Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss


Ms. Fontinoe blew the whistle, and everyone started walking into the school. We were the farthest from the door. Christian came up behind me and swung his right arm around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. Bishop came up and messed up our little moment.

"A cow and a steer. You know steers get their nuts chopped off. So isn't it really two cows?", everyone started laughing. Me and Christian looked at each other. He looked down to his still attached nuts. Angel started tearing up again. Christian frowned and turned to Bishop.

"At least I would need to get mine chopped off."

"So you are a cow and not a steer.", everyone else put their heads down and Christian ran after Bishop to the door. The others ran after them to help out Bishop and stop Christian. I was right behind them when I felt the wind currents spell out words in front off my eyes. I tensed knowing there was no way this could be a coincidence. Only a vampire with an elemental wind affinity could do this. A really advanced one.

The words were 'Your backyard. Notice. Your backyard.'. Marrisa had stopped to wait for me. She was looking at me.

"Are you ok? You look a little nervous?", she said slowly losing the fun mood from Christian and Bishop. "Laura? You are scaring me." I grabbed my composure.

"Gotcha!", she jumped. "Scared ya? Didn't I?"

"Yeah, what was that for?", she said becoming irritated as she turned to go into her class.

"There was too much happy.", I said. She sighed and walked into U.S. History. Man I really hate that this prick couldn't wait to fuck up my day when it was already pissy. But, no. I don't get sympathy and neither will they.

I walked through the door sat in my stool next to Angel and that loud ass bell made me chip the table. Nobody noticed. But, I was gonna need to apologize to Zoey. I saw her jump and rub her hip. Then, there was the little chip at the bottom of her stool. Oops, two chips and a dent on the floor.God, I am gonna be twitchy till I get home. And to my backyard. Angela kicked my foot as I sat and I hit her. She hit my side in. Thankfully this helped me calm down. I am violent and wierd.

Ms. Ruiz walked to us and pointed to Angela. Glaring at the both of us. I knew something must of miffed her off. Everyone knew we did this all the time. So I slowly flicked my pencil to the edge of the science table so she could catch it. When she handed it to me I used my little ability.

I saw that she had seen somebody sitting on the hood of her car wiping mud off of their shoe. But, I couldn't see much of the person. They had on a strange hoodie. Then, when they got up I noticed it was a cloak. It was black and down to their knees.It was a boy. He looked up but his stupid self had a mask that went right under his eyes. Really blue eyes. They seemed familiar.

Then, Ms. Ruiz moved her hand and pointed to Kyle. That wasn't so bad. Kyle was funny and had the tendency to make me want to hit him. He just likes to mess with me. Angel and Kyle switched seats. Ms. Ruiz walked back to her desk and Kyle tapped my elbow. I grabbed his hand and was about to tear it off when I saw my reflection in his eyes. I was just a little pale. The vampire boy is definitely looking for me. I acted casual.


"Are you okay?", he took back his hand.

"Yeah, thought I had said something unintentional out loud.", I answered. I need to get a grip. There is no danger. If there was my mom would have been here. I always knew just what to say to calm myself down.
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