"
"Sure,"He smiled at me as we started to cook dinner.