Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss


I got up off the floor and cracked my back. I looked at C.J. and shook his chest till he started gigling awake. He looked at me and gasped. I looked behind me confused at his expression. I looked back at him and sighed. He was just looking at me. But, he is just so retarded. He rolled back over on his side and almost went right back to sleep.

"Boy get up! We have to go to school!" I nudged him on his face. He grunted and did a push up.

"999, 1000" he counted as if he could ever do more than 99 or 100. I chuckled and went upstairs to shower. I saw him go to his duffel bag and he sat on the floor. I heard his breath hitch and turned around. I walked next to him and wiped at the tears on the side of his face. He pulled me off and turned his head.

"You are a man! Get it together!" he smacked himself and turned back at me with his goofy smirk and dimples. I kissed the tear we had both missed and went back upstairs. He started browsing his memory gifts I had gotten him. I walked in my mom's room first and saw Skyler walk out of the bathroom wiping his face.

"Morning Skyler." I said he nodded and I felt wind hug me. I grinned. This is what we are somewhat trained to do. Keep on a mask and seem as far from the real emotion or problem as possible. Except when it comes to the fangs, blood, and strange colored eyes for some. I looked at my mom. Grabbing all her business papers and she turned to me."

"Hey, baby. You alright?
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I wrote this 3 minutes after the 9th subscriber. Thanks <3 <3 <3PLEASE COMMENT