Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss



"Hello. We have a package here for you." I listened to the voice and the voice I knew now by heart. I mouthed run. Then I jumped down making a hole for everyone to escape. They followed at my speed. Barely. I was so scared I heard nothing but air whistling. I was actually thankful that this place had a basement cause I didn't actually think that far. I just knew that the window was already covered.

"Run faster!" Viola yelled. She did not have to tell me twice but there was just one problem.

"We are out of tunnel!" I screamed down.I spun around and Skyler stepped in front of me.

"Wind picked up and then 8 mini twisters flew out and down the hall. I stepped to his side and scratched against the wall and my fingertips flicked on. I added fire with his wind and heard yells and screams of pain.

"Come on hurry!" James yelled stepping through the hole he had made. James took my hand and lead me away. Skyler stood still.

"Skyler!" His arms started to burn blue and a disastrous funnel came out of his ams and the tunnel collapsed. He turned and jumped in. We ran trying to catch to the others. The whole led up to the middle of a forest. My heart stopped when I passed by a boulder. No.Christian's dream.

I looked around and saw the trap. Bright white lights lashed out.

"Black Fire!" I screamed. Throwing heat energy all around me. The fire wouldn't go out till I stopped it. Non-extinguishable.

"Laura." I looked around and everybody was around. Relax. I need to relax.

There was laughter.

"You thought I would go away just because you got me with my own syringe." he said soothingly. I called on my element to bring the fire to around my family.

"Leave us be. We have done nothing wrong." My mother announced.

"Bring the fire down so we can see you. Vampires." another man announced.

"Laura." Aunt Rosaria said soothingly and solemnly. I exhaled and brought it down so they would be able to see us from the waist up. I looked each and everyone directly in the eye.

"You are abominations. A plague on humans and there is a cure for you." He said smugly.

"Genocide is not a cure!" Aunt Rosaria roared.

"Do not speak to me as if we are equal!" He replied.

"Then I will speak down to you, you filth!" Rosaria snarled.

"Rosaria." my mom said solemnly. The man came out of the see of faces and held out a knife and his wrist.

"You say you can blend in with humans. A lie. Blood is all you want. You are a danger to humans." he cut his wrist and Serena stepped towards the blood. She hadn't had much of any in the past couple days.

"Kill them!" he said walking back into the sea of faces that were now advancing on us.

"Laura release the fire!" I don't know who it was who said that but I did it anyway.

Then, the fight went on. Seeing as we can only be burned when are peices are seperated they had exploding shrapnel bullets. I ran out of the safety ring and grew my nails out and stopped dead and made a beeline straight across the line of hunters and slashed all of them dead across the neck and broke up their little toys.

Serena took out some knives and Viola took out her double edged knuckle gauntlets. They hop up into the trees and started coming down slashing throats and Skyler and me blowing and burning them away. James was using is brute strength and my mom and aunt Rosaria were shredding and shooting them all. Then, I finally heard it.

"Run, there's a bomb under us!" We all ran but momma was shot. I ran back grabbed her arm and put it back under the socket. Then we were both pulled down my an iron plated net.


"No Rosaria go!" My mom screamed. I pleaded with James to not come back for me.

"Laura!" I heard Christian.

"No!Get out of here!" I must protect him. No please No! I threw the net off of me and ran to him. James ran around the hunters and grabbed C.J. and took him away from me. I turned to see my mom running after me then I was pinned against a tree with metallic crossbow arrow in my chest.

"Momma!" I gasped out. "It's burning me!" She yanked it out of me. But, it was too late. I was fading.

"Laura! Don't die!" C.J. I smiled and slumped to the floor as they came to take their only win. Wait momma? Ow. "Ahh!" She bit me.

"There you go baby. Just be still okay. I love you."

I tried to say no. Just run. But, she didn't listen. She went back to the few remaining pawns of the Chairman. She fought. She was shot multiple times and kept on fighting. But, I could see her age coming through. She was dying.

"Momma!" I pushed myself up. The hole in my chest feeling like nothing compared to what I didn't want to see. I jumped in front of her.

"Laura be careful." she murmurs as they come closer.

"Don't leave me momma!" I beg. But, she doesn't respond. Just a small smile.

"Momma!" I scream. I cough of blood. I hear laughter. "You animals!" I burned the ones closet to me. That was all I could do. I fell back against my mom and leaned up against her. I was dying for now suckers. When I come back. I owe all of you. Were my last thoughts. They set us on fire. I felt it but it didn't bother me. My mom on the other hand being torn apart and venomless. She was dead. Her body was already starting to burn away. They all left.

Momma. I Love You.

"That's the last thing that happened to me 3 years ago. I finally remember."

"So you are a real vampire Crystal? And your name is really Laura?" I looked at Remedy and nodded.

"So are you leaving to go find them."


"Okay. Well, you have a home here baby girl. "

"How many times do I have to tell you that you're only a year older than me?" I said giving her a hug goodbye.

"What should I do first?" I said sitting in my car. "Go back to Ohio. Or go to Italy. But, what about this necklace I was never able to take off.

"I will go to Italy first and see what happens there." Then, I drove to the airport from my loft with my best friend Remedy. But, I stopped. You must erase her memory.

I got out and followed that instinct.

"Now, I have no home. I feel used to it."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry to those who care.

Thanks for reading.
There will be one last chapter and I am working on a Sequel.