Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss

Love Explodes

"Are you okay?", Christian asked. Patience can be hard for young bred vampires. Especially during the 10 to 16 year marks. I am actually over averaged in the patience department. If you can believe that. But,to make sure I keep my temper I clear my mind. So, he got worried when I wasn't breathing. I sucked in air.

"Sorry. But, I just can't-", he cut me off.

"Stand the thing. I know. Time to get off the bus.", he said mocking me. I sneered at him.

"You know what? I can't stand you.", I said with a smirk as I looked up at his eyes.

"I know.", he said with a grin. He picked up his backpack and stood in the aisle to make the other kids stop. His way of being a gentlemen. I scooted to the aisle and grabbed my bag. The kids behind him weren't angry or annoyed they were thinking "Oh, how sweet." The only annoyed one was Jessica. As if I would care.

She huffed and pushed past all the other kids just to try and get to me. But, when she got to Christian, he was at the steps. So, when she pushed him, he fell forward. Thankfully, I am strong and quick. So I was able to stop him from hitting the concrete before he got a bloody nose. That would of been bad for him and everybody else up to 3 counties away.

Christian also had quick reflexes. He had stretched his right leg to his chest to try and snap up. I crouched and my hands flashed under him to keep him up. I straightened up and he held onto me for balance. I could tell he was about to explode. I let him go. And his face was glowing red. He would make a great vampire.

"What?! Is?! Your?! Problem?! Leave me alone! You are a waste of life! Just drop dead, would ya! That might! Just, maybe! Get me to even think of thinking of coming around you ever again!", The whole time he had said that, I had fallen deeply in love. He had his fists clenched so tight you'd think he had just ground his bones from the inside of his entire body. I was expecting him to pass out from the fact that he had used the same breath through all of that. He always held in his anger towards Jessica. He was just somewhat syphathetic since she was ruining her life. So, I guess he didn't have anymore room for her. I almost felt sorry for her. Almost. Not really.

I grabbed for his arm and he took a second and third breath. I pulled him to the front office. So he could get some water. He grabbed my hand with his left hand and we walked. He was doing this to show her what everyone else had grasped. We were boyfriend and girlfriend. I wanted him to let go cause I was a little unstable. It was getting hard for me to keep from just kissing him for once. But, I am still not sure if I am strong enough to not kill him.

When we got inside, everyone cautiously slipped passed us. Jessica, walked passed too. The little tramp didn't even let his words phase her. She had brushed it off. She will never learn. Christian had let go of my hand to get a drink from the water fountain. He leaned up and I wiped his cheek. He smiled apologetically.

"Sorry that I put you on the spot like that. It's just she is so stupid."

"You don't have to tell me.", I said sarcastically raising my eyebrows with a smirk.

"Also, if you exploded first. I wouldn't be able to get my turn.", he said regaining his cute humor.

"That's true.", we started laughing with each other and he put his right arm around the back of my waist. I thanked Jessica in my mind. This was confortable and irritating cause I wanted the school day to end so I could try and see how strong I was.

Christian wanted the same thing. He leaned in to kiss me before we went inside the class room. At that moment I had no choice but to take it like the strong teen vampire I was.

It was soft, sweet, and driving me insane on the inside. I used the old shy look away to make sure my eyes weren't red. They weren't? I licked my teeth and my fangs weren't down either. I looked at him and he was sort of dazed. Poor boy. Lucky boy too.

"Earth to C.J. Are you there?", I pulled him into homebase to make sure we weren't late. He came back to life.

Mr. Kris, the 8th grade Social Studies teacher and my homebase teacher, looked at us walking through the door from his desk in the far right corner of the room. He had a skeptical look and marked us off on the roster and submitted it to the front office.

Mr. Kris was one of those rare cool teachers. At the end of 7th grade, everyone wanted his homebase. Cause he let you have a little more freedom in his classroom as long as you didn't go over board. Like we were able to sit on top of the desks and guys could throw paper airplanes. Little things kids get in trouble for. So, I cheated. I would not want Christian anywhere near Jessica or anywhere away from me. So I personally got Christian and me in Mr. Kris's homebase. And put Jessica in the farthest Homebase from Mr. Kris's.

We headed to our desks alongside the windows. All of the desks were in 6 columns from the smartboard to the class computers along the back wall of the classroom. Seperated into 5 rows. From the door to the window. I was in the third seat from the front of our row. Christian sat behind me.

"Wow.", he said. He saw I was still looking at him and he bit his lip. I punched his arm playfully. He looked away from me to see the class staring at us. Shauri and Jasmine, sitting across from each other on the second and third rows up front, were wooping with their hands in the air going "Go Laura". I rolled my eyes. Jacob, in the center of the room, gave Christian a thumbs up. Christian rolled his eyes. I was even more comfortable with Christian. He put his foot on the side of my chair. I decided to take his shoe.

"Hey, give it back." he said reaching for his shoe that I had passed to Marcus. But, Mr.Kris came and took it when the announcements started the only time we were to act like a regular class of students.

"Nobody needs to smell his feet.", Mr. Kris joked as he put up the Plan of the Day for his first class.
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Hope you liked the sarcasm
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