I Watched You on the Avenue

He's Back Is It Right?

Sitting at dinner with the Goo Goo Dolls was dream like. Seriously, I look up to those guys, not to mention, they are totally sweet and funny. That's when I seen him from across the room, sitting at another table with his friends, since he noticed me too. I watched as he excused himself and walked towards my table, it was seriously weird. It was strange how these things kept happening to me but now, I don't know anymore.

"Hey Reggie,"Tom smiled at me as he stood there.
"Hey Tom,"I smiled back,"What are you doing here?"
"I know it seems like stalking,"He laughed,"But I swear to you I'm not."
"Me neither,"I smiled.
"Hey, are you doing much right now?"
"Nope,"I looked at everyone and they gave me a look but went back to the conversations.
"Wanna go for a walk?"He asked as I got up.
"Sure,"I smiled,"Guys, I'll be back in a bit, don't leave without me."

Outside, it was nice out. Mild weather, it wasn't as bad as it had been the rest of the time coming up here.
"You know this is weird seeing you again this way,"I looked at him as we walked.
"I know huh? Almost like fate,"He chuckled a bit.
"Don't start that,"I half glared at me.
"Well think about it Reggie, how on earth would we both be in the same town and same resturant at the same time?"
"A really odd coincidence,"I shrugged.
"And you're not with Patrick again."
"We're engaged,"I reminded him showing him the ring.
"But you've been doubting it,"Tom looked at me and I went to talk but he stopped me,"Don't act like you're not. I know you too damn well."
"It's just, I don't know anymore,"I shrugged,"I mean I love him with all my heart but everything's happening so fast, it makes my head spin."
"Have you talked to him about it?"
"Some what,"I stepped up onto the wall to walk along the edge,"I mean he tells me it's jitters but I'm constantly wondering if I'm making the right decisions, doing everything right. What if there's someone or something more out there for me."
"Is he holding you back?"Tom looked up at me,"I mean don't let him if he is, you never let me."
"No he's not,"I shook my head,"I feel like I'm holding him back."
"How so?"
"Well, I mean he wants to move out to LA and I can't just leave Chicago,"I shrugged,"Maybe it's just me."
"It can't just be you."
"Then there's my band, I dont know, I don't want to settle,"I shrugged,"I'm not complicated person."
"If he seriously loves you then none of that will matter,"Tom smiled.
"Maybe,"I shrugged then "fell" off the side of wall to which Tom caught me in his arms,"Then there's you."
"Me?"He held onto me.
"Everytime I feel as if I'm falling,you're there to catch me,"I smiled at him,"I don't think it's by mistake."
"I've always been there for you,"He smirked then sat me down.
"I know, it's just,"I thought for a second,"Nevermind."

I started to walk in front of him when Tom called out to me,"Hey Reg."
"Yeah?"I turned around and he ran up to me to kiss me passionately on the lips.
"I'm always wondering what would happen if I had that one more chance,"He whispered.
"How long?"
"Since we broke up,"He whispered resting his forehead against mine.

It was strange, how feelings change for someone when you're wrapped up in their sheets and exchanging bodily fluids with them at their hotel. It wasn't even that late, I knew my band was still at dinner and was probably wondering where I was but knew I couldn't get into much trouble. At least that's what they thought.
Panting from how many times, we'd ravanged each other's bodies, I was covered in sweat so was Tom. I looked up at the ceiling not thinking about much except I could really use a cigarette or something after that amazing crazy sex that just happened. As if Tom knew, he handed me a cigarette and lit it for me. Normally I wasn't much of a smoker, only in times like this which I haven't felt in a while.

"Wow,"I blew out smoke,"It's late, I should be going, so my band doesn't leave me behind."
"I wish you didn't have to,"He smiled at me.
"I'm on the road for a while,"I smirked as I searched for clothes,"Come out to a show or two. I won't mind."
"I think I might take you up on that offer,"He smirked back.
"Now, I've got to go,"I slide the jeans and shirt back on,"Call me when you're in town."
"I will,"He smirked.
What am I getting myself into?