I Watched You on the Avenue

Power Outage

Meeting Jamie's boyfriend was slightly awkward...I mean the dude just gave off this weird vibe to me. Maybe it was the way he was glaring at Patrick that bothered me too but I don't know. They went to Jamie's room to "talk" which I told her the door couldn't be shut since well it was my house and my rules. I sat on the couch next to Patrick with a sigh as he played something on his guitar.

"I swer little sisters are super annoying,"I looked at him.
"I'm sure Britney says that about you,"Patrick smirked lightly at me.
"Maybe not as annoying at you though,"I shoved him lightly.
"Ow, bitch,"Patrick laughed.
"I know you are,"I smirked at him.
"Hey,"Patrick sat down his pick to look at me,"Want to go do something?"
"I don't know,"I shrugged,"I kinda don't trust her 'boyfriend' really."
"I know you don't but we don't have much time with each other til you head out to tour again."
"I know,"I nodded putting my feet on his lap,"What did you have in mind?"
"Well Joe is not far away, so he could come over and watch them or Pete, we could go out, walk around town, it's nice out."
"Sounds like a good plan,"I smiled slowly,"I'll call Pete, you call Joe."
"Why do you always have to call Pete?"whined Patrick as I got off him.
"Because he's my best friend duh,"I stuck my tongue out at him.

Finally after calling them, me and Patrick just got alone time, being able to walk the town without any of our friends or anything. It made me sorta miss Blaze but I knew he was most likely playing with Joe or Pete by now. Those two seriously spoiled the dog. I was holding Patrick's hand as he lead me through a bunch of people who were walking as well. When we got to a empty spot in the crowd, I stopped pulling him back to me. I knew he wasn't much for PDA but I pulled him into a kiss which he kissed back.

The rest of the week was spent writing and what not from both of us, then Jamie's boyfriend staying over which was slightly annoying. I didn't like the guy, he was a jerk to me at least and I knew Patrick noticed since he hated him for trying to tell me what I should do with my life. Anyways, it was a nice Saturday afternoon, we were both taking a break from writing on the couch. I was laying on the couch as Patrick laid half on top of me. Practically falling asleep there was a knock at the door which neither one of us could be bothered to get. Jamie came out of her room with a huff since she went to the door.

"Can't even answer the door,"She mumbled.
"I'm on the phone!"I shouted to her.
"You are not,"She glared at me as she checked to see who it was then opened the door,"Hey."
"Hey, what?"I asked from the couch, moving my fingers up and down and Patrick's arm.
"Reggie, guess who's here?"Jamie smiled as she walked over to me.
"Please don't tell me another friend,"I groaned.
"Aww come on now Reg, is that anyway to treat an old friend,"I heard that familiar voice.
"TJ?"I perked my head up to see him standing there smiling as Patrick let me up and I went to go hug him.
"It's nice to see you too,"He smiled then looked me up and down,"Wow."
"Is that a good wow?"I asked with a smile.
"Yeah,"He nodded,"You look great."
"Thanks,"I smiled tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

Patrick cleared his throat behind me and I turned to look at him to have him walk over,"TJ, this is Patrick, the soon to be husband, and Patrick this TJ."
"Hey man,"Patrick smiled shaking his hand.
"Hey,"TJ smiled at him,"I see you're taking good care of her."
"Yup,"Patrick slinked an arm around my waist,"She's amazing."
"I know,"He smiled with a nod.
"So,"I looked at him,"Sit, talk. How long are you here?"

We walked to the couch and TJ sat in a chair as Jamie went off somewhere.
"Um,"TJ started,"Til Wednesday."
"Where are you staying?"
"I don't know,"He shrugged,"I just landed a bit ago, I thought about staying next to the O'Hare."
"Can he stay here?"asked Jamie as she walked in with her boyfriend and sat in the living room with us.
"I don't know-"
"I don't want to be a burden,"TJ jumped in.
"Please Reggie,"Jamie looked at me with pleading eyes then turned them to Patrick.
"No, Reggie make her stop,"Patrick whined trying not to look at Jamie's puppy dog eyes.
"Fine,"I sighed,"TJ, we've got room in our basement or spare room if you want."
"I can sleep on the couch,"He shrugged.
"Ok then, did you bring up everything?"
"No, the rest is in my rental car."
"Jamie, can you and your boyfriend help him move things in?"I looked at her.
"Yeah,"She stood up with her boyfriend.
"I'll go help,"Patrick kissed me lightly on the lips,"Just so I know they're actually doing something."
"Ok,"I smiled at him as he walked out the door.

Turning to face TJ again, I caught him smiling at me.
"What?"I asked looking at him.
"Nothing,"He smiled,"It's just wow, I can't believe I'm actually talking to you again. It's been so long."
"I know,"I nodded at him,"What have you been up to?"
"Eh, not too much, working at a dance studio, that's about it,"He shrugged,"You?"
"Well, getting married soon,"I pointed out,"Dealing with Jamie."
"I could tell, that's actually really shocking."
"I know right? Then I've been touring, recording, writing, then touring again soon."
"Wow, you've got a lot going on."
"Yeah,"I nodded,"Lately just sorta watching out for Jamie."
"She told me you were pissed for a while."
"Yeah,"I sighed looking at him seriously,"Just the whole situation and everything. I see so much of myself in her yet at the same time I don't."
"Because of the whole kid thing?"
"Yeah,"I nodded moving so my elbows were on my knees,"Then hearing how my mom is supportive of her and what she put me through."
"You made it through and I don't hate you."
"Brit said you did,"I looked at him to see him get serious.
"Ok for a while I did since I had no idea why you got the abortion but then after seeing and hearing about it, I understood."
"If I hadn't then who knows what would've happened,"I shrugged.
TJ got up to hug me,"It's over now. Don't think about it."
"I know,"I let out a heavy sigh as Patrick walked back in with his bags.

"You guys ok?"asked Patrick giving us a strange look.
"Fine,"I smiled at Patrick,"Did you get everything?"
"Yeah,"He nodded,"It's looking like rain again."
"Great,"I rolled my eyes,"Actually wait that's a good thing."
"Duh Reggie, it's humid out,"Patrick rolled his eyes back at me.
"Shut up, Stump,"I threw a pillow at him which he caught.
"Don't make me hurt you,"He fake glared.
"Always making promises,"I smirked at him,"But you never do."
Patrick flipped me off as he walked towards the bathroom,"I want to but you won't!"
"You're crazy,"TJ shook his head.
"Sanity is so overrated,"I laughed.

A while later, after dinner and everyone went to bed, I was sitting on the bed listening to the thunder roll in the background and lightning flash through the window. Patrick crawled over to me slowly as I typed on my lap top. I felt him slowly start to kiss my neck as I looked at the screen trying to ignore him. Slowly turning off my computer, I sat it down to look at him.

"May I help you?"
"Yes,"He smiled at me,"You said you can still have kids, want to start trying?"
"Patrick,"I whined,"I'm going on tour soon, then I thought we were waiting til after the wedding."
"Doesn't mean we still can't try to,"Patrick looked at me,"Unless you don't want to have my baby."
"Now that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard,"I rolled my eyes,"I do just not right now."
"Well then"Patrick moved so he was half on top of me,"Doesn't mean we still can't have some fun."

I smirked at him as he caught my lips into the kiss. Slowly he pulled off my shirt when a bolt of lightning hit something close to us, causing the power to flicker. How did I know? The dim lights in the room flickered as we looked at each other.

"Don't say it,"I threatened.
"Let's hope the power doesn't go out,"Patrick smiled just to have the power turn off.
I glared at him,"Jinx."
"Sorry,"He tried to give me the best sympathic smile.
"Come on, let's go get some flash lights and candles,"I got of bed picking up my shirt.