I Watched You on the Avenue

How Can It Walk Away?

Halfway through the movie, me and Jamie ended up getting in a popcorn fight. All of which Patrick was in the middle of. The best part was, Blaze ate all the popcorn that fell on the floor. Not that it would hurt him, but dude Patrick got slightly pissed about it. Watching him get up from the couch to see popcorn fall off him, me and Jamie did our best to hide our laughter.

"Reggie, you're so immature,"Patrick grumbled as he walked off.
"But you know you love me!"I shouted towards him as I turned back to Jamie and we burst out laughing.

Next thing, I knew, something cold and wet was put down my shirt. Ice! I jumped up to see Patrick standing there with a smile on his face but playing it cool.

"You ok, Reggie?"asked Patrick.
"That's fucking cold!"I glared at him getting the ice out of my shirt which he laughed at.
"Payback's a bitch,"He laughed as he seen the glare on my face and I chased him down.
He ran into the kitchen which was the wrong thing to do since well, I had things I could get him back with.

Opening the fridge, I took out some homemade icing that I had made the other day and looked at him sweetly.

"Reggie, what are you doing with that?"Patrick looked at me.
"Nothing,I just thought it sounded good right now,"I shrugged.
"You weren't planning to put that on me, were you?"Patrick moved closer to me.
"Now where would you get that idea?"I smirked at him as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
That's when I made my move and smeared icing all over his face. Which turned out to be sorta bad since I was trapped between him and the counter.

"Looks like you're stuck,"Patrick laughed reaching for icing to which Jamie stood in the doorway with my phone in her hand.

"I don't want to know,"She chuckled a bit,"Pete's on the phone."
"Thanks,"I smiled at her as she handed me the phone and I went to take the call.

"Hey,"I walked into the bathroom to wash my hands off.
"Are you doing anything right now?"
"Um, not really, just movie night and well there was a popcorn and icing fight,"I dried my hands,"Why?"
"Do you think you could come over for like an hour or so?"
"Why? What's up?"I asked worried.
"Nothing,"Pete said too quickly,"Just I need to talk to you about something."
"Um, ok,"I drew out,"Can it wait til morning?"
"Not really."
"Alright, I'll be there in 20 minutes."
"Alright,"Pete sighed,"I'll see you then."

"Hey guys,"I walked out to where Patrick and Jamie were cleaning up,"I've got to go over to Pete's for about an hour."
"Aww, but we were having so much fun,"Jamie pouted at me.
"We still can,"I smiled,"It's early. Pete just has to talk to me about something."
"Alright, don't be too long,"Patrick kissed me quickly.
"I won't,"I grabbed my keys to head out the door,"And don't watch all the movies without me tonight."
"We will,"Jamie teased.
"I'll be back,"I waved then headed out to my car.

Getting there, well let's just say, it downpoured but it wasn't that bad. I loved the rain, so I would've played in it, had it not been for the person who called me sounding freaked out or something. So much was going through my mind. Was he in trouble? Did something happen? Well obviously something happened but I didn't know what. I just knew that my best friend freaked me out when he talked like that since well, it got me worried.

Getting to Pete's door, he opened the door and pulled me in quickly. His parents weren't home right now, or well no one, just his dogs. I looked at Pete who looked like he seen a ghost as he stared at me.

"Pete what's wrong?"I asked with a smile,"You look like you seen a ghost."
"Um, about that,"Pete pulled me towards his room to which he closed the door behind him and I looked at him weird.
"Ok, now you're seriously scaring me."
"Reggie, someone has the tape,"Pete rushed out.
"The tape?"I looked at him weird for a second then my eyes bugged out of my head,"I thought you said it was safe!"
"It was!"Pete protested quickly,"Trust me, I locked in a safe spot to never be seen again but I went to find it so you knew it was too and it's gone."
"It can't just get up and walk away,"I looked at him,"Have you checked everywhere?"
"Pretty much,"He ran a hand through his hair.
"Um, ok,"I took a deep breath,"Let's look again, it's bound to be here somewhere."

Little did I know that, that somewhere was soon about to be open to everyone and my little secret wasn't going to be a secret for long.