Sequel: Rememberance

Memory Loss

Old Friends

"You are alright, right?", I am worrying to many people. I am a vampire. Get a grip. Now! I pulled my eyes out on him so he would forget. He dazed.

"What are we doing?", he asked sheepishly.

"Just finishing up our cornell notes from before lunch is all.", I said casually. That made him think I hadn't noticed him drooling over me. He shook off the awkwardness and kicked my foot out of the way so he could put his left foot on my stool. I just rolled my eyes and finished my work. I wish I hadn't, I still need something, anything, to keep my mind semi-occupied.

"Ms. Ruiz? What do you do after you are done?", I asked innocently.

"Dang! How do you do that so fast?", Nichole asked. The whole class had that same look. Woops too fast. But, whatever, I need something to do.

"You can sort out some papers for me.", she said pointing to the 5 stacks of papers. I sorted in order of her next classes. This time I focused on not going too fast. I was actually calming down. At my rate, Ms. Ruiz would be very happy for a while. There still wasn't enough for me to do. I was done in little under 10 minutes.

"Anything else you would like me to do?", everyone looked at me shocked and exasperated.
Ms. Ruiz was just gonna take advantage of the chance.

"How good are you at grading papers?", she said smiling and pointing at the file cabinets behind her desk. I walked over, took out all the papers. Filed them, then graded them. I was finst to ask for something else to do, but there was only 2 minutes left in class. I put all the papers back in the cabinets and walked to my desk and got ready for History.

"Thank You Laura.", she said happily smiling writing down a Subway @ 5 reminderon a post-it note. Angel walked behind me and poked at me trying to see if I was okay. I punched her.

"You are good.", she smiled a regular grin. Then it turned evil. She bit me and bit my left forerm which is so unfair, cause I can't do that without there being a big issue about it. Whatever. Mr. Crijis cleared his throat as we walked out into the hall. Any other kids fighting and biting, the teachers would be concerned. My friends and me are unique. The real kind of unique. Man is that an understatement.

"Please control yourself. You fighting cows.", Bishop said coming up behind us. We stopped, looked at each other and watch our evil grins come across our faces. Bishop sat there bracing for the pain.

"Shall we?", I said backing away from Angel and bowed with my left arm on stomach and my right arm swinging towards Bishop. She nodded as she copied me. We pulled our arms back and punched him in his shoulders. His eyes widened and then shut hard. We walked past him while sticking out our tongues. I skimmed the top of his hand with mine to hear what he was really saying. Oh, yeah. With my little ability I can see what a person saw, feel what a person felt, and hear what a person was thinking. You have no idea how annoying it was when I wasn't as skilled as I am now. Whom ever I bumped into... BAM!! Everything stops me and there is a reason why everyone has a closet to put their secrets into.

Bishop was in a lot of pain. He was gonna get over it. He knows thats how we show a form of affection. But, in his mind at the moment we hit him. He was thinking... 'Oh hell', 'God no!' ,and 'Damn It. Those motherfucking whores. ....' . It was gonna trail on for a while.

Then, out of no where an unsheduled Fire drill. I swept the building in my mind feeling for any kind of sign of a fire. None. A switch was pushed in. Without the glass being cracked. This I saw cause the pushed alarm was right in front of my eyes.

"All students on the east side of the front office, please, go through the exits towards the front of the school. Students on the west, go through the exits towards the blacktop and take the path around the school. Quickly and calmly. Thank you.", Principal Rhuina. (Pronounced Roona). Unluckily, all my friends and me are in the west wing of the school. I think the vampire boy might be hiding in the forest along the right side of the path. If he goes after anybody, he will regret it.

"Laura, you oaky you look pale again. What is wrong with you?", I was concerning Angel. Get A Grip Now. If there was danger, momma would be here. That helped.

"I really have to go to the restroom.", I said. She rolled her eyes and slipped into the single file line. I was in the middle. Perfect. And not perfect. Perfect for everyone's safety. But, that can also leave me wide open for an attack. That's it. I pulsed all my energy into a trail. through the line. It connected everyone's thoughts to me. If they saw or felt anything I would know. Then, I had to seperate my remaining energy into looking normal and scanning the area around everyone. Everything looked good. Maybe I was just being paranoid. Hell no. In my life. To not pay attention to even the slightest bit of anything can kill you in the end.

Found him. He is 2 feet inside of my 500 foot area scan. He underestimated me. A regular young bred can only go around 430 feet. I am unique. Then, the wind spelled again.

"It's Skyler, I just really want to see you again. You have to stay in this building with all of these normal people being normal for about 6 straight hours. And then you also have to ride the bus. Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful. "............. Speak into the wind.

"I am gonna kick your ass back to as far as you can go!!!", I huffed and calmed down. Skyler was 'vegetarian' , too. Everyone was safe, but him.

Principal Rhuina came out with a loudspeaker. "It was a false alarm. Please wait for the sirens to go down. Angel and me were up front. Angel was gone in her mind. She was singing Immortal by Evanescence. Mr. Crijis picked me to go run open the west wing doors. I knew who was gonna be waiting for me.

Skyler. My old friend. My old great friend.
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