Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss


Okay. I know I should be way more serious when I am to be on the down low from vampire killers. But, I seriously am not too comfortable in this frezer. No cushion or nothing. And I am losing the battle of sanity cause I keep coming close to crying. I miss him so bad. And it makes me mad as hell that he doesn't remember me. Instead he will feel half empty. James slid over and pulled me down on his lap. I rested in his lap. Since I was bored I went into his thoughts. I jerked up slightly as I heard the music in his head. He was listening to all the songs I had on my iTunes. I had forgotten. He was the little genius. I listened to his thoughts. The music stopped and he yelled hey at me. I looked at him sheepishly and he shrugged it off and continued Devil on My Shoulder by Billy Talent. That song gets so addictive.

We stopped and I didn't have to get out and look to know we were still in Ohio. I sat up and braced myself into the corner. James stood in front of me.

"Viola?" my mom muttered out. The back door opened and we saw Viola with a sheepish look. She saw all of us scared and mumbled an apology.
"His orders were just suddenly changed on the C.B. I don't think it best for us to stay with him. " and what that meant scared my heart solid. If they knew we were running. Then, they knew where we were. C.J.'s face came at me with a pulse. I winced and the lovely image that I love. James turned to me. He looked me over and then when he stopped on my eyes. My reflection hurt. I was so thankfull that C.J. wouldn't have to see. I could tell he didn't know what to do. But, he ended up doing the perfect thing. He pulled my hair over my eyes and matted it down. I pouted happily and styled it better. Mom looked at us and motioed for us to get off this truck. It was about 9 am.

"It's been barely past a good 12 hours." I mumbled. I saw it before I heard it. I searing sound. Then, I saw James wince and yell in pain. I looked at the direction the bullet came from. The trucker had gained conciousness and what he saw was a bunch of people at the back of his opened truck. We all ran off. Well, all but James. He turned back and punched the driver in the face.

"James!" Aunt Rosaria yelled furiously. "What do you think you are doing?"

"He saw us and I had to erase his memory somehow." was his smart answer. Aunt Rosaria came up to him and smacked his arm where the bullet laid.

"Stay close. Do not ever just leave. " he fell to the ground and nodded knowing that that was more out of the fear of him getting hurt. Well, being killed is more accurate. I was mad too. He would have broken his promise to C.J. I walked over to James and Viola threw the first aid bag and I threw my napsack to her and her and Serena went on behind my mom Skyler and a still simmering Aunt Rosaria.

"1.2.3." I counted.

"Wait what? Ugh!" he grunted. I pulled out the bullet with my thumb and ring-finger. He looked at me with a thankfull yet pained expression. I smiled grimly seeing as it was my turn to put alchohol on his cut. Well, his wound. I stuck a swab over it and took out the bandage wrap. He took off his shirt and well I was not to keen on seeing him without a shirt. He smirked at my expression and I made a sneer and pressed unnecessarily hard on his wound and took out a different shirt for him with my other hand. He chuckled. I wrapped my arms around him and he felt cold compared to C.J. But, of course there was the fact that he is a vampire too. Was I this cold to C.J.?

I sat back on my heel when I was done wrapping it around him and he put his shirt on over it. He shrugged and didn't wince. Which meant he was healing pretty quickly. I picked up everything. The next thing I did was pretty crude. But, yeah, I apologize. I grabbed the little rabbit I saw running past us and rubbed his belly across the area James and I had just been at. I had to cover over our scent somehow. James gave me a strange humored look when I turned up to look at him. I gave a nonchalant shoulder shrug and ran passed with him trailing behind me. When we had caught up to them they went into a run and we all leapt up a telephone pole and slid along the wires. Serena being the sensory of our group lead us. Once we got near traffic, lights, buildings, and more people we stuck to only shadows.

Mom stopped and pulled out her wig and mask. I guess we are setting up a waiting post at this motel 8. Which was across from a motel 6. The rest of us young ones caught that and stifled laughs and giggles. Serena pulled Viola and us to the room. We put on our masks and wigs too. We followed suit taking in all information on our area. Number of snacks in the vending machine to the setting of the thermostat. I saw that there was cameras in the elevators, the lobby, and on both ends of the hall of the first floor. A family of 5 came out and I saw from the reflection of the glass in the back of the elevator that the elevator on the right had a busted lens. We went down the left side though and entered into room 14.

She got a 3 bedroom and one living room with a small kitchen. Mom and Aunt Rosaria took the room closest to the door. The boys took the room closest to the kitchen. That left the twins and me as roomies in the back room.

I crashed drifting on out of it. The rest stayed alert giving me time. I let tears fall. No sound. Just the tears. James came in and against my wishes slid in next to me and just let me rest on him. I remembered Serena saying that James sticks up to his word. He was gonna take care of me.

"Would you like a request?" he asked with his stupid smirk. But, it was comforting at the moment. Even though he was gonna need to change his shirt again. I was still letting niagra falls come out of my eyes. I nodded and looked up at him.

"Famous Last Words by MCR, please, Mr. DJ." he nodded and I tuned into his thoughts and listened silently as he rested beside me. We hade laid in bed together for about 30 minutes before my eyes started to bug me worse than not using my lungs. I forced myself to stop crying and James petted my hair. Sensing I was calm the girls entered with something I know they obviusly stole.

"Where did you guys get that fondue fountain?" I said looking at the fountain and no them. Mom came in with Strawberries. Well, she came in with a box. But, I could smell the strawberries. She gave me the box then the others except for James went out and got there on little case.

"Laura. There is a small box inside yours for James. " Aunt Rosaria said. I forced a smile on. Technically I was still not sharing my strawberries. But, it seemed just as if I was. James put his hand around my waist and used his foot to kick the nightstand in front of my bed so we could all sit around it. Serena put the fountain down. Somehow James just wasn't letting go of me. But, then again I didn't want that. I got and lost a boyfriend. I needed the comfort.

Of course I am not that good at being normal. I got up and got a wire hanger and a peice of string out of the first aid kit in the bathroom. I stuck a strawberry on the end and flung it into the fountain. I jerked when they all went into a fit of laughter.


"You are so weird it's ridiculous Laura." Skyler said. I gave him a look that meant I will throw this hook your way if provoked. He hushed with a grin and went back to eating strawberries.

"Sister? Does she do this all the time?" Aunt Rosaria asked. I pouted and ignored the conversation going back to fishing for fudge.

"Yes. But, it makes our life a little easier to bear." I smiled at that and popped a big W-shaped strawberry in my mouth.
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As promised I updated sooner. But, yeah this sucks a little. For those who care I would like to ask for a simple comment of if you like or not.
Thanks for reading and will be updating soon.