Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss

Can you explain?

I looked at C.J. sleep and waited till he was deep in sleep to go and see my mom. The dream he had never left his mind. The whole time we were playing Nerf. Whenever he bumped into me he kept the dream playing through his mind. I hoped so much that it was just a nightmare of him not beleiving that I am his. Shallow thought yes. But, I rather the ego boost compared to the chance he could be having visions from being around me alot and with me nosily looking through his thoughts alot. I hope so badly that it is not true. I walked into my mom's room and she looked up from some small paintings that I have never seen but they look familiar. The frames do anyway.

"Yes, baby?" she asked.

"I need to talk to you. Well really i need to show you something." I walked over to the small couch on the back wall window. She got off her Queen sized bed and grabbed my hand.

"This is the dream that C.J. had about us. It scares me cause it is so acurate." Then, I let it seep into her mind. At the beginning she had a smirk on her face. The image of me most likely making her smile. But, then there was the scary part of blurs. And then, the end. Just me. She let go of my hand and looked down and I could tell she was thinking hard.

"Skylar." she said in barely a whisper. Then, he was in the room. I looked at the paintings that my mom was holding.

"Skylar can you tell me where you got these?" he nodded yes.

"They are from Rhena Higgins. She sees the effects of causes." Just another way of saying she can see into the future. "She sent me east. She doesn't know much of course cause the future changes just by knowing it. But the one thing is.They are heading this way." I felt colder than ice. At the same time I was boiling in the center of the sun. I felt like a rock that couldn't move. Then, I had to stop breathing.

"And you.." I let my emotions get the best of me. "You knew this whole time and didn't say crap!" I hissed. " When where you going to say something?! Once we saw them with our own eyes?! And be like 'Oh and before i forget. They are closer than we thought.'" I said barely able to hear my own self. Cause I was shattered on the inside. I inched toward him hands open and ready to tear him limb from limb.

"I am so sorry." I listened to the words and looked into his Blue eyes. I couldn't hurt him any more than I could to C.J. I looked at him again and apologized for trying to shred him a second ago. He nodded in understandment and looked at them. I looked to and I saw one that matched C.J.'s dream. A patch of grass in the middle of a forest or woods. Pines. A lot of Pine trees.

I walked out of the room.

"Laura?" I walked back in and looked at my mom. " Are you gonna be able to do this?" I wanted to say I might as well die.

"Of course mom. I am strong." she smiled at me and Skyler looked at me apolpgetically. Then, I walked abck down the stairs into the living room and had to laugh at C.J. He looked so adorable. He was splattered across the couch with the covers only across his chest leaving his legs showing. He had his mouth wide open and was lightly snoring. And still I could see all of his goofiness across his face. I had to get him something to make sure he never forgets me. He won't forget my eyes. My hair. My skin. My touch. My smell. My voice. He will not be allowed to forget me. I have all the pictures of us since we first met riding tricycles down the street. I had to only because I had to try to seem normal. I was technically 3 years old.

He had the same chipmunk dimples he does now back then. I am going shopping. I went upstairs and changed into a black top, jeans, and my light winter coat. Skylar told me that he would watch after C.J. while I was gonna. Which calmed me and made me so tense. I was glad that C.J. would be fine. But, I still didn't want to think abou that chance.

Then, I walked until I was alone on the street. And was sure all humans had me out of there sight. Then, I burnt of just to help calm myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tears and hidden sadness. Goodbye C.J.