Hear Me Out

Sonnenschein Helena Everson (Sonny for short) is almost 18 and two weeks before her brithday, October 31, she finds her mother had comitted suicide with a knife plunged into her heart like Juliet. Then after looking through the records, the police and child services send her to live with her father whom she has never seen all her life.

She's always wanted to know about her father but her mother, Lyona Emily Everson, would never tell her for she was too ashamed. It turns out to be the shock of her life when she finds out that her hero is her father, Franklin Anthony Iero. Frank is upset to find out that his first love had committed suicide, but is also shocked to learn that he is a father and the band is shocked as well.

Frank takes her in just in time before their next tour and Sonny goes along with them, then somehow she ends up falling in love with their bassist, Mikey Way. Will all be well with the new happy family or will it all go to shit? And is Frank happy when he finds out that his almost 18 year old daughter is a lot like him? Read to find out! Rated due to how the content may get

This story is a Happy Brithday Present for Frank Iero, happy birthday 27th Frank!!
  1. Skylines and Turnstyles
    all to shit
  2. Blood
  3. Helena
  4. Disenchanted
  5. This is the best day ever
    [i]You are my sunshine, My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love, please don't take my sunshine away.[/i]
  6. To the end
  7. I don't love you
  8. Romance
  9. Demolition lovers
    She's bi?
  10. Give 'em hell kid
    Me so horny
  11. Our Lady Of Sorrows
    [b]God! What is this? Sexual innuendo day?![/b]
  12. When the darkness fades to black
    title credit goes to City by Hollywood Undead
  13. I'd spill my heart for you
  14. 4 O' Clock In The ***ing Morning
    title credit goes to The Taste Of Ink by The Used