Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss

He is Mine

"Your room is so us!" Serena squealed.

"Are you related to us!" Viola agreed.

"It's so happy emo! Or so.. I don't know. Viola?" said less high-pitched.

"Depressed happy person." Viola answered. She smiled watching my face. I was just letting them speak so I could know them more. They seriously seemed like me. Just happy to still be alive. Or something along those lines of happy feeling. With a dark secret to keep hidden.

I turned on my laptop and gave it to them and got on my computer. I checked for messages and my story comments on mibba. I had a few more. Made me happy. One awesome kid with a cool name said to update or die. I just might. So I popped up another chapter dedicated to him. I turned to the girls who had got on the same website and had already read the first 9 chapters.

"Awesome story. Your characters are hilarious." Serena said.

"Kinda weird. Like a good weird. " Viola added.

"I based it off of how happy my friends make me." I said. I picked up the blue box and gave Serena a picture of them all.

"I feel so sorry for you. You look happy. More than that." She showed it to Viola. Viola looked at the picture and pointed. I appeared over her shoulder and she was pointing at C.J.

"What about him?" I asked.

"Your eyes go straight to him. Usually a person eyes have to search for a point. But, you looked directly for him."

"That's my boyfriend.Christian." They both looked at me. With shock, confusion, the wtf look.

"Is he a first ever hybrid? Or are you seriously in love with a human." I don't know about that first option. But, I will keep that from them for now.

"Yes he is a human. And yes we love each other." I said as stern as ever. I was so proud to say it. It made me feel so giddy. Weird word. But, that's what I can call it. He is mine. No matter what.

"He is mine." they looked at me. They shooked their heads.

"Dang!" I jumped back.


"We can't tell if he's got you. Or if you've got him. " They chorused. I glaredd at them. Stuck my tongue out like the mature person I am. They giggled. "Haters." I mumbled. I heard a laugh. I turned to my door and James was there. I glared at him. And he returned the same stare. I ran past him. I looked at my mom and she nodded knowing that I would want to go see C.J. I ran across the steet at a more normal, natural, you know like I was a human. I walked in using the spare key that C.J. gave to me in case he lost his.

"C.J.!" I smelled his scent. Crap! I am hungry!

"Laura!" I ran out fast and silent as possible. I saw a family of squirrels running. I grabbed them all and ran faster. Faster! I will not harm him. Ever! I stopped once I was in the epicenter of the woodland area. I bit down and felt better. I dropped the body and went to the next. I was finished with that one too. Now I was calmer. I dropped the last one and fell to my knees.

"I am being to careless." I said to myself. I shook off the feeling of fear and got rid of them. I grabbed the bodies and found some birds. Big ones. Owls? I walked up to the owls and they looked at me I dangled a body at one and it came to the tip of the branch and swooped down. I dropped the rest and the bigger one took the others. I stayed and watched the owls eat the squirrels. I sighed and ran back. Feeling so very bad to have left him like that. I let it all go and I ran. Or so I thought until I opened my eyes to his scent again. I was already at his house. I am gonna need to talk to momma about this. I stepped in front of the door again and this time I knocked. He opened the door.

"Were you here a second ago?" I nodded yes and pushed him into the house. He took that as I sign as it isn;t a big deal and dropped the question. I sat on the loveseat. How ironic, huh? He sat down and I leaned into him. He kissed my forehead.

"You're mine." I muttered. He looked me in my eyes.

"I had no choice now did I?" he said with his adorable one dimpled smirk. I had to. I kissed him. He chuckled and kissed us into a make-out. I heard clearly my mom saying she was bringing us some food.

"My mom will be bringing us some food." He nodded and rested his lips at the base of my neck.

"Diner for two my lady." He mumbled into my neck.

"You are so lame Christian."

"What!? No C.J." I laughed turning in to hold onto him. Momma was outisde the door. I got up and went to the door. He followed from the seat and yelled for momma to come in.She walked in and gave me the food. She gave me a don't do nothing you think a human momma wouldn't know. So, yeah. Momma knew about the recent make-out. She knows alot of stuff. It's my mom.

"Come here." she said walking to C.J. He walked up obediently and kinda lost. She hugged him and kissed the top of his head. "I always thought of you as my son." He hugged my mom back and she went back to Aunt Rosaria. She looked like she wanted to say Hi to C.J. too but thought against it.

I walked back to the living room and C.J. closed the door behind me.
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Since I updated I shouldn't die now should I?( Inside joke)
Well thanks for reading and please keep reading.
I will be updating soon.