I Watched You on the Avenue

Heading Back on Tour

"TJ,"I sighed looking at him,"If you would've been here a few months ago, I gladly would've taken you up on that but now I've got Patrick-"
"It's cool,"He smile lightly,"You really love him?"
"Yeah,"I sighed focusing on my nails well what I could see at least.
"But tell me I'm not wrong to still want to right?"
"You're not,"I smiled towards him but don't think he could see it,"It's just I don't want to mess everything up."
"Now how could a girl like you mess things up?"
"Trust me,"I rolled my eyes,"I've messed things up a lot."
Before I knew it, TJ lightly placed his lips against mine, it was so soft, so innocent, so many memories but I couldn't kiss back, it seemed wrong.
"TJ,"I started as he broke away.
"You do love him,"He smiled,"I'm happy for you."
"Yeah,"I smiled,"But you did give me inspiration for writing some more."
"Wow,"He chuckled to himself,"I guess I finally get that song about me."
"Oh there have been many,"I nodded,"Go back and listen to the first album then come talk to me."

Not long after, we got out of the basement and the power finally came back on. Then for the next month, I seriously looked myself in a room and no one could get to me since I was writing. People seen it as dangerous but Pete had to come in and reassure everyone that I was fine, even Patrick. I swear people worry too much sometimes.

So now, I was packing for the upcoming tour with The Goo Goo Dolls as Jamie went to visit Britney for a bit.

"I don't want you to go,"Patrick whined.
"We're so not doing this again are we?"I rolled my eyes.
"No,"He pouted,"I just don't want to see you leave."
"Patrick,'I looked at him with a sigh,"I can't stay, it's my job."
"I know since I'll be leaving to LA to record soon."
"Then stop whining,"I rolled my eyes.
"Ok,"He looked at me.
"And stop looking that that,"I walked over to him,"It's not like I'm leaving forever, it's why people invented phones, e-mail, and what not."
"I know,"He sighed as I sat on his lap.
"And plus once this tour comes to California, I'll so see you like a lot, hell even by time I get to Vegas,"I smiled at him.
"That does make me feel better,"He smiled.
"Good,"I kissed him lightly,"Because I hate seeing you so upset."
"And we'll be getting married soon..."
"Which makes me nervous,"I got up,"Not that I don't want to marry you, just dude, did you ever think?"
"Not in a million years,"He laughed standing up with me,"I didn't even think I'd ever have a chance with you."
"And why is that?"I asked while packing more things.
"For one, you were so out there and like Pete,"He wrapped his arms around my waist,"And so many people warned me that you were a bitch, shallow, high maintaince,"
"Well I am a bitch and high maintance,"I smiled,"As for shallow, you are hot and I only go for hot guys."
"Only I'm not skinny like the others you've dated,"He sat on the bed watching me.
"And what's that got to do with anything?"
"Well, I mean I'm not-"
"Patrick, look at the guys I've dated, sure they've been skinny but they've all had amazing personalities, that's all that matters to me. I swear if you were a jerk, this conversation would be totally different, probably non-existant. Besides you need that slightly crazy female in your life."
"You got a point,"He shrugged.
"I always do,"I smirked at him,"Now the rest of the day is ours, what do you want to do?"
"I could think of a few things,"He smiled.
"Race you to the pool,"I smiled as I ran off.

The rest of the day/evening went by quickly which was sorta sad to see it end, especially since I had to be up by 5 am, just to get on a bus. Early mornings suck, I swear. Hearing my alarm go off at 3 am, I went to the shower as Patrick slept and I got all my bags around to the front of the house by the door so they were ready to go. By 4:35, I woke Patrick up so he could see me go.

"The guys are here putting my things on bus,"I whispered to him as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
"I was hoping morning didn't come,"He mumbled.
"I'm heading to the kitchen,"I smiled at him,"I've got 25 more minutes."
"Ok,"He yawned,"I'll meet you there."

Heading to the kitchen, I grabbed some Diet Cokes to shove into his cooler to put onto our bus fridge. Hey it kept them cold so we didn't have to wait for it to cool. Sitting on the back of the couch, waiting for Patrick to come out, I watched as my band drug all my things onto the bus which I did help them out a bit, I'm not helpless. Walking back through the door after putting my last bag in my bunk, I seen Patrick half asleep standing in the living room.

"Dude you look so tired,"I laughed at him as I walked up to him putting my hands in my jeans pockets.
"I am,"He mumbled,"I still don't know how you're so awake."
"I adapt,"I smirked,"So 10 more minutes and then it's the road again."
"I know,"He looked at me,"I'm going to miss you."
"Me too,"I smiled at him,"But it'll go by fast."
"Hopefully,"He sighed.
"Stopping sighing,"I smirked as I walked up to kiss him,"It's depressing."

Deeping the kiss, we made out for a good five minutes, which isn't impossible, just breathtaking. Breaking the kiss, there were a few other kisses as I finally broke away to look at him.

"I gotta go,"I smiled lightly.
"I know. Don't forget to call,"He smiled.
"I won't,"I kissed him one last time,"We have to get married soon, so I won't."
"Have fun,"Patrick waved by to me as I walked towards the door.
"I will, you too!"

Getting onto the bus, I smiled since I missed it. That and well, I don't know. Something told me that this tour was going to be a lot of fun.