Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss


I hugged her and she kissed my forehead. She passed by me and grabbed her stuff off the bed and left to the car. C.J. said Bye to her as he opened the door for her.

I got in the shower and did all the usual just a little bit faster than normal. I calmed myself down by putting my hand in the boiling bath water. I turned it off as not to waste it all. C.J. still need to bathe.

I put on my grey camo top and my black jeans and put them over my black tie up boots. It was chilly today and even though. I am barely bothered with anything I know it best to stay in character. My character being a non-chalant teenage girl. In the latest eskimo fashion for Ashland, Ohio. I sighed.

I remembered I promised C.J. waffles when he got up. So I dragged my stuff effortlessly down the steps and sat it in front of the door. I made waffles for all 3 of us. Then, C.J. came down followed by a goofy grinning Skyler. I rolled my eyes and put the syrup bottle into harms way. Next to the boys.

"What homework do we have Laura?" C.J. asked. I was taken back a mile at how calm he was. Nevermind my emotions. I need to get with the program. I actually thought about.

"We have Spanish Worksheets on "Donde Esta Waldo?" and to finish the map for World Regions. You have to have your math page done." He nodded triuphantly having done it ahead of time. " And I have to put glitter and string on my poster for science class on planes and all other things that fly." I finished.

He looked at his last peice of waffle and pouted. I laughed and pushed my plate to him. He grinned and barbaricly stabbed at my last one and stuck it on his plate. I gestured with my eyes for Skyler to meet me in the guest room. I walked off patting C.J.'s back. He looked at me so calmly. I kissed his cheek and he went back to the last half of my ex-waffle.

"So what are you gonna do?" I asked. He shrugged. He looked at me appologetically again and I gave him a quick hug.

"I will still be here tonight though." I nodded happily. He let out of the hug and grabbed a right handed glove that stopped at the knuckles. We vampires love souvenirs. What is eternal or long life if you really weren't in it. I put it on and hugged him again.

"I'll get you something you can take to remember me by." I smiled and walked off to the kitchen.

I washed up C.J. and had him change his shirt. " I still don't understand how you missed your mouth unless the food finally tried to run away." Ironic being what I am huh?

We grabbed our stuff and snuggled off to school.

. The rest of the day turned into a surprise assembly. My group of strange awesomensess friends sat together and me and C.J. held hands the whole time. I tried not to lean on him as not to have any teacher bother us with that stupid PDA rule. I just stayed with C.J.s thoughts. He was just paying attention to the assembly. He also had a small section just for me in his mind where he was so pissed about the damn teacher that was sitting on the stage in front of us and the one on the side of us who would get in the way.

It was time for lunch and we had to sit in silence because of a stupid argument I was not paying attention to. Something about the preps trying to gang up on the monitor to get her to back off of them and stop eavesdropping on their shallow conversations.

"I just want to have special alone time with my baby. Oh. My. Goodyness. I just called him my baby! He is not to know. but, then again. Everyone. I reapeat Everyone. Else should know too. My boyfriend. Mine.

I am losing time here. Me and Angel started laughing at another sickly perverted joke. If you think in the gutter as the old folks say all the time. You get so much more laughs out of life. Then, it was time for part two of the assembly. Which I finally payed enough attention to know that it was about safety and fires and why pulling the fire alarm is blah...blah..blah. This has got to stop. Soon!! I sighed and he squeezed my hand. I bent down and kissed his hand lightly and the blood moving slowly in him sped up a little and then calmed down.

"Today has got to be almost over." He hissed.

"I am even more bored then you are." I whispered back. We chuckled and went back into a coma like the rest of my friends. Marissa and Angel were fighting sleep and loosing. Angel was just sliding into a stupor. Marissa looked gone with the wind. I am gonna miss them badly.

This is all gonna hurt really soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will be continuing more often. I hate to wait so why make you few wonderful people vampires werevolves and fallen angels. And the rare reborn angelic demon. I am thinking of a savage chapter with a rampage. Yep. I will be updating soon. Thank you. xoxox and whatnot.