Run for Your Life


I stared at my door from the corner of my room, dreading when my parents would come in. I had been crying for the last three hours, hoping that maybe my parents would accept me, but the sense of dread from the pit of my stomach told me different. Finally, I heard a rapping on the door.

”C-Come in…” I choked out. My Brother walked in, his face showing concern.
”What happened?” He asked.
”They…. They found out…” I answered. Suddenly I heard my Dad yell.

”Get out of that demon’s room!” He yelled. Geoffrey jumped a foot back from me, an expression of shock and worry on his face. Dad approached him, glaring. He grabbed Geoffrey by the arm and shoved him out of my room. He then grabbed my arm and pulled me up. “Come on, we need to get you some professional help.”

”What?” I asked, scared. His grip on my wrist was so tight, it was cutting off the circulation to my hand.
”You need help. So we’re going to get it.” He said. He dragged me outside, shoved me into the backseat of the car and we started driving some place.

The atmosphere of the car was thick with fear. I sat there, shaking, wishing that I would wake up and this would be just a bad dream. No matter how hard I wished, it didn’t happen. I sat there in silence, waiting for whatever fate lied ahead for me. For all I knew, I could be getting murdered.

Finally, after what seemed years, we pulled into a church driveway.

“What?” I said, confused.

Why were we at a church?