Hear Me Out

Our Lady Of Sorrows

" I wanna sing
While the ocean sleeps
I wanna feel
what its like to be free
I wanna to see
what you see in me
I wanna know how it feels to believe

I feel lost somehow i'm drifting away
Was almost gone, you brought me to life again."
I sang, sitting in the guys' tour bus.

Yup, the My Chemical Romance tour bus. Brian said we had to get a move on with the tour and get going to the next location, so here we are. On the road. With nothing to do, that's why I'm singing.

" You sure did inherit your dad's singing ability." Mikey said as he sat down next to me.

" Danke Mikes. (thanks)" I said.

He scrunched up is eyebrows in confusion. " What does that word mean?" he asked.

" It means thanks in German."

" Oh."

I smiled at him and rested my head on his left shoulder.

" Will you please continue singing Sonny?" Mikey asked.

" Sure." I said and recalled the words to my head.

" So let me be your lighthouse
And I'll help you find a way out
Of here

I see the tide is coming
Don't let it take you away from me
There's no way I'm jumping over
I know its your love that saved me."

By this point, Ray and Bob had come over to listen to me sing while I still rested on Mikey.

" Cause I was lost
Somehow I'm drifting away
Was almost gone
You brought me to life again

So let me be your lighthouse
and I'll help you find a way out of here."

Finally Gee and dad came over to listen also. My dad was smiling widely at me, looking proud that I could sing like him.

" I can see the light out
From a far away out
But its slowly drifting away from me


Cause I was lost
Somehow I drifting away
Was almost gone
You brought me to life again."

" So let me be your lighthouse
and I'll help you find a way out of here
let me be your lighthouse
and I'll help you find a way out of here."

They were all clapping by the time I had finished. " Don't expect to hear this everyday you guys, I was only bored right now." I said and they groaned.

" Aw... why not Sonny?" Mikey asked me.

" Because I don't normally like to sing." I told him.

" For me? Please?" he asked giving me the 'puppy dog pout'.

" Nein." I said.

" Please?" he asked again, with the pout AND doe eyes.

" Ugh, not the puppy dog pout and doe eyes! You suck! Alright, alright, I'll sing for you and you alone." I said groaning.

" Yay!" Mikey cheered like a little kid and hugged me. My heart skipped a beat and I smiled, putting my arms around him to return the hug.

" Aw man, why only Mikey?" my dad cried.

" Because I'm special!" Mikey said.

" Yeah, he's "special"." I said using air quotes. Mikey smacked my arm and play glared at me. I just smiled at him and hugged him again, burying my face in his chest.

" Comfy there Son?" Gerard asked, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

" Very. Mikey gives the best hugs in the world!" came my muffled reply.

I couldn't see Mikey smile and blush when I said that, I felt it. Then a flash went off.

" Gerard!" Mikey shouted and tried to get out of my hug to get Gee, I just tightened my grasp.

" Bad pillow, no moving." I muttered sleepily. Mikey just chuckled.

" Colonel, you better take a look at this radar." Mikey said. I looked at him weirdly.

" What is it son?" Gerard asked.

" I don't know, but it looks like a giant-"

" Dick!" Bob said, cutting Mikey off.

" Yeah?" Ray asked.

" Take a look outta starboard."

" Oh my god! It looks like a huge-"

" Pecker!" dad said.

" Oh, where?" Mikey asked.

" Wait, that's not a pecker. It looks like some one's-"

" Privates! We have reports of an unidentified flying object! It is a long, smooth shaft, complete with-" but Gerard got cut off by Bob.

" 2 balls!" Bob looked up at the ceiling. " What is that? That looks just like an enormous-"

" Wang! Pay attention!" Ray cut Bob off.

" I was distracted by that enormous flying-"

" Willie." I cut off dad.

" Yeah?" Mikey asked.

" What's that?"

He squinted at the ceiling of the tour bus. " Well, it looks like a giant-"

" Wiener? Any of you kids want another wiener?" Gerard asked and I laughed at how wrong this sounded.

" Dad? What's that?" Bob asked, pointing to ceiling. And at this point Brian, their manager, came walking in.

" I don't know son, but it's got great big-" Gerard said.

" Nuts! Hot, salty nuts! Who wants some?! Lord almighty!" Ray said.

" That looks just like my husband's-" I said.

" One-eyed monster! Step right up and see the One-Eyed Monster!" Mikey said.

" Hey! What's that? It looks like a big-" Gerard said.

" Woody! Woody Harrelson? Can I have an autograph?" Ray asked Bob.

" Sure, no problem. Oh my lord! Look at that thing!" Bob exclaimed.

" It's so big." Ray said.

" I've seen bigger. That's-" Bob said before I cut him off.

" Just a little prick." dad said. We all exchanged looks, then began laughing our asses off. Brian looked at us like we had finally lost our minds.

" God! What is this? Sexual innuendo day?!" Brian asked us.

" Just bored Bri." I said smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sexual innuendos! See how many you can find in this chappy! Und ja, I'm bored out of me ever lovin' mind.