I Watched You on the Avenue

And Love Said No

"Good mornnig boys!"I smiled as I walked onto the bus to be greeted by the dead looking, Tim, Razzle, Darren, and Steven.
"How the hell is she so awake at this time?"Razzle yawned looking at me.
"I'm on tour,"I smiled as I sat nex to him,"Most importantly we're on tour and with The Goo Goo Dolls."
"All because she has a massive crush on Johnny Rzeznik,"Tim smirked at me.
"Do not,"I blushed,"He can't help it he's sweet and....hot."
"But she's engaged,"Tim sat next to me,"So now she's in the world of only looking but not touching."
"Oh yeah,"Darren sat across from me,"Is that the ring?"
"Yup,"I sighed flashing it to them,"You don't think it's too soon do you guys?"
"Why?"Razzle asked.
"I don't know, I mean I haven't been with him for that long,"I shrugged.
"Well, obviously no if you said yes,"Steven pointed out as he went to make coffee.
"Yeah,"I nodded,"But we fight more than the average couple."
"Reg,"Razzle started,"Don't start doubting your love."
"Sorry,"I mumbled then shook my head,"No time for that. We're on tour!"
"That's better,"Razzle smirked as he leant into my shoulder to fall asleep.
"Don't sleep on me,"I shoved him,"I need to go write."
"I'll come with you,"Darren got up.
"Kay,"I shrugged standing up,"Come on."

Me and Darren headed to the back room with guitars and notebook paper. Of course the rest of the guys would be around later to help write things but right now they were still half asleep. I got all the lyrics I had spent writing along with notes about song melodies as Darren looked them over. Some of them were dark and then some were about what I've been going through. Then he got to the one that I had written about Tom and my still feelings about him.

"When'd you write this?"Darren asked as he read it and I played with my guitar.
"Um,"I bit my lip,"Not long ago."
"Reg, this isn't about Patrick,"Darren looked at me.
"I know," I sighed.
"Tell me this isn't from experience?"
"When are my lyrics not?"
"Well when you write about drugs or in the third person,"He looked at me,"Reg?"
"Reggie, who is this about?"
"Tom,"I shrugged not really caring.
"Welling?"Darren raised an eyebrow at me.
"Yes,"I plucked out a small solo,"Oh, I like that."
"It's good,"Darren nodded then got back to the song topic,"You know if we record it, then it'll be out there in the open."
"So?"I shrugged,"It's good, admit it."
"It is,"He sighed,"That's the problem."
"The other?"
"I'll have to rewrite some of it from third person or something,'He looked at me,"Because there's no way I'm singing about this as you wrote it."
I laughed at the thought for a second,"But you'd be so good at it."
"Reggie no,"Darren glared at me.
"Aww come on,"I pouted at him.

"What are you trying to get Darren to do?"asked Tim from the door.
"Record a song as I wrote it exactly about a guy,"I smirked.
"Dude you should so do it,"Tim nodded at him.
"No!"Darren went wide eyed,"You two won't stop til I will."
"Come on, Dar, we all know you've made out with Pete,"I laughed.
"It was once and I was trashed,"He defended himself.
"Sure,"Tim nodded.
"I'm beginning not to like you two right now,"He glared.
"Fine, switch it up,"I rolled my eyes then nodded towards Tim,"Where's Steven and Razzle."
"Razzle's out, then Steven, well he made coffee but ended up falling asleep."
"Typical,"I rolled my eyes again,"Wanna join us?"
"Sure,"He got off the wall,"I'll be back here in a few minutes."

Going back to what we were working on, Tim came in to join us which was fun. We spent the next four hours writing thigns and working out music when Razzle and Steven woke up and joined us. By time it hit 2, we basically had most of what we wanted to do, worked out. Our list of songs was long but when is it not? By 3, we had made it to Maine where we were starting out our tour. Luckily we didn't have a show tonight since we were all too beat to play. Today was pretty much for getting there, then meeting up with The Goo Goo Dolls, and possibly working on recording some things. We were all sitting around the bus, just wishing the humidity would stop when there was a knock at the door. Having our manager open the door, in walked John Rzeznik along with Mike and Robbie of The Goo Goo Dolls.

"Hey guys,"John flashed his perfect smile, I think I was going to melt,"We've come to take you all to dinner."
"About time,"Darren got up,"I'm starved.
"Darren,"I smacked him,"Stop being such a diva."
"Stop trying to be sweet and innocent,"Darren shot a look back at me,"All because you lo-"
I covered his mouth while blushing,"Shut it."
"What's with those two?"asked Robbie.
"Oh nothing,"Razzle shrugged,"She just doesn't want John over there to know she's got an uber crush on him."
"Wow thanks,"I rolled my eyes.
"Is that so?"John asked raising an eyebrow then walking over to me to put an arm around me,"It's not so bad. I promise I don't bite."
"Sometimes he makes promises he can't keep,"Robbie mumbled at my band which they all snickered.