I Watched You on the Avenue

Dress Shopping

"So did you have anyone over?"I asked after I turned his house upside down.
"No,"He let out an aggrivated sigh and ran a hand through his hair,"I'm still single."
"And now of your friends know about it right?"I looked at him.
"No,"He looked at me seriously,"I swear to god, I told no one."
"Do you know anyone who would want to get back at you?"
"I don't know,"He shrugged,"An ex-girlfriend, old friend?"
"Anyone one of those, hate me?"
"No,"Pete stopped and looked at me wide eyed,"My parents did have someone watch the house at the last tour. They went on vacation."
"Who was it?"
"Um, I don't know,"He thought for a second,"I think some family friend of theirs Miguel."
"You don't think-"
"Maybe, he never liked me in the first place."
"Wait, is he that creepy guy who tried hitting on me at your parents party last summer?"
"Yeah, that's him,"Pete nodded.
"Dude if he has that tape, he won't waste anytime in getting it out to the public."
"I could have my mom ask him if he seen a tape."
"Oh yeah Pete,"I rolled my eyes,"Let's just tell your mom what we did a while back. I don't think so."
"Ok,"He looked at me,"Don't worry about it, ok? I've got it under control."
"What I don't get is why he took the tape but left the pictures."
Pete shrugged,"Figured he could get more money for the tape."
"I swear if I see that guy again, things won't turn out so pretty."
"Relax, Reg, I'll get it back before it does anything."

I headed back home, mind else where. I mean what if Miguel took it to Patrick's ex-girlfriend who seriously hated me and me being with Patrick. She could show him the tape then well it could cause us to break up or worse, the band to break up. I couldn't let that happen. And I wasn't about to tell Patrick since it was old news.

Walking into the house, I was sorta down but pushed it aside as I sat next to Patrick and Jamie on the couch. I wasn't even paying attention to the movie since all I could think about was the tape and well everything surrounding. Jamie fell asleep on the couch as Patrick nudged me to get up from the couch to head to our room.

"You ok?"Patrick asked as I sat on the bed.
"Hey if something happened with me and friend before we got together would you be pissed?"
"Depends, did you kill someone?"Patrick smirked taking off his shoes.
"No,"I sighed,"I mean like say something Pam Anderson Tommy Lee like."
"What are you talking about?"Patrick raised an eyebrow at me.
"Say, I made this tape and well now it happens to be missing."
"Wait you made a sex tape?"Patrick jumped up a bit and looked at me.
"It was only this one time,"I played with my fingers,"And it was done when I was single."
"Was it with Tom?"
"No,"I shook my head.
"Then who?"
"I can't tell you,"I looked at him barely,"Just I don't want to lose you or anything over it."
"As long as you didn't cheat on me, then I'd be weirded out a bit but it won't cause me to end this with you."
"Thanks,"I smiled at him.
"Now, are you going to be ok?"
"I guess,"I shrugged.
"Then let's go to bed,"Patrick smiled as he climbed into bed with me.

Patrick slowly slid his arms around my waist as I tried my best to fall asleep which wasn't working or anything. Call it nerves, insomnia or whatever, I couldn't sleep. It was one of those things that start to aggrivate you after a while.
Anyways, the next morning, I woke up to Patrick's sleeping frame then snuck out of the room to find Jamie awake and waiting for me.

"Ready?"I asked witha smile.
"Yeah,"She smiled.
"Come on,let's go,"I walked to the door with her.

Where were we headed? Well to pick out Patrick's wedding band since I hadn't done it yet. That and I was getting ideas for dresses and bridesmaids dresses which I'd send pictures to Hayley so she would help decide which ones would look better. First at the jewelary dealer, I walked up the rings and found the perfect white gold band that I got inscribed with our initals and "Forever and a day". The ring would be finished in a few weeks, the guy told me, then we headed to the dress shop, too much white and I so wasn't going with white.

"But Reggie,"Jamie protested,"White's traditional and so pretty."
"Since when am I traditional?"I smirked at her.
"You're right,"She rolled her eyes then I found this amazing dress.

It was a maroon color with silver flower vines printed all around it. It looked like prom but still it made me feel like I'd be the center of everything.

"Jamie, this dress is beautiful,"I smiled at her looking at myself in the mirror.
"It is,"She smiled,"Even though it should be white."
"How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not traditional,"I rolled my eyes.
"Many,"She laughed,"But if I were you, I wouldn't pass up this dress either."
"So you think it'll work?"
"Yes,"She smiled then hugged me,"You're going to be so pretty."
"Thank you,"I smiled at her.
"So are headed to look at bridesmaids dresses?"
"Um, maybe after lunch,"I shrugged,"I want to look at flowers for the bouquet."
"This is fun,"Jamie laughed.
"I know huh?"I looked at her as we walked to the car,"But if you're feeling tired or anything let me know."
"I will,"She smiled then pulled out her phone since she got a text,"Oh hey my boyfriend's coming over today. I hope you don't mind."
"No,"I shook my head,"What time?"
"He said he should be here by 3."
"Ok,"I sighed looking at the time,"That gives us 3 more hours."