Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss

My Tenders

The announcements bell went through the school. Since, everyone agrees that the bell is loud, to my ears the sound is a ringing annoyance. I would of done what I usually do and drown it out. But, after this morning, I was looking over all the facts to make sure that I was not the center of drama. I had to make sure there was no snooping by the ones who follow 'Ms.Popular'. Even vampires have drama in their lives.

"Hello and 'Good Morning' Crestview Middle School.", Angel and Marissa said. They were my closest friends, too. They did not want to do this. But, it was either this or helping the skaters clean the boys bathroom; they gave the skaters the idea to get extra-large woopee cushions, fill them with pudding, and burst them. So they can go around the school with 'diarhea'. It was health week and that was what they learned. The girls were kidding, but the skaters are just a little simple from to many collisions. So, they used the idea.

"This is Angel Willos...", she introduced. She was not an Angel. Her parents must of jinxed their little bundle of joy. She loved to wrestle and hit. That's how she greeted us. She loves to hit me the most because she thinks I am just tough. When, the real reason is I really don't feel the real pain. So, I am never bothered. But, I'll fake like I was in pain, act as if I was shaking it off and hit her pack. Lightly. And make her seem like she is the strong one. I am suprised she hasn't broken her fist. She tries to hit me as hard as she can in my back, but, I just don't seem to feel pain. It actually always tickles.

"...and Marissa Avery.", my other friend. She loves to give hugs as a way of greeting people. She was seemingly harmless. She would always kick and hold down Angel and me when we would start hiting again. The joke comes back again. It does not hurt me. But, I am an actor and entertainer. So, I let them have their moments.

"And this is the morning announcements.", with my hearing I could hear Angel saying 'Duh' under her breath. 'Everyone knows since we're announcin this in the morning. Why do we still have to say it.', She hissed. A smirk pulled up on the right corner of my mouth. I agree with her.

"We will be having Chicken patty sandwiches, baked beans, peaches, and milk.", she had stopped herself from laughing through the intercom. Angel must be losing it. She must regret not just helping the boys. But, I heard a rip. They must be silently killing each other in there.

"There will be a Book Fair at Barnes and Noble this Saturday. Get together with people in the community that have a similar interest in books as you do.", Angel said winded for some reason. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I stopped trying to figure them out cause they would tell me in the hall.

"They must be killing each other in there.", Christian whispered to me. I looked back and he was had a cute one-dimpled grin across his face.

"Nah, they are being normal for once.", we both chuckled.

"You may now say the Pledge of Allegiance. Have a Terrific Tuesday.", they said as if they were both in pain. Maybe I should of kept listening? Actually it was better that I didn't.

"Laura, are your friends constapated or have any medical defect that you know of?", he said a little worried. Everyone snickered and chuckled. I went with a sarcastic answer.

"If you want the truth and nothing but the truth, I can give you the whole list of issues by the end of tomorrow.", I said with a cute grin. He rolled his eyes. Christian almost laughed from the sheer thought of how long that list would be. Mr. Kris turned to the flag and crossed his heart. Everyone else copied. I just put my hand over my chest.

"Begin.", he ordered.
"I Pledge Alegiance
to the Flag,
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation, under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all."

The period 4 bell went off. Just as annoying as usual. I went out the room and saw Angel's shoulder bouncing up and down against the wall. I grabbed Christian's hand and of course we are just so in sync that he knew where I wanted to go. We rounded the corner and I dropped his hand. They were both red in the face. They were both weezing and crying. A couple of kids hurried passed thinking they had snapped. That made Angel stop brething. I looked at Christian for some reason he was cracking up on the insde. We walked over to them and pulled them up straight. Then, without warning we pounded the air into them. They gasped as if they wer just saved from drowning.

"", Marissa said trying to calm herself down. Angel started to burst from the inside. She had her lips clasped and pushing her spleen into place. Then, the joke was revealed.

"Ooh. My Tenders.", she had got that from Kung Fu Panda. But, there was a rip sound earlier. Why? Marissa tilted her head to Christian meaning he had to go. He understood this look and put his head down, huffed and walked away swinging from side to side. Angel walked over to me and pushed me to the right of Marissa. She stood on the left. Mariss slid up the wall.

"Bathroom", she whispered sheepishly. We slipped through in a tight triangle and went down the hall. When we were in the girl's room. She turned and the zipper was missing and dangling from her pocket.

"My Tenders", Angel repeated. Turning tomato again.

"There showing.", I said. Marissa glared at us which made it harder for us to stop. "Why are they-How is the zipper torn off?"

"I don't remember", she said.

"I'll go get you the long cargo pants from my locker. Ok.", I said gaining my composure.

"Thank you Laura. You. Are a good friend.", she growled. Angel just rolled her eyes and I hurried to my locker. Since, the hall was clear I flashed to my locker and grabbed the pants. They would look like really cute capris on her if she cuffed them. I flashed back. Marissa was in the third stall her ripped pants over the door. While Angel sat on the counter with her creepy happiness. She also loveed other people's pain. (Anti-Christ)

I flung the pants over. She put them on quick and was out in 42 seconds. We ran out the girl's room and made it to class. We all had Language Arts first. Everyone watched us and Christian waited for us to come join him and Josh at our table.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to my awfully wonderful (VIOLENT) friends.