I Watched You on the Avenue

Family secrets

After breakfast, Joe, Pete, and Andy all came over again. They all said they wanted to see Jamie since they haven't in a while. I sat on the couch next to Pete while Patrick was doing something. Don't ask, I wouldn't know either.

"So Jamie, how's it feel to be in the home of two of the mushiest people ever?"asked Joe from the arm rest he was sitting on.

"Hey!"I protested.
"Ugh,"Jamie sighed,"I don't want to hear or see anything they do."
"We're not the mushiest,"I protested again.
"Yes, you are,"Joe fired back.
"Dude, who the hell just got in a fight then?"I glared at him.
"Yeah dude, you're forgetting he didn't say 'I love you' for a week,"Pete chimed in to which Jamie turned to look at me.
"He didn't say 'I love you'?"Jamie stared at me opened mouthed.
"We had a fight, but we're over it now,"I smiled at her.
"What about?"asked Jamie
"It's nothing,"I lightly smiled,"you don't need to worry ok?"
"Worry about what?"asked Patrick as he walked back into the living room.
"You and Reg, fighting,"Andy put in. I glared at him when Patrick told me to scoot over with his hand and sat down beside me.
"We're good,"Patrick sighed,"Everyone has their arguments."

Patrick slinked his arm around my waist which pulled me closer to him.

"Yeah and then they fuck in parking lot,"Pete blurted out. We both turned our heads towards him, Patrick was turning a bit pink.

"We do not,"hissed Patrick.
"Oh, sorry,"Pete laughed,"I shouldn't have let that out."
"Ew!!!"Jamie squeled and put her hands over her ears,"This goes under not wanting to hear."
"Wait, you two seriously didn't?"asked Joe.
"Joe, we're not talking about this,"I looked at him.
"Oh...my....God..."was all I heard from Andy and Joe.

After that small outburst, Joe, Andy, and Pete took Jamie shopping claiming that they were giving us our last bit of freedom together. I sat at the island when Patrick walked over to me. He slide his hands up my thighs and leaned into me.

"I love you, you know that right?"Patrick kissed me.
"Yes,"I nodded,"I love you too."

We were making out in that spot for a good while, when one of us broke away for air. Patrick just leaned on his elbows and looked at me. He looked so cute with his hat on, I mean his earlier statement was true.

"6 months,"Patrick smiled,"Why didn't I fall for you sooner?"
"Because we were both seeing other people,"I sighed.
"It doesn't matter, I can't imagine my life without you."
"Yeah, your bed would be a lot emptier without one Reggie Spears,"I smiled.
"It would, but I'd be lost without you."
"Patrick, that's beautiful,"I smiled,"You really mean that?"
"Yeah,"Patrick smiled at me.
I leaned down and kissed him again.
"I'll never leave you,"I smiled.

We moved from the island and went to sit on the couch and watched a movie. A couple hours later, Jamie came back home and headed to bed since she did have a long flight and then was out most the day with the rest of the guys. Me and Patrick went to bed around 1 am, I climbed into bed and his arms went around my waist. Soon I was in a sleep which was rare for me since I tend to be an insominac. I woke up a couple hours later, not able to get back asleep. I looked at the alarm next to the bed that read 3:32...I groaned as I moved to get up. Patrick turned over and continued to sleep. I walked out of our bedroom to my kitchen to get something to drink when I seen Jamie sitting on the couch.

"Jamie, what are you doing up?"I asked.
"Oh, hi Regg,"Jamie wiped tears away in the dark,"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up."
"You didn't,"I walked over to her on the couch and sat on the arm rest with my water,"So why are you up at this hour?"
"It's nothing,"she sniffled.
"Jai, it's not nothing, tell me."
"Well, it's just mom,"Jamie sniffled.
"Yeah, I'm not on her good side, like ever,"I smirked.
"She's treating me like she did to you,"Jaime ringed her hands.
"She's not hitti--"I stopped myself Jaime didn't know about that part.
"What?"Jaime asked.
"Nothing, what's she doing?"
"She compares me to Britney, only talks about Brit, and then she puts you down when you're not around. So the other night I stood up for you and Patrick,"she took a deep breath,"I never seen her get so angry."
"Aww, Jamie, don't cry,"I moved over to her,"But thanks for standing up for me."
"Yeah,"Jamie laughed a little,"Then she hit me across the face. That's when I called you."
"She's never done that before,"Jamie's eyes started watering and I pulled her into me as she cried.

Patrick stood at the bedroom door watching us. I knew he heard all of what she said. He had the most sympathic look in his eyes.

"Jamie, you can stay with us for however long,"Patrick spoke softly.
Jamie looked up at him and then back at me.
"Don't worry, he won't say anything about what's happened,"I smiled,"He's heard a lot before."
"Thank you,"she smiled and stood up,"I'm going to try and get some sleep."
"Alright if you need anyting, we're just down the hall."
Jamie nodded and walked over to Patrick and gave him a big hug.
"Thank you."
"No problem,"Patrick smiled,"Good night Jamie."

Jamie walked off to her room and I turned to look at Patrick who didn't move from his spot.

"You never cease to amaze me Patrick,"I smiled,"It's why I can't stop loving you."
"coming back to bed?"He tilted his head to the door.

I stood up and walked to the bed room. Soon again I was asleep and felt Patrick's bare chest against my back. That's the thing, he was always so afraid to sleep with no shirt on but I made him comfortable. I didn't care, I liked...scratch that love the way he looked shirtless. I woke up to the sound of the alarm at 7 am. I groaned trying to fall back asleep when I realized that today was press day and some band practice for my band today. I got out of bed, dressed, the usual routine quicker than before. I told Patrick and Jamie good bye and then headed out to the first interview of the day. it was on Q101 which actually didn't start til 10 but I had to meet my band early, get coffee and make sure we were there beforehand so we weren't late. Then after that, was like 2 magazine interviews (one of which I knew would talk about me and Patrick which I wasn't looking forward to) and the other was about music. Then 3 hours of band practice, today was going to be a looooong day.