Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss


I drove up to Jessica's house and saw Laura in the middle of the lawn walking away. I pulled up and ran out of the car like a worried mother would be. I slid under the tape and grabbed Laura holding her to me.

"Are you hurt? What do you think you were doing? You should have at least tried to call me sooner. Baby? I am so glad you are all right." That last line I spoke came from my petrified heart. Laura sighed into me and I held her a little tighter then let her go. An officer walked up to me. His pocket saying Grunger. He introduced his self and I nodded in respect and calming worry for my child.

I saw the man right before he had gone in. He is a scout for the chairman. I hid that far in my mind so Laura wouldn't know where I was really trying to get to. Or what I was up to.

"....and ma'am thanks to your daughter a little girl is safe." He nodded to Laura with a thankful smile and went to his partners. Jessicas parents came as I was getting in the car and was leaving. I saw she was finst to touch my elbow and I made the barrier tighter.She showed me what really happened. I nodded in understandment and dropped her and my stuff off. I made her think I felt like cooking tonight.

"What are we having?" Laura asked through the window.

"Creamy style chicken with rice." I answered and drove off.

Once I was past the school I opened my laptop and looked at the coordinates and followed them. I opened up the video chat and saw one of my brothers.

"Hello Sister."

"Hello Brother. The preperations for the young ones and Laura are they ready yet?" He was able to tell the fear in my voice. And easier the anger. I had to calm down first and slow down there were some police cars on the side of the road taking in some drinkers. All normal humans.

"Grazia." that made me pull on a smile.

"Do not go around saying my home name Savio." He chuckled.

"So then tell me sister, what is wrong?"

"Laura just got a scout from the Chairman transferred to Utah. He is the one who led them to Gemelos." Savio's silence showed his proudness of Laura. I was proud and scared for my baby.

"The dissappearance of the twins is saddening. Of course. But, they are not dead. That much I can feel." I nodded in understanding. The first and the last so far of us to be killed by the Chairman and his extremeists was Aurea. She did not know what to do. We did go in peace with humans now. But, they took her and when they did. They were taken as more than just a small group. Enemies. We used to take them and kill them on sight but they are not as naive as before. They have recruited and have a small network.So, we must consult others before acting.

I sighed and stopped and searched the woods listening to the communication of the animals. I was the only recent newcomer since I last came. Except for the nomads who were waiting for me. A family group of 4. I got out and picked up the car and held it at the handles I installed under it and ran to the meeting sight to pick up the nomads from the south. Once they saw me I put the car down and walked over.

"Hello Grazia. My lovely sister." Rosaria said greeting me with a tight hug and a thankful kiss on my cheek. I returned the gesture .

"Wonderful to see you again to Rosaria." the others walked forward. A boy and 2 girls.

"These are the young ones I care for. James who is 13." as she said his name he walked up in his tattered denim jeans and black muscle shirt with a duffel bag over his shoulder. He nodded and gave a guick smile showing a birth mark in the shape of a tree on the left corner of his mouth. His hazel eyes went wonderful with his florida tanned skin tone.

"The cousins here are Serena and Viola. They are both 17" they stepped up linked at the arms and chorused a chiming hello. They both had on black jeans. Viola had on a purple jacket and Serena had on a blue jacket. With 2 big suitcases behind them. Savio cleared his throat loudly from the passenger seat. I turned and pulled him out.

"Hello again children."

"Hello Savio." The girls chimed. James just looked at him and nodded. Silent boy.

"You will be meeting another young one."

"Well correction. I was picked up by another child. The one from Rhena. Rosaria looked at me. She knew of the pictures and feared for me.

"You are also not to harm any humans."

"Especially the boy across the street. Oh. There is more information on my child. And the boy. " I said directing the statements to Savio and Rosaria. We all were at an understanding and I told thwm to put there things in the trunk. James was a strong gentlemen and followed my path back to the road and sat the car down. I thanked him and he finally spoke telling me I was welcome as he opened the door for the girls.I grabbed my phone and called home. Skyler picked up the phone. "Yes ma'am."

"Tell Laura to prepare the down stairs rooms for guests." He had a silent shock. "You are still making chicken right?"


"Okay. I will tell her."
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Grazia means Grace and Savio means Clever or Bright in Latin
Thanks for reading