Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss

Come On In

C.J. walked towards me. I walked back to the living room and looked at me with a sly goofy grin on his face. Skyler came up behind C.J. and I saw the crimson tint on his left eye. He needs a little blood.

"Skyler can you move the trash bin to the curb for me?" he looked at me and mouthed 'Thank You' over Christian's shoulder.

"Yeah, sure." he said then he went through the kitchen and out the back door.

"Christian hopped over to the couch and sunk into it. The couch is Everglades green and really low to the ground. It looks high but it's just that the seat cushions are extra plush.

"Do I ever tell you how much I love this couch." he said sinking deeper into the cushion. I sat on his stomach and he gave a strained chuckle. I put my arms behind me along the top of the couch and then I lifted my feet on top of the coffee table.

"I love this couch, too." I said smothering his gut with my butt. He huffed and turned over to grab my waist and pull me next to him. I turned over and kissed him lightly on the forehead. Then he gave me a noogie. He knows I hate my hair being messed up.

" Ay! Stop it!" I got up and punched him. And I heard Skyler coming back. He had to dispose of the body. And I am pretty sure that a secret fireplace compartment would be obvious to even C.J. So I ran upstairs and he slithered up with me.

Once he was in I closed my bedroom door. Skyler slipped down the shaft.

He started tickling me and was starting to pull off my socks while I was kicking on the floor laughing. Skyler knocked and opened the door. His eyes were full blue now.

"Dude get her other leg." Skyler joined int the fun but he knew, being a vamp and all, what would make me laugh. I grabbed my pillow and aimed it at Skyler first but C.J. put me in a head lock.

"Let me go! Let go! Please! I'm gonna peeee!!!" He let me go then I wacked the both of them and ran down the stairs. I ran for the Nerf guns cabinet.

It's on now!!!

"Boys! Suit up! If you can get to the door!!!"
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It's been forever and a day isnce I last continued this story. It'll be picking up speed in just a couple chapters. Plz comment.