Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss

Playground Safety

Marissa's little incident kept me humored till lunch. All we did in Language Arts was sentence correcting, reading 'I, Juan de Pareja', and a simple 5 page vocabulary crossword packet.

Well, Mr. Harind made the class laugh like always when he turned off the link from the computer screen to the SmartBoard projector, but leaving the projector on. When the projector was on by itself it had blank in 4 inch bold white letters. So, when he passed through the front of the class, he always had BLANK floating across his forehead. It was funny when he was trying to remember where he put the books. The class started laughing under their breaths.

After, Language Arts, I had Spanish 2 with Senorita Maria. We just did a review game until nobody hesitated in repeating the word or phrase.

"To go to bed?", she would say lifting up a green construction paper flashcard.

"Acostarse", the class would reply.

"Bien estudiantes. Fantastica!", she would say when we got 10 in a row.

After that we did the vocabulary Quiz and corrected last night's homework. Then, we watched El videomisterio: Eres tu, Maria? A little novela we watched every week to see how good we understood spanish.

8th grade classes have split lunch. Where for our 3rd period class of the day we would come to class for 20 minutes go to lunch and come back. Now, Angel and me had Science. We both hated this class mostly because Ms. Ruiz was obsessed with Cornell Notes. It doesn't matter either way for me. But, in being the vampire teenager that I am. I am lazy, too. I am more of a hear a fact then write it down. Plus, in being a vampire, I remember everything that she says word for word. Then she wants a Cornell Note summary.

Then there was that bell again. Lunch and Recess. My second and third favorite classes. I love P.E. Especially, dogeball. They can never hit me and I can always hit them.

Angel linked our arms and we strode out of the room down two classrooms and Marissa latched onto Angel. We walked down the hall.

"Laura, do you want to come over to my house to draw again?"

"Yeah, sure. When?"


"What time?"

"How about right after school?"

"'K. Angel? Do want to come to?", I asked as we rounded the corner into the cafeteria. She was in a perverted mood as usual. Twisted, twisted child.

"No,I don't want to cum ,too."

"Does everything have to be sick with you?", Marissa said, wishing she didn't understand Angel all the time. Angel just gave a wicked grin. I rolled my eyes. Of all the humans I could of tried to become friends with, theses were the ones I chose. What was I thinking then?

Angel twisted out of the link seeing me roll my eyes. Then, whamo, right in my back. I clasped my lips and held my fingers together while looking at the ceiling of the cafeteria. I started chuckling under my breath. Doesn't hurt. But, it does tickle.

"You two behave yourselves, you understand?", she ordered. It hardly ever worked.

"Yes, mommy.", Angel and I said with our heads down the way toddlers would. Marissa put her hand behind both of our necks and pushed her thumb into our throats.

"I am not a mother.", she growled.

"Maybe a motherfucker.", Angel whispered under her breath. Marissa heard that and let us both go. She walked in front of us. That's when you should be afraid. Angel looked at Marissa apologetically. Marissa turned her head.

"Dang it. I'm gonna regret that like a drug dealer selling drugs next to a police station.", Angel said cautiously walking in line behind Marissa.

"Where do you get these stupid sayings?", I said picturing a drug deal next to a police station.

"From my mind.", she said with a creepy grin across her face, twisting her head farther down to the right, with really big eyes moving her eyebrows up and down. She blew her short curly brunette hair from her face and turned back to as normal as she usually gets.

"Are you on drug's?", I said sarcastically. She put her hand over my mouth.

"Shhh. Are you trying to get me busted?", she hissed as she grabbed her tray and walked off.

"You are stupid.", I said paying for my lunch and following her to our table.

"Like I haven't heard that before?", she said with a smirk on her face. We walked to our table. It was in the front of the cafeteria next to the playground door exit. I always sat with my back to the door on the left end of the table. Angel would sit across from me, next to her would be Christian, Eric, Bishop, Jennifer, and Carol. Next to me was Marissa, Isabella, but she liked to be called Bella, Veronica, Christina, and Jacob. Darian walked in with her lunch box and was finst to implode.

"Asuma sensei is dead.", she whined. We are big Naruto fans. So, to us this was big news. I acted surprised.

"No, that can't happen. What about Kurenai? She will be so sad.", I looked at everybody and they had agreeable faces.

"And guess what else."

Everyone looked at her 'like just spill it already.'

"Diedara is still alive.", as she said that Marissa took a deep breath.

"That is messed up. How can Asuma...-", I cut her off.

"Be pushing up daisies."

"Nice way to say it.", Angel commented sarcastically. I stuck out my tongue. Angel looked around and since there were no monitors around she stuck up the middle finger.

"Ah-hum", Marissa said. Angel and I giggled. We love to change the topics to more random ones. Always fun.

"As I was saying. And Deidara still be alive. So, freaking unfair."

"A moment of silence for Asuma sensei.", I said. We held our heads down and counted to 5 Mississippi. Christian, Eric, and Bishop came to the table cautiously.

"Hi, cows.", Bishop loved to call girls cows. An ironic joke of breasts and udders. Milk. Ha ha. We all hated when he calle dus that.

"Why don't you just wear a condom on your head? Cause if you're going to act like a dick, you might as well dress like one.", I said. I got the comment off of the internet while looking up sarcasm. Everyone let that sink in and burst into laughter. Bishop sulked at his spot across from me in the center of the right side of the bench.

"That's not nice.", Bella said while still laughing. That made Bishop poke out his lip.

"Marissa hit them.", he ordered. Marissa looked up and all the monitors were fighting with the preps about the factthat just because there are janitors, that doesn't mean to leave your trays there to pick them up for them. She lifted her hand and hit us both in the back of the head hard. Angel laughed at our pain. Bella glared and kicked Marissa back. Mariss was finst to hit her again but Ms. Goff turned and stared at Marissa hand her clenched fist aimed for Bella's head. Marissa put it down and we all laughed. Bella and Angel were teary eyed and coughing. Christina and Marissa beat the wind into them. Everyone calmed down and Ms. Goff and Mrs. Fontinoe came over.

"Please tell me you guys can behave.", Ms. Fontinoe begged.

"We can behave.", we all said in creepy unison. Then, we all acted as if we all had little crowns. Me and Angel put up horns. They sighed in defeat. We were all so (seemingly) harmless. We all laughed and when everyone turned and saw Angel and I they laughed some more. The preps started laughing unconvincingly. They didn't even say anything.

"They all sound like their trying to avoid telling their parents of what really happened at the slumber party last weekend. Also, the real reason why their gaining weight.", she said in a sarcastic and demonic tone she mastered years ago.

"Masturbate", I coughed under my breath.

"Pregnant.", Marissa coughed mimicking me.

"Cows", Bishop added. We don't care if he calls them cows.

"Eew", everybody laughed.

"Wanna make them mad?", Bella said.

"What do you have in mind?", Christina and Jacob said. Everyone had wicked grins on their faces.

"Do we or don't we by their table.", she said. That is when we fake as if we are confused while walking back and forth and getting louder and softer. So much fun.

"Yeah. What are we confused about this time?", Christian said.

"Cookie from the aisle cart?", Christina suggested.

"Well, let's go. 6 minutes till recess time.", Christian said. He plays soccer every recess. We all nodded and got up. We went in a huddle and when we got to their table 3 tables down Angel started.

"Do we really want a cookie?". We all stopped and acted as if we were really thinking of the question with loud 'Hums' I could tell they were already on to the game. They were all glaring and rolling there eyes.

"Cookies aren't healthy?", I responded sarcastically growing louder in tone with each word.

"But, Cookies contain choclate.", Bella replied softly.

"And they are sweet.", Jacob added loudly.

"But our health is more important than our sweet tooths.", Marissa said softly, "And don't forget the dentist.", we all shuddered loudly at that word.

"Really? Numbing jelly isn't that bad. It actually tickles.", Christina said louder and louder. That meant we had to wrap up uor show.

"But, I am lazy and don't want to clean my braces.", Veronica said softly.

"You need to work somemore and stop being so lazy anyway.", Eric said loudly.

"But, are there even any cookies left?", Jennifer said louder.

"How 'bout we go check.", Bishop replied louder.

"Naaa. We should get ready to go outisde.", we all said in unison as we all turned to our table, grabbed our trays and dumped them.

We all were holding back from coughing up organs. Angel, Bella, and Bishop weren't doing so well. We weren't no more than 4 steps from the door when we all bursted from the inside. We slowly gained our composures' so we could get to our spot along the back of the playground fence. So many lost frizbees and soccer balls lay on the other side of the fence. Christian slipped a peck on the cheek before he ran to play soccer.

"Oooooo-oooooh.", they all did when they had realized what had just happened.

"Oh, Shut up you immature children.", I replied. They started cracking up again.

"Laura and Christian sitgting in a cadillac. Making a baby that will thrive off of crack.", everybody else let that sink in and started to wheeze and get teary. I crouched with my fist clenched.

"I'll give you till the count of 5.", she ran for her life.

"Marissa aren't you gonna stop them.", Bishop asked worried he whispered behind me. I could tell all she did was shake her head and grin.

"I am bad at math.", I said as I ran after her. She panicked and sped up.

"Bye, Angel!!!", they all said in unison. She stopped and braced. I stopped and hit her in the back. She went pale, then red, and then normal. Then, she started laughing. Marissa, Bella, Bishop, Christina, and Jacob all ran up to us.

"Is she alright?", Jacob asked. She was still laughing. I put my hand on her shoulder and racked through her brain. She was just laughing cause of how scared she was. Whoops.

" She will be alright.", I said I just scared her a liitle bit. They all gave a sarcastic look.

" Yeah, a little.", Marissa said. Angel came back to normal.

"You motherfucker. I almost shit myself. That is not funny.", she said angry and winded. Then, she started laughing again.

"Why don't you do that to the preps? Thay would be as dark as us after seeing you like that.", Angel said.

"For that exact reason. Would you want a dark slut in the same group as us?", they all mouthed 'Hell no.'

"Laura? Laura? Laura? Laura! LAURA!!!", Marissa and everybody asked worried. They started to yell my name when I started to shake like people on a train finst to crash. I was losing it. My muscles tried to push out my fangs. But, I held them back.

Christian was the only one who knew somewhat of the truth about me and blood. I told him I had a bad memory of blood when the paperboy had skidded of his bike 4 years ago trying to avoid a squirrel running from a Border Collie puppy. I told him I saw a woman splattered by a Metro bus coming to the stop to fast. Although the real reason was well. I am a vampire. In immortality, the only good nutrient for me is blood. He grabbed my arm and took me inside. We ran through the cafetreria and past the front office. We ran to the Home-Ec room that is all the way at the end of the school and through the back door. He took me across the street.

I am only able to hold my composure if I hold my breath before the blood scent takes the air. This was completely unexpected.

The skaters were playing leap frog. But, Daniel decides to jump over the trash can. He almost makes it. But he hits his but on the edge of the trash can and leans forward. When he tried to catch himself, he put his hands out in front of him. But, he skidded. To where he had a long streak of skin on the ground and blood oozing through where the gravel went the deepest in his arm. Blood-type O positive. Delicious.

He rubbed my back soothingly with his hand. That actually helped. Since we had stopped in front of a Mini-Mart. He went and bought some air freshner and sprayed it in front of me. That helped too. Man he is so wonderfull. I felt as humanely normal as I can in 30 seconds. I opened my eyes. He hugged me and I pulled away to look him in the eyes. He leaned in and kissed me again. This was not helping the recent event. But, I am strong enough. Him. Not so much. He got up and I lifted my hand. He grabbed it and pulled me up.

We ran back to the school before Recess ended so we wouldn't be in trouble for playing hooky.

"Laura! Christian! Come here please!", Ms. Goff yelled as she saw us come out of the school.

"Where did you two run off to?", she asked.

"I have a bad memory of blood. Christian took me inside to help me calm down.", she accepted that and gestured us to go on about our business.

"Laura!? Are you okay?", Marissa said as she ran up to Christian and me walking across the playground. She hugged me and the rest of my friends ran to us.

"I'm okay. I just have issues with blood.", I said sheepishly. I really wanted to laugh at the inside joke.

"Vampire.", Bella said. Everyone laughed. I was in hysterics. If only they knew the whole story.
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