I Watched You on the Avenue

Thoughts of the Past

"Reggie, what happened?"Jamie asked walking out of her room.
"Patrick jinxed the power,"I mumbled as I looked for the flashlights.
"Wow,"Jamie looked at him,"You just had to jinx the lights."
"Oh no, not two girls bitching at me,"Patrick rolled his eyes.
"Then don't say it,"I glared sliding a flashlight to Jamie,"In the basement, there's some candles and a lantern, could you go get them please?"
"In the basement?"Jamie looked at me terrified.
"Yes,"I rolled my eyes at her,"Give the flashlight. I'll go get it myself."
"Need any help?"asked TJ.
"Sure,"I handed him one then looked at Patrick,"Could you get the candles out of the closet? The matches should be well where we usually put them. I'll be right back."
"Ok,"He nodded,"I'll keep an eye on these two too."
"Thanks,"I smiled at him,"Try not to get too scared. Come on TJ."

I headed to the basement with TJ which wasn't so bad. I had no idea why Jamie was scared to come down here. The only thing that freaked me out was the stairs since I was afraid I'd miss a step and fall since it was dark. Making it down to the bottom, I shone my light around the basement trying to figure out where the extra candles and lantern were.

"You search that half, I'll look over here,"I directed to TJ who nodded his head.

As we were looking around the basement, I heard a door shut but didn't think anything of it. I swear this search wasn't going so hot right which sucked.

"Found some,"TJ shouted.
"Thank god,"I sighed,"Come let's head back upstairs."

TJ walked up the stairs before me to jiggle the handle of the door.
"Stop messing around,"I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not,"TJ looked at me,"The door's seriously stuck."
"You've got to be kidding me,"I looked at him then went to try to open it but it wouldn't budge,"I can't believe this."
"Maybe they're still out there?"
I pounded on the door,"Patrick! Jamie!" I heard nothing which freaked me out at first so I took out my cell phone to call Patrick's.
"Hey,"Patrick sighed,"We don't have any batteries so I took Jamie and her boyfriend to the store real quick."
"Oh,"I sighed,"You won't believe what happened?"
"The power came back on?"
"I wish,"I let out a sigh,"The basement door's jammed so me and TJ are looked in."
"You're kidding right?"
"Does it sound like I'm kidding?"
"Ok, um, you're ok right?"
"Yeah,"I looked at TJ,"Just it's dark."
"Ok, just hold tight and I'll come get you out."
"Be careful,"I mentioned,"Look out for powerlines and trees."
"I will,"I could hear that smile in his voice.

I hung up the phone then turned back towards TJ which I sighed. Heading back down the stairs, I knew there was a couch we could sit on while we waited for Patrick to come back home. TJ joined me on the couch as I sat back onto the couch.

"Well this isn't how I thought I'd spend the night,"I chuckled a bit to myself.
"Remember that time we got looked in at the dance studio,"TJ laughed,"This sorta reminds me of then."
"Only then we had light,"I chuckled,"I wish it were that way now."
"Me too,"He smirked,"But that turned out fun."
"Yeah only because I had the biggest crush on you,"I looked at him with a smirk,"Now it's a bit different."
"I guess,"He shrugged,"It still was fun."
"Yeah,"I smiled remembering,"How we had full run of the dance studio and got to dance for like ever."
"Making out with you with fun too,"TJ looked forward, I knew he was blushing even with the absense of light.
"That it was,"I smirked then made him face me,"It was a fun relationship but things turned out for the better right?"
"Maybe,"He shrugged again,"I just got so scared when I hadn't heard from you. Then when Jamie talked to me, I thought for a second that maybe you were single again."
"I'm happy,"I smiled at him.
"Which is all I asked for,"TJ smirked at me,"But I would always wonder what it would be like to kiss you on last time, have that last dance with you that I never got."