Hear Me Out


" You wake her up." Joseph said. " Why? She attacked me with a shoe!" Hardie argued back. " Because I'm the older brother and I say so, now do it!" the older one said. " Fine." the younger one grumbled and walked over to the sleeping teen with her shoe in hand. " Her name's Sonny, right?" Hardie asked. " Yeah." Joseph said.

" Sonny, Sonny." Hardie said, gently shaling her. She stirred and opened her eyes. " Huh?" Sonny asked sleepily. " Time to wake up Sonny, here's your shoe ya brat." he said handing the girl her shoe and she put it back on, tying it. " Why did I have to wake up?" Sonny complained. " You've been asleep for six hours Son and it's about four the evening." Joseph answered.

" So?" Sonny asked, more like said. " And me and Hardie boy have a suprise for you." " What is it Joe?" she asked. " We found your father and contacted him. It took five fucking hours, but we did it. He's flying in from New Jersey tomorrow and will meet you here at the police station. Happy Birthday Sonny." Joseph said and Sonny was just stunned, completely.

" Heh, heh. You really stunned her Joe." Hardie said and waved his hand infront of her face. " You there Son?" he asked. " Yeah.... he's coming tomorrow and all the way from New fucking Jersey, that's all the way across the country!" Sonny exclaimed. " Yeah he really is. So do you like your early birthday present or not?" Joseph asked.

" Like it? I freaking love it!" Sonny exclaimed. " So what's his name?" she asked. " Not telling, but I will tell ya this. His birthday is on halloween like yours is." Joseph said and Sonny squeeled, the two men put their hands to their ears and cringed. " Now about your sleeping arangments.... We can't leave you all alone in that house.... Penny said that she is more than happy to take you in for the night if you want." Joseph said.

" Really?! That would be so cool!! THANK YOU PENNY!!" Sonny shouted so Penny could hear her in the back. " You're welcome Sonny!" Penny shouted back. " Me and Hardie would take you, but we're tired. Penny will and she's just gotten off of work, so off to your house!" Joseph said and ushered the teen out of the door with Penny.

2 hours ago in belleville, New Jersey.

Frank is curently at Gerard's house celebrating, what was it again? Ah yes, celebrating Gerard's break through on his writer's block and finishing writing the songs for the new album. " The things we do to party." Ray said shaking his head.

About a hour later Frank's cell phone went off, it was the police station of San Jose, California. " Umm...hello?" Frank answered, unsure of why they were calling. " Franklin Anthony Iero?" the voice on the other line asked. " That would be me." Frank said.

" Hi, I'm officer Joseph Calistein. I'm calling to confirm if you knew a young woman named Lyona Marie Everson." officer Joseph said. " I did, we had a relationship back in high school. Why? Did something happen?" Frank asked. " Mr.Iero, you might want to sit down for this." " Okay, I'm sitting."

" Ealier this morning around 8 am, her daughter dicovered that she had killed herself." officer Joseph said gravely. " Oh my god, Lyona is dead?" Frank asked, feeling a little shaken. " I'm afraid so, but that's not all. Her daughter that found her, Sonnenschein Hell Everson, call her Sonny, our records show that you're her father. She now other realitives wanting or willing to take her in, Sonny has no one.

" We need you to take Sonny into your care since you're the only one left and another thing Mr.Iero." " Call me Frank sir." " I'll call you Frank if you call me Joseph or Joe." " Alright Joe." " The other thing Frank, she's been wishing, hoping, and waiting her whole life to meet you. Sonny is almost 18 and will be on Halloween, the same as you.

" But she doesn't know a thing about you because she said her mother would never tell her anything no matter how much or how she asked, Lyona wouldn't tell." Joseph said. " Oh my god, I'm a father?" Frank asked in shock. " Yes you are and by the looks of things, she looks a lot like you and her mother. There's no doubt that you are Sonny's father.

" Frank, will you get the next flight to San Jose tonight and come to the police station to pick her up?" Joseph asked. " Yes, of course I will." Frank said and Joseph began telling him the address. " Thank you very much, see you tomorrow Frank." Joseph said and hung up.

" Frankie, you okay?" Gerard asked, sitting next to his best friend. " I'm not sure Gee. Remember Lyona from high school?" Frank asked. " Your part german ex?" " Yeah. Turns out she committed suicide this morning and her almost 18 year old daughter is the one that discovered the body." Frank said.

" Oh my god." " But that's not all Gee. Her daughter, is mine too. I'm a father Gerard, a fucking father!" Frank exclaimed.

Present time in San Jose, California. Officer Penny's home

" Yay Sweeny Tod! I've always wanted to see this!!" Sonny cheered after going through Penny's dvd collection, then gasped. " One missed call?! Fucking sweet!! I've wanted to see that too!" Meanwhile Penny was chuckling from insdie her kitchen while making pop corn. " Good to know you love my dvds Sonny." Penny said with a smile in her voice and on her face.

" I hope it'll work out with your father Sonny." Penny said and walked into the room with a huge ass bowl of popcorn, well regular popcorn AND kettlecorn. Sonny loves kettlecorn. " I hope so PenPen." Sonny said eating popcorn. " PenPen?" Penny asked rasing an eyebrow. " Yup!".