Hear Me Out

To the end

Sonny sat there in Mikey's lap with his arms around her waist smiling happily, like there was nothing wrong in the world. The trip to the resturant was pretty quiet except for the occansional question or Gerard putting the Misfits on. " Hey Sonny, are you a virgin?" Mikey asked from behind her and both Frank and Sonny choked a bit. " Mikey! You really shouldn't ask her something like that!" Gerard scolded him.

" It's alright Gee. And yes I am a virgin Mikey, an ass virgin." Sonny said smiling and Frank choked again. " You alright dad?" she said innocently while slightly smirking. " Yeah, I'm alright. I just don't need to know about my baby's sex life, all I'm going to say is just use a condom if you ever do decide to, you know....." Frank said akwardly. " I know, I know dad. To quote Mikey here, Safe sex is good sex." Sonny said smiling and Mikey smiled.

" Yeah...." Frank said. " Though I don't want to hear about yours anymore Mr.69." Sonny snickered and Frank turned red. " But I do have to ask, when did you and Gee get together?" she asked. " About six months ago." Gerard answered. " Yay! I don't mind my dad being gay, infact I love gay guys! They're so cool!!" Sonny exclaimed. " Hey, what about me?" Mikey asked pouting and she giggled. " Don't worry Mikey, I love you too." Sonny said and kissed his forhead.

The younger Way blushed while Ray laughed. " What?" she whined. " You two look like a cute couple." Ray said and their faces began to heat up. Then she sqeeked and said, " Ah! My butt's vibrating." as her phone went off. The men in the car gave her a weird look.

" Kill me
I begged and love said no
Leave me
for dead and let me go
Kill me
I cried and love said no
Kill me
I cried and love said no."
Sonny's phone sang and she smiled instantly knowing that the tone belonged to her friend Zackariah. " County morge. You stab 'em, we slab 'em." Sonny said with a giggle. " Yeah. I have the body of my best friend's humor I'd like to bring in." the voice joked.

" Oh funny Zack, very funny." she said sarcastically. " I heard what happened with Lyona, um.... sorry babe. How're you faring?" Zack asked. " Right now I'm doing pretty well considering what just happened yesterday morning. Since ma was cutt off from the rest of her family after she got moi, dad was the only left willing to take me in since I'm not 18 yet." Sonny said. " They found your dad?" Zack asked. " Yeah....... And he's a really cool guy."

" What's his name?" he asked. " Who is that?" Frank asked from the front seat. " Hold on Zack. Dad, it's my friend Zack. He lives down in Germany. Sorry Zack, just saying who I was talking to on teh phone to dad." Sonny said. " So what's his name?" Zack asked again. " His name is Frank Iero." " You've got to be shitting me." he said.

" Eeeww.... why would I want to do that?" she asked making a disgusted face. " Really Sonnenschein?" " Yes Zackariah." Sonny said in a naisly voice with a mocking making the other guys in the car laugh. " Who all are you with?" Zack asked. " When dad told the guys he had a kid, they came down with him because they wanted to meet me, so we're going out to lunch at red lobster and I reall embarassed my dad when he was on the phone talking to Gee." Sonny said with a smirk.

" Oh god, what did you tell him?" Zack asked, you could practically see him shaking his headat his friend on the other line. " I'll tell you later, right now I gotta go. We're at Red Lobster now. Auf Wiedersehen mein liebe. (good-bye my love.)" Sonny said. "Artig - Freilos mein anmutig dunkel Engel. ( good-bye my lovely dark angel.)" Zack said and then they both hung up. " You speak german?" Frank was the first one to ask Sonny before the man she was sitting on could.

" Yeah. Been taking lessons since I was a little kid." Sonny said as Mikey undid their seat belt, then she opened the door and hopped out. Sonny blushed a little as Mikey took her hand and Mikey smirked. Frank was still eyeing them suspiciously. " Gee, I still don't like it! He's kinda 11 years older than her, hell he's a year older than me!" Frank whispered into Gerard's year. " Frankie babe, love is love no matter what form is may come in. Besides, my dad is 13 years older than my mom and did that stop them? No fucking way. So let's just leave them be and see how it unfolds by itself." Gerard whispered back.

" Thanks Gee, I feel a little better. But I'm still worried." Frank said. " Every father is worried when their baby starts dating, even guys like us." Gerard said and kissed Frank gently, the tension just melting away and making him smile. " Come on love birds!" Sonny shouted, her head peaking from behind the door.


" Mikey! You should never bring a radio into the shower or stick a fork in the toaster! Geez, and I thought I was too damned curious." Sonny scolded while still laughing. " What? Don't tell me that you've never did something like that before." Mikey stated. " Well not like what you did. I wanted to see how fast a match would burn through a few pieces of oragami paper. I tried it and I couldn't wave the fire on the paper out so I dropped it, then put it out my hitting it with a pair of my jeans." Sonny said, smiling sheepishly.

" You really are Frank's kid. Hyper active, really too curious for your own good, and a skittle lover to boot." Mikey said and took a bite of his lobster that he had ordered a few minutes ago. " Yup." she said nodding and stole a bite of his food. " Hey!" Mikey cried and glared at the younger girl playfully while she smiled.
" Was? (What?)" Sonny asked innocently. " No stealy my food." he said pouting. " But it tatses good Mikey!" she cried. The younger Way stole a bite of her food and smirked, Sonny gasped. " All's fair in love and war babe." Mikey said and she stuck her tounge out at him.

" Now, now Sonny. Don't stick your tounge out at me, I might bite it." Mikey said replaying her words. " You wouldn't?" she asked. " Oh just try me." he said and Gerard called out, " I know what you're thinking Mikey,no spooning at teh table you two!" Both of them blushed and got back to eating their own meals.


later on.....

Sonny groaned when she heard a knock at her hotel door room, (they're staying at a hotel called the Anna Bella), just as she pulled her jammie's on. " Hello?" she asked as she opened the door only to be greeted by Mikey's weirded out face. " Hi Mikes, what's wrong?" Sonny asked. " Can I stay with you tonight? Gee kicked me out and they're doing things." he said shuddering. " Do I even want to know what kind of things?" she asked.

" Oh you'll hear it, just wait a few seconds. Gerard is a screamer." Mikey said and sure enough, there it was. " Mmm… oh fuck, Frankie…Fuck…" then " Mmm… Frankie, you’re so fucking good at this…” " Okay Mikey, come on in." Sonny said and stepped aside to let him in. " Thanks." he said plopping on a bed. " I did not need to hear that." she said groaning and shut her door as quickly as possiable.

" Neither did I." Mikey said, then picked up a fluffy white bunny just as Sonny's phone rang.

" Kill me
I begged and love said no
Leave me
for dead and let me go
Kill me
I cried and love said no
Kill me
I cried and love said no."
" Sonnenschein Hell Everson!" Zack screeched when she opened her phone. " You forgot to call back!!" " I know! Sorry, sorry. Sie erlassen mich , richtig? (you'll forgive me, right?)" Sonny asked. " Ja klar , ICH denken so." Zack said sighing. " So what was the thing you embarassed your dad about?" he asked.

" Well when he asked for the address to red lobster I told him that it was 6969 S Hickey St." Sonny said with a smile and her friend began cracking up. " But that's not all Zacky. When he asked Gerard why he was laughing I told him to put it on speaker phone while we were still in the police station and Gee said this, Come one Frank, what're you? A virgin? Position 69, we tried that out last week, and hickey! I give them to you all the time." Dad turned so red!" Sonny said breaking out into laughter like she did ealier that day.

" You're terriable Son, really." Zack said, trying to hold his laughter in in vain. " So what's going on right now liebe?" he asked. " Not much really. Mikey just took refuge in my hotel room because one, Gerard and dad kicked him out of his room that they were sharing. Two, dad is fucking Gee's brains out right now." Sonny said like it was no big deal.

" Tmi Sonny and that sucks." Zack said. " Frank sucks... he sucks Gerard!" Sonny yelled. " Geez girl, keep it down." " Tell that to Gee, he's a real screamer." " Ach gott. (oh god). Now I really feel sorry for you." he said as she rummaged through her bag, looking for her medication. " Yeah...." Sonny said sighing, then pulled out those bottles she was looking for.

" Taking your meds?" Zack asked when he heard the familiar rattling of pills in a bottle. " Yup. Two for insomnia, two for depression, one for allergies, and one for asthma. All accounted for." she said, then pulled a bottle of water out of teh mini fridge and took her pills. " Well I'll let you get to sleep Skittles. guten nacht engel. (good night angel.)" Zack said. " Guten nacht." Sonny said and hung up the phone.

Sonny yawned long a yawn as she sat on the edge of the bed Mikey was on and asked, " Can I please have my bunny back?" " Sure. Why do you have one anyways?" Mikey asked. " Mom told me that my dad gave this to her and she gave it to me when I was three, I would pretend it was my dad and the bunny would help me get to sleep. It still does, but now I don't have to pretend that it's my dad anymore since he's across the hall.... Making Gee moan." she said shuddering.

" Not fun... Well I'm tired, so good night Sonny." Mikey said, snuggling under the covers of the bed that he was laying on. " Night Mikey." Sonny said and slipped under the covers of the bed next to him, slipping off to dream land where a nightmare awaited her..

Sonny's dream

Sonny sat there on the floor of her mother's room shaking and sobbing, she couldn't belive what she had just walked in upon. " Ohh... Sonnyy...." her mother's voice called out in a slightly creepy tone. Sonny raised her heads from her heads to see that her mother was no longer on the floor, but walking towards her.

Sonny really freaked out and scrambled to get up as fast as she could, trying to get out. " Come on Sonnenschein, I just want to play." her mother said and pulled the knife out of her chest. " No, get away from me!" Sonny screamed. " Sonny, Sonny." her mother said. Sonny let out a blood curlting scream.


Mikey was woken up due to Sonny screaming and he really bolted out of bed and to her when she let out a loud blood curtling scream. " Sonny. Sonny! Wake up." he said shaking her a bit. Sonny shot up with wide eyes and began crying, Mikey put his arms around her and hugged her whilst she sobbed into his chest.

Frank and Gerard knocked onto the door and Mikey reluctantly sat Sonny on the bed, then got up to answer the door. " What the fuck happened? Why was Sonny screaming like she was getting murdered?" a worried Frank asked. " I don't know Frank. I really don't. I just woke up to screaming, then woke her up and she was crying into my chest when you came." Mikey said as he let them in, then went back to Sonny whom was still crying and took her back into his arms.

" It's alright Sonny. Just tell me what's wrong." Mikey said. Sonny, still crying, she sniffed and said a muffled " Okay." through his nightie shirt. " In nightmare I back in my mom's room sitting on floor shaking a crying, then her corpse came back to life calling my name and she said that she wanted to play when I began to run as she pulled the knife out of chest." she said, then Mikey kissed her forhead and tightened his grip around her.

" I woke you up, didn't I?" Sonny asked. " And Gerard and your dad, but that's alright. We all love you and you're worth it." Mikey said smiling and that made her smile. " I'm going back to bed, night sweetie." Frank said the kissed her head. (it ryhmed!!) Gerard did the same and walked out of Sonny's room, closing the door.

" Hey Mikey?" she asked after a few minutes of silence. " Hm?" he asked. " Would stay in my bed with me so I won't have to sleep alone? Please?" Sonny asked and Mikey nodded. Mikey got the both of them back under the covers and waited to fall asleep till after Sonny did.

The rest of that night, Sonny didn't have anymore nightmares.
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okay, you guys better be happy with this chappy. I worked my ass off!