I Watched You on the Avenue

I Can Be a Tease

The three of us headed back to the hotel. Patrick had his own hotel room and I was still sharing the one with Pete.

"So?"Pete raised his eyebrows at me.
"So what?"I questioned looking up from my lap top.
"You and Pat?"
"Oh,"I said,"We have a lot to talk about."
"Yeah but he said 'I love you' isn't that what you wanted?"
"I do but you told him where we were didn't you?"I looked up at Pete.
"Maybe..."Pete smiled as he sat down next to me,"C'mon you know you needed him in your life."
"Maybe,"I smirked back at Pete,"And to think I thought it'd never happen."
"Well it did,"smiled Pete,"And I've never seen the two of you so happy."
"That I am,"I smiled at Pete.
"Get some sleep,"Pete kissed me on the cheek as he went to take a shower.

What can I say it's been a long day and neither one of us really slept since we got here. I finished typing and laid back in the bed looking up at the ceiling. I let out a heavy sigh as I stared at the one spot for a while. Pete was using my lap top as I sat up and grabbed his hoodie.

"Where are you going?"asked Pete.
"I need to walk,"I sighed.
"Yeah,"I sighed.

I walked out the door and headed to Patrick's door. I knocked and he let me in.

"Hey Reggie,"Patrick smiled.
"Ok, so let's talk now."
I sat down on the bed as Patrick sat across from me on the other one. I looked at him as he tried to look into my eyes.
"I love you, you know that right?"I asked looking at him.
"Yeah and I love you too."
I sighed,"The reason I left is because you never said those three words to me. And you fought with me constantly about my family and you know everyone but Jamie Lynn disowned me."
"I know--,"Patrick sighed.
"Ever since I came to live here,"I pulled my legs up to my chest,"And they never call, don't want to know me, and when my mom if started calling me and I didn't want to talk to her, you got angry. Do you know how hard it is to forgive her?"
"I'm so sorry Regg,"Patrick looked down.
"She hates you, you know,"I looked over at him and he looked up at me,"She told me you're only going to bring me shame. I gave up my family for you."
Patrick moved over next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Reggie I never knew,"Patrick whispered.
"Because I only told Pete,"I looked at him,"I couldn't let you think this is all your fault, it's not. I fell in love with you, you fell in love with me, neither one of us could have stopped that."
"And I was being a dick,"Patrick sighed,"I'm extremely sorry about how I was treating you."
"Don't ever do it again,"I sighed with a slight smile,"I don't know if next time I can forgive you."
Patrick nodded,"So, are we ok?"

I nodded at him as he smiled.
"So can I kiss you with things being better?"asked Patrick with a smile.
"Yes, you dork,"I smiled. Patrick leaned in and kissed me.

The kiss deepened and he pushed me back onto the bed. His hands moved up my shirt as we were making out. I stopped Patrick shortly and he groaned.

I smiled,"I may have forgiven you but you still have a lot of making up to me."
Patrick rolled his eyes,"Do you always have to play hard to get after a fight?"
"Yes,"I smiled,"Now if you excuse me, I've got a bed that's calling my name."
I got up to leave as Patrick pulled me back into him.
"Stay in my bed."
"Hey you've gone a couple weeks, what's 4 more days,"I smirked,"See ya when I get home."
I walked towards the door as I heard him let out a heavy groan.

I walked back to Pete's room and seen him watching TV. He looked up at me and seen the smirk on my face.

"Playing hard to get again?"questioned Pete.
"Of course,"I smiled.
"I've taught you well then,"Pete smiled and I went to sit down next to me.