Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss

Squirrels for Breakfast

"Mom! Can I please run to school?! I don't want to bump into Jessica. Cause if she 'accidentily' bumps into me again I will flick her weak little arm off with my pinkie!",also there was a squirrel making a loud whining noise 2 miles away. I am also quite thirsty.

I grabbed my ipod and swung my backpack over my shoulder and was down the stairs and in the kitchen in half a second flat. I turned to see my mom, turning to give me the "Mom-knows-best" look.

"No, I don't want you to be noticed.", she said sternly. My mom was an immortal reincarnation of beauty like the rest of us. The cold ones. Vampires. She had a creamy milk choclate tone and her eyes were a honey color. Her hair was as dark as darkness itself. To look at her you fall in love, feel envy, a pang of jealousy, and are put into a trance. Sometimes her smiles could brake your heart. Luckily for me, mine doesn't beat.

"But, mom. You and I both know that there is no way that I could be seen at the speeds we can go up to.", she looked at me sheepishly and I knitted my brow. She sighed.

"The squirrel was delicious. Now go to the bus stop. Normally.", she pushed me to the door and I planted my feet and scowled.

"Mom, that was not fair. I am a little hungry slash thirsty and you go and get it leaving me dry. Then, you try and-", I ranted. She then was across the street in the Hensen's yard and back with a squirrel. It was shocked and then when it had finally got the sense of danger. It knew that it was in danger stranger than a bird or a car.

We flashed towards the basement. Which wasn't supposed to be there. We did some non-documented renovating. My mom stepped on the fake log until the bottom of the chimney swung open. We both dropped down. It was just like an extra floor. In case we got some nomadic vampires who needed a quick place to stay. It looked like a dungeon like hotel suite.It was to keep our neighbors safe. Ourselves as well.

I protruded my bicuspids till they became fangs and felt my eyes cloud. To where they would look bloodshot. With a slowly darkening golden colored pupil. I bit into the thickest vein on the right side of it's neck and noticed that it must of had meat. Cause it's blood was sweeter and more copper-flavored than normal for a squirrel. It was dry by the time I had finished the thought.

I saw my mom light the antique stove in the far-left corner. I flashed over and threw the sold body into the fire. This was a precaution as not ot have an investigation of why there was a large amount of cold, bloodless squirrels. We really aren't that paranoid. It's just the way we have to live.

We waited as I felt my eyes clear back to an egg-white color and the hot cocoa color replaced the faded gold. My jaw muscles relaxed and I was calm and not so dangerous. My mom flashed behind me and gave me a hug from behind.

"I love you, Laura", she muttered as she kissed the top of my head.

"Are you happy now?", she said mocking my rant from earlier. I gave her a sarcastic cute little smile. She patted my head pleased. I rolled my eyes. Of course she was able to tell even though she was across the room already. She flashed back and popped me up-side my head. I scowled then giggled a little as we pounced out of the opening 12 feet above our heads. I pulled the latch shut as I slipped through.

"But, seriously! I can't stand her ma'! She is a horrible little thing.", I said pleading one last time.

"You are riding the bus.", she said plain and simple. With full implication of 'The End'. I sighed and took deep breaths.

"Sometimes, I swear you get your patience levels from your father?", she said sarcastically.

"Yeah, my dad is NOT the calm one.", I said equally sarcastic. I could tell she was rolling her eyes.

I heard footsteps at the beginning of my front door walk way. I recognized the blood scent. Christian Joseph. The only human that had almost an exact affect on me as I did all other humans. He was my best friend he knew everything about me, he needed to know. He was so cute. He also had a mouthwatering scent. Yet, I could never get myself to do something like that.

I could tell him tapping his foot on the other side of the door. I opened it and he grabbed my right hand and pulled me into a hug slash noogie. I gave him a wet willy. My mom took a picture of the two of us in battle. He tried to bite me, which was ironically funny, cause I shouldn't do the same thing. No fair. Also, the fact that the camera was in my room, under my bed ,at the bottom of a little box, filled with stuff ,was not fair either. She used her speed, yet I couldn't get a squirrel. Well, we laughed together for a couple of seconds. But, the bus was coming around the block 7blocks down. We would have to run down 2 blocks.

"Hello, Ms. Morris. "

"Hey, Christian. You two get to the bus stop.", she said cheery as we turned to the sidewalk.

"Yes, ma'am!", we said as we sped into a human sprint.

"Tell your mom, we will be there Thursday at 7 pm.! ", she bellowed to were it was audible to him. We wer going over to his house in two days for dinner and a movie. As an immortal teen that still seemed lame. But, whatever, we would be eating at their house. Then going to the movies watching two seperate movies. They were going to watch Journey to the Center of the Earth, and Christian and I were gonna watch The Mummy 3: The Dragon Emperor.

"Okay!", he said as we were crossing the street and half way down the next block. The bus was 3 blocks away still. He sped up and I faked as if I was tired.

"Slow down I am out of breath.", he stopped, turned, and came behind me and started escorting me with his warm palms in my back shoving more than escorting.

"Get your butt to the bus before it leaves without you.", he said as he chuckled under his breath. I planned to play his game.

"Bye, Jerk", I said as I sped up, while he just gawked at me angrily as I made it to the bus stop first. The bus was coming up and slowing the Elementary kids got on first. As they left their moms' and younger siblings with slobbery kisses and pecks on the cheeks. Christian balled up his fist and punched me in the left shoulder. As if it would hurt. I laughed at both the gesture and the inside joke. He was so entertaining. I turned my head to his angry face and stuck my tongue out. He got on first and I followed him to the back of the bus.

"Please don't be mad at me.", I pleaded leaning into him. He could never resist that. Although he tried to with all his worthless might. He would roll his eyes and look away to the window on his left to try and have a chance. But, my reflection showed through the glass. Making it worse. He sighed and I grinned as he turned his head back to me and raise his hand in defeat. I wrapped my arms around his waist for a quick hug and he sneered at me.

"That was not funny."

"Of course. That was very mean of me. I should not of tricked you to stop, move Behind me, and push me forward in front of you.", I said sarcastically emphasizing 'behind'. He scowled and I could tell he wished I would shut up. Then, his emotion changed and he looked at me with curious eyes. I decide to not just easily search his brain for the answer and learn humanly.

"What?", I said tilting my head to the right.

"I just feel like something bad is gonna happen to us.", that caught me way off guard. Another characteristic I loved and hated about him. When I think I have him figured out. He does something smart, when he should do something stupid. Something stupid when he should do something smart. Just spontaneous as always but this was confusing. I knitted my eyebrows and matched the fear and confusion of his. Cause the only things I feared should be feared by even hell itself.

"Like what could make you feel that way about us? You wouldn't let anything happen to me and I wouldn't let anything happen to you over the fate of the world. You of all people know I am strange", not the other strange thing about me, " And if there is anyone I can count on it's you."

"Yeah, I know that but, I had a nightmare. Can I tell you later, when we are more alone?", he said pushing the emotion back. I nodded. I almost just went into his mind to find out so it would not keep me worried all day. But, I wouldn't want him to feel bad about making me depressed. We both sighed and I noticed him inch toward my hand. I grabbed it and he mouthed 'Thanks'. I nodded again. We sat in silence together. The bus went down 4 blocks and 3 blocks to the left and slowed. He let go of my hand since we were coming up to Jessica's stop.

She loved to piss me off. Some days' I want to scare her to hell and back in my vampire form. But, I would surely be scolded for it later. Whatever to that if it was just my mom. But, if the Mother and Father of all Vampires came out. I would be staked for 24 hrs. It wouldn't kill me. Just scar me for my life. It be like crab pinches after the first six hours. She is crushing on him for jealousy of me and he is the only boy she hasn't been able to throw herself at. He isn't stupid, he knows, and he also isn't like that. In his words 'Sharing the same hanky for 2 years'. He doesn't want what she might have.

I would be sympathetic if she had been raped when she was little. Been to multiple foster homes. Something that could of scarred her for life. She thought it would be cool to have a baby of her own and understand what is so painful about childbirth. She is just a Slut. How I know this? My little 'ability' if you didn't piece it together. Without my ability, I could tell she didn't wear bras or underwear, because her close were always tight ,and never had pantylines or bra straps. If she took a deep breath she would pop her second skin off. She was cute and smart, but she had that stupid goal of pregnancy ruining her life.

The bus stopped and today she had on a lacey teal sphagetti strap top with a denim mini- jacket. She doesn't have a belly ring. She doesn't want a belly ring. The only thing that would pierce her was what she wants. Think about it. She also had on tight denim capri pants and brown, white, and banana yellow fluffy boots that went up to her calf.

She bounced down the aisle like a playboy bunny. She stopped and sat in front of Christian and me. She gave me a glare. I was finst to give her the finger, but Christian , with his head down and tilted to me, nudged me as to mean calm down. He had a smirk and acted as if he was wiping his nose while he mouthed '365 days.' I muffled a chuckle and then she asked for a death wish.

Jessica pushed my head down and Christian grabbed my arms as if trying to contain them. He knows me pretty well. But, this could be useless if I was a less human trained vampire. So, I would try to use my words. Nothing she could do would actually hurt me. But, man was she trying to push me over the sanity mark. I looked at her fierce. I smiled an evil grin she pulled back her fear and kept it up.

"What so funny, ya bitch.", she said in her skanky little voice while shaking and twisting her neck. I wanted to pop it off. Christian had booted me up and forcfully escorted me to the front of the bus. Where we were sitting in the one empty two seats in the center of all the elementary kids. I growled under my breath and he started giggling. I bit my lower lip and he leaned in and held me in his arms to keep me from running back and slapping her threw the window. For a human that would be an idle threat. For me, I could make it happen.

Finally, a safe haven slash battle ground. The school. She actually made it off the bus alive.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sarcasm is always sarcastic.
Hope you liked it if you didn't -WHATEVER-
The point of reading chapter 1 is to get ready to read chapter 2 and comment.