Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss


I walked down to Skyler. "What did she say?"

"Get the basement ready. Your mom is bringing some other young breds. And yes we are still having chicken and rice."

"Why are boys always using other body parts instead of that wad of gum called a brain." I mumble dropping down the steps. Of course she would not say this to my face. Knowing I would hate it. Seeing as I was semi-alone I growled and went to pulling out covers blankets and sheets. Skyler hopped down and started helping me.

"I am helping out of courtesy not fear." he said jokingly but it almost hinted at actual fear. I threw a pillow lightly at him and laughed. I ran up quickly and turned the oven on. I called C.J. and told him not to come over and that I will come and get him. He let it sink in.

"Are there gonna be boys?"

"I don't know yet. But, if so they won't do anything." He scoffed. Sounds like one of those 'women just don't know' things.

"Talk to you later."

"I love you Laura." I had to breath.

"I love you ,too. I will call you before you go to sleep." He hung up. Then, I finished the room. I went up to my room and looked at it. I eyed my blue box. It had tons of pictures of everyone I met. Vampire and human alike. I got my camera out. Hopefully the new folks are picture friendly. I was closing the box when I saw a picture of all my friends. All in a rediculous huddle. Then, it hurt. I have never had to leave. Which is what momma did not want me to go through. Nomads are so much luckier. Calling the world your home. So you never leave home. You're just walking with it. But, this has been my home since I left Italy 12 years ago. It hurt then. But compared to this feeling. It was barely a chill. I don't want this. Why?

"Why?! I. Don't! Wanna!" I fell to my floor and got my headphones that I may have altered to make the sound drown out even my thinking. I always could escape. The iPod is the best thing ever made. Well, one of the best. I went to Riot by Three Days Grace first. It was the last song I was listening to.

'Let's Start a Riot!!'
'If You Feel!'
'So Angry!'
'Just Get Up!'

I felt the door close. The only flaw in drowning out the world, it has to always try to get your attention somehow. Seemed like it was a guy there. I will have to tell C.J. Although he was probably spying I got up and looked at his window. I focused and it seems he refused himself to and made his self trust me. I sent him a quick heart u text. He got up and looked through his window to me. He pointed behind me. I looked and there was my mom. She took out my earphones. Back to reality. Bummer.

"Come downstairs, baby." She looked up and waved to C.J. He gave his one-dimpled grin. "I was actually hoping to call him son-in law or even son sometime." I sighed turned off my iPod and let her lead me down the stairs.

I saw a women. She smelled of cinnamon. She looked like cinnamon in human form. She had on an off-white button shirt with golden brown-embroidered stitches. With Khaki pants to match. Also, with real leather boots. They looked so fragile. I stopped looking her over. She looked familiar. I just saw her. Rosaria.

"Hello Aunt Rosaria." she smiled beatifully at me remembering who she was. She came and hugged me and I had a serious urge for cinnamon rolls.

"You always wanted cinnamon rolls." I had a quick flashback of the House in Italy. It was secretly houses connected by underground corridors. I looked at the boy. He looked mischievous I gave him a curious look and he just smirked. The girls looked at me and back at him. The one in a purple jacket came up to me. The one in the blue went next to the boy. They took out a bag and I could tell there was money in it. They were betting on me or the boy. I looked at the boy with an evil grimace and he gave the curious look.

"They act just like us when we were growing up at Home, huh, Grazia?" The four of us looked up with innocent eyes. Momma nodded to the fireplace. I turned and gestured for them to follow me. The boy grabbed the girls' luggage plus his. Gentleman? Or evil Butler? I open the bottom and landed in lightly. I finally thought about it. Where is Skyler?

"Hope you feel welcome. My name is Laura."

"This is my cousin Viola." said the one in the blue jacket. "And I am Serena."

"I am James." The girls seemed to melt. But, I just looked at him and waved. He looked a little confused and I think he almost pouted. So, is he a little adonis or something. Don't be rude.

"Well, dinner will start shortly. You guys don't have a problem with chicken and rice do you?"

They exchanged happy looks and all nodded. Serena spoke for them all." No. There is no problem."

"Laura?" Viola said. Serena looked at Viola and Viola sat down.

"What is it?" I answered.

"How is it?" I am kinda confused. Does she mean C.J.? The school of humans? Or having to drink animal blood?

"How is what exactly?" I walked over to her.

"Being able to keep control. You are known as the best in control. Being able to resist so strongly." I had to look down. I felt that pain again.

"I have grown to attached. I either think of them as all vampires or as me as just any other human with a creepy fetish. As my friend tried to explain how cool it would be. If only she knew. It would turn me suicidal if I ever hurt any of them. If I ever had to be taken away for their own safety. It would hurt."

"So you must be in pain alot." She said trying to figure out my wild emotions.

" I haven't been able to feel the pain until now. I have been so happy. So priveliged. It's been perfect. Until now. Until this." I hadn't known I had until Skyler was behind me. My fangs were down my eyes were dangerously mesmerizing. I had slipped into a crouch. My nails had came out all the way.

" I am Skyler." He said. They all answered hesitantly unsure of what to do.



"Viola." I knew she was sorry for asking. It wasn't her fault. Skyler held be a little tighter. I stepped out of the hold and started laughing. Yes. Laughing. Just laughing. They looked at me and only Skyler joined in.

"Dinner will be ready in just a sec." I said smiling while I hopped out the room.

"Laura wait!" I heard the girls say.

"Can we come up to your room?" They said together. I nodded and lifted myself up. Momma came over and kissed my forehead. I popped over to Aunt Rosaria and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then, ran up to my room with the cousins right behind me.
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Will be updating probably tomorrow or the day after.