Hear Me Out

I don't love you

Gerard was currently tiptoeing into the room where the daughter of his love and beloved baby brother slept with a camera on hand and a sneaky smile on his face. He couldn't help but awe at the sight before him when he went to wake them a few minutes ealier, Mikey and Sonny asleep together with Sonny in Mikey's arms. It was just too cute, that's why Gerard snuck back in with the camera.


He took the picture and his baby brother stirred. Gerard tried to run out of the room, but was stopped due to a shoe hitting the back of his head with dead accuracy. " Gerard Aurthur Way!" Mikey shouted. " Get back here with that fucking camera." " Nope, sorry." Gerard said and bolted out of the room, slamming the door shut and causing Sonny to wake up.

" Welches die fuck war jene bei? ( What the fuck was that about?)" Sonny grumbled when she woke up. " English Sonny and sorry about that. Gerard must've seen us cuddling and took a picture. I didn't get the camera, but I managed to hit him in the back of the head dead on with my shoe." Mikey said, flashing Sonny a smile. Sonny smiled back and closed her eyes.

" Uh-uh. You young lady, are NOT going back to sleep. Get your ass up!" he said and Sonny groaned and asked, " Why?" " One, it's 10 am. Two, we need to get to get Gee back." Mikey said. " Eh. Let it go Mikes, I'll let it go only if I can get a copy of that picture." Sonny said smiling groggily. " Seriously?" he asked and she nodded. " Alright." Mikey said sighing, then got up.

" Where you going?" Sonny asked. " Might as well change my clothes since I'm up and then get some coffee." he said walking out of the room. " Poop head." she said (ryhming was on accident), and went back to sleep.


Mikey was sipping on his coffee he had in one hand, a grande vanilla frappachino, while holding Sonny's in the other. Yeah. She didn't ask for it, but being teh gentleman he is he got it anyway when he remembered what kind she liked due to seeing it yesterday. Speeding up his walking so he wouldn't get caught, Mikey headed away from Starbucks and back to the hotel.

What Mikey heard when he got back to the door of the room Sonny was in suprised him, Sonny was singing. He couldn't resist it and whipped out his phone and began to record a video of her singing her heart out.

" Hurtful words,
From my enemies of the last five years,
What's it like to die alone?

How does it feel when tears freeze,
When you cry?
The blood in your veins is twenty below.

Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette,
Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet,
Out from the window see her back drop silhouette,
This blood on my hands is something I cannot forget,

Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette,
Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet,
Out from the window see her back drop silhouette,
This blood on my hands is something I cannot forget,

Something I cannot forget.

So for now, take this down a notch,
Crash my car through your window,
Make sure you're still alive,
Just in time to kill you,

Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette,
Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet,
Out from the window see her back drop silhouette,
This blood on my hands is something I cannot forget,

Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette,
Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet,
Out from the window see her back drop silhouette,
This blood on my hands is something I cannot forget,

Something I cannot forget.

I can't take this (take) anymore
I can't take this (take) anymore
I can't take this (take) anymore
(I cannot feel what you've done to me)
I can't take this (take) anymore
(What you've done to me)

So for now, take this down a notch,
Crash my car through your window,

Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette,
Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet,
Out from the window see her back drop silhouette,
This blood on my hands is something I cannot forget,

Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette,
Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet,
Out from the window see her back drop silhouette,
This blood on my hands is something I cannot forget,

Something I cannot forget."
came the words sung by Sonny's sweet voice. When she turned around, she gasped and a small tinge of red graced her cheeks. Mikey his cell phone out and was recording her. " Mikey!" Sonny said smiling, she was really beginning to like this man.

" Come heeerreee Mikes." she said with a smile that was creepy. " I know that look young lady, Frank does that too. So don't even think about it or I won't give you your mocha frap. Now finish getting your ass dressed." Mikey said smirking and Sonny laughed. " Yes Mikey dearest." she said then went through her bag and pulled out a ' The Academy Is' short sleeve black t-shirt, a pair of black ripped jeans, jack skellington socks, and some worn out black converse.

Sonny disapeared into the bathroom with her clothes and some make-up, and didn't come out till 15 minutes later holding a stick of eye-liner. Mikey snickered when he saw her face, Sonny had attempted to put it on and failed miserabely. " This is a reason why I don't wear make-up, it's so damn annoying! Help me please?" she asked. Mikey and agreed.

Sonny was quietly humming while Mikey took a damp paper towl to her eyes and cleaned them before starting. First he re-did her smokey grey eye shadow, then uncapped the eyeliner and began putting it on her. " What's that song you're humming?" he asked. " Count 'em One, Two, Three by The Main." Sonny said, her bright greenish-hazel eyes sparkling. Mikey couldn't help but smile at her, shewas is just so cute.

' I can't help it, Sonny is the most beautiful thing I've ever set my eyes on. Wait a sec, did I really just think that? But it is true, she's beautiful.' " Yellow? Mikey?" Sonny asked waving a hand in front of his face. " Sorry, I guess I just spaced out a bit." Mikey said, flashing her a grin and finished with her makeup, trying to push the feelings away. " There!" he cried happily and pulled Sonny to a mirror, she gasped. " You're so good Mikey! Thank you!!" Sonny said and hugged him tightly.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short and maybe a bit boring, but meh. It's a chappy update none teh less.