Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss

My friends rock

I saw Jessica nd she was back to her regular self. She was still shaken up just a little bit but she was still slutty. She was on the lap of a Soccer player. He was enjoying himself.

I turned back to C.J. and he was happy to be rid of her. If she comes around him once she figures I am gone I will come back and kick her bony ass. Except for if she is pregnant. Why harm the innocent.

He saw the look on my face and smiled and as a reassurance of who he loves he kissed me so softly. He pulled me onto his lap and I bent down and kissed him with a smile stuck on my face.

I heard whistles outisde the window before the bus stopped and they had all been waiting for C.J. and me. I looked down sheepishly and they all stopped when I glared at them. Well except for Angel she was still snickering. I stuck my tongue out her as the mature person I am and she rolled her eyes.

"So love birds are you guys ready for the news. Today is a completely free day. All teachers are just giving out easy A's and are gonna let us play games. Of course educational ones. Until lunch when Ms. Ready and Mr. Gilmore are gonna have a girl's vs. boys traithalon till school lets out!" Marissa said in a high-pitched scream. She was just happy cause she had 3 tests and she only tried studying for one. And when I say she tried I mean she looked at the study sheet and ended up doing something else.

Thank You Viola and Serena I screamed in my mind.

"And the better of all of it is that the games and classes are free for alls. So whoever gets to the room first gets to stay. No assigned schedule." We all started running to Mr. Kris's room. He sat in the back of his room and was counting. We all made it in before he got to 30. So
I am guessing that is the room limit. The rest of the school half-sulked and ran to the next coolest teacher. Ms. Maria. Well, Senorita Maria. She was having the class dance.

"Well,.." Mr. Kris started to say as he got up with 3 beach balls." Please stack the desks against the back wall. And then Girls by the wall and guys by the window." I kissed C.J. on his cheek before helping with the pick up. I tried not to over-do it. I was finst to just pick up 3 desks. I didn't want to waste any time. Not today. I smiled at my friends. All accounted for.

He put the three beach balls in the middle of the room. "The red one is negative 10 points. The green is positive 10 points. And if you get the rainbow ball you get 15 points. When I stop the music you don't throw and you do not roll the balls. " I started laughing and heard other people trying not to laugh. Sick children always with the minds in the gutter. As if I should talk.

"Then we will tally up the points. Losers have to take the diagnostic test next Tuesday." That got all the boys scared. I mouthed sorry to C.J, Bishop, Eric, and Jacob. They all started whimpering remembering I am awesome at sports. C.J. knew for now why and was saying cheater. I went oh well and got ready to grab the negative ball and throw it on there side.

Mr. Kris started helping out the boys when it was 65 points to 20. So he would stop the music on purpose when the red ball was on the girls side. In the end it was still the girls who won but not by as big a gap. It ended 50 to 45. I might have pushed Rebecca G. into the negative ball right before Mr. Kris stopped the music. Making sure the guys lossed.

Then, we ran to Senorita Maria's room and danced. Lastly, before the start of the trathlon we went to Mr. Jonas. We had to find and match stickers and the winning group would get a homework pass. Teachers are just so unfair lately. Bribing students. The guys won this one because they would watch me and where I was headed then block me. So, I know none of them will be doing their homework.

Then, the triathlon consisted of a tug of war, ultimate frisbee, soccer, and a foot race. The guys won the ultimate frisbee and the foot race. The girls won the tug of war and soccer. Then I headed out front to meet my tired and happy friends. I had told them the lie of a trip to Buenos Aires and they were gonna miss me till I got back. Although truth is they won't know who I am by tomorrow morning.
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So much fun. If this actually happened I would be happy as can be. And tired and sore.
Well please keep reading and thanks. Love to you all.