The Beginning of the End

The Others

Roman looked at me again, “Your gifts could be incredibly useful to us, Ebony. I shall contact the Council immediately. Shayde, you can introduce her to the rest of the tribe. She’ll have to stay in your room, as there isn’t enough space,” and with that he left.

I stared at Shayde, who still had dried blood stuck to his cheek, “That’s your leader? The one who hit you across a room?”

“This is how it works here, Ebony. The strongest and smartest leads. Despite his violence Roman is a great leader, and his mind is always on the tribe.”

“He threw you across a room!”

“Well that’s the same as a human punching someone in the face. We don’t feel that much pain, remember.”

“That’s beside the point; anyway humans don’t go punching each other in the faces.”

“This conscience is becoming tiresome.”

“I don’t believe you are just going to accept what he did.”

Shayde’s eyes flashed dangerously, “Roman is my leader. I am going to remain loyal to him,” his eyes softened again; “Come on I’ll introduce you to the others.”

He pulled me to a flight of stairs, “Vampire tribes are quite small, as generally we don’t really enjoy company that much, but our tribes mean a lot to us and they are as close to family as we get. Tribes don’t really have names; they just take the name of the leader. Our tribe is made up of 5, me, Roman, Midnight, Halo and Spirit.”

“Their names are really cool.”

He grinned, “I know, we get to pick them when we become a vampire.”

“Should I change mine to something cool?”

“No,” he twisted around and caught a strand of my hair, “I like the name Ebony”

We had come to the top of the stairs. A narrow corridor went down to the back of the house, and 4 doors spread from it.

We paused at the first door.


“I guess we should knock first,” I said weakly.

He smiled, and rapped on the door a couple of times.

“Come in,” said a harmonic voice.

Two girls and a boy were in the room. You couldn’t really tell the original colour of the room as it was covered in millions of posters that were peeling of the walls. I have the feeling it was midnight blue. The carpet was a deep red, and velvet curtains were pulled tightly across the windows. Two beds stood at either side of the large room, one covered in deep red, the other midnight blue. There was a TV, a disfigured couch and a closet, as well as a pile of junk on the floor.

As soon as I entered all three looked up and stared at me.

“I’m glad you are all here,” said Shayde, “I would like you to meet Ebony, I turned her last night. She was a witch before she became one of us.”

“A witch? Cool,” said a girl with a pierced nose and cropped, black hair with electric blue highlights. “I’m Midnight.” Midnight seemed to be paler than the average vampire, and this was even more accentuated by her bright blue eyes. She seemed to be tall and lean, but it was hard to tell as she was lying on the floor and was looking at a magazine. She was wearing tight, skinny, black jeans and a white T-Shirt completed with a devil smiley face.

“And I’m Spirit” Spirit seemed to be quite short, with platinum blond hair, that was cut in strange, jagged layers. She had quite extreme feature, pointed and sharp. Her eyes were deep brown, almost black and she was dressed in a red corset and a black, layered skirt. She seemed to have been in the middle of painting her nails black.

The last person in the room was a boy, “Halo,” he said nodding at me. He had black hair put up into loose spikes that were tipped with red. His green eyes seemed to smile at me and he was dressed all in black, and like the others, looked like a runaway model.

“Well we just came in to introduce Ebony, so now we’ll be going. See you in the evening”

“Bye,” they chorused.

“Come on,” said Shayde, “You’re probably tired.”

We walked across the hall, to a door that simply said ‘SHAYDE’.

I smiled and walked in.
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I'm sorry it's been a long time, but I've tried to make it up to you with an extra long chapter.
Plz review :)

P.S. I've just read a fantastic vampire novel called 'Touch the Dark' - anyone read it?