Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss

Last Words

We walked through the shadows he held me close the whole time. All of his thoughts were telling him to wait like I told him. To not do what he might do. To not go into a depression over someone who doesn't exist here. Anymore. I was finst to stop listening in when is emotion in his thoghts got stronger. Not anymore, just for a while. And she does exist. Never forget that. He pulled me in closer and I turned into him and he picked me up. I rested my lips aginst the side of his throat.

"I love you Laura."

"I love you Christian."

We came into the street light to see the girls looking well like themselves. Yin and Yang. Quiet and loud. Just equal opposites. Then, there was momma and Aunt Rosaria smiling at us. He lowered me down hesitantly and stepped back. He looked at them all and James stepped up and put his hand out. This is getting a little too formal for my taste but I am just glad that under different circumstances we could be a family.

"Take care of her."

"I will."

"I can take care of myself!" I yelled not helping my point. So, I might get hot-headed and have temper at times. But, I still get the job done. They all laughed and then James hit C.J. in the back of the head and Skyler packed C.J.'s unconcious body back home. I glared at James and he headed for my mom and Rosaria.

"I don't think so!" I said kicking a soda can striaght into James. Mama and Aunt Rosaria knew I was gonna do that regardless and had already moved away from the splash zone. He mumbled and took out his phone. He hit 6 which was Skyler.

"Leave the money." he said then put the phone back in his back pocket.

"C.J. knew that was gonna happen." said Serena.

"And he knew you would get mad and hit James." said Viola.

"James thought he would be safe hiding behind me and Rosaria." answered my mom.

"But, of course C.J. was right." answered Viola

"You just won C.J. 500 dollars." The girls chorused.

I smiled and went and gave James a hug. He looked at me confused and just hugged me back. We all jumped up crawling up the wall. Once on top Skyler jumped behind us and nodded the all clear for us to head for Florida. We ran across the roof hopped down sprinted into the woods and started hopping through the tree braches. We used spice canisters to throw our scents away and leave them in the forest. So that any of the chairman's search animals wouldn't be able to find us. Viola and Serena followed the other. Skyler used his wind element to spread the spice all over the forest. James had left the route to set up a fake trail. We broke through the forest and there was a late night truck coming around the mountain in front of us.

James caught up and mom motioned for us all to speed up stay close and get ready to catch a ride. She ordered me to the front. I had the best precision. I sped ahead leaping up the mountain staying unseen from drivers. I landed on the roof of the truck and used my nails to pop the bolts and nails out and open up the shaft on top of the truck. Apparently it was a cold storage truck. They all followed suit and slipped into the freezer. Serena hopped in without Viola and Viola went into the passangers seat the truck was finst to fall off the edge. Mom pulled me in and James jumped out and suddenly the truck was straight and James hopped back in. I sighed and listened to whatever it was that was happening in the front. Viola was figuring out where he was supposed to be headed.

It turns out he was headed for North Carolina. So, we will just follow him down to Carolina and then either catch a ship down to Florida coast or run.
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So sorry for the wait for those who actually care to read this. Thanks for any support and for reading. But, just cause I can I am going to write that they aren't going to make it to Florida all together. Somebody's gonna go. You should already know who by now though. Whatev. Laterz....