You can change my world

Too Many Feelings

Kait opened her eyes and immediately regretted it. The wintry sunlight filtered into her room, filling it with a harsh, cold light. As she started to snuggle back under her comforter, Kait realised with a jolt that it was Monday, she had to get ready for school. She groaned and sat up, shivering slightly at the cold that her pale skin was exposed to. Reluctantly, Kait got out of bed and began to get ready.

As she slipped her hoodie over her head, she discovered that she hadn’t the strength to fight off the wave of misery that was threatening to engulf her. She sat down and dissolved into silent tears. She hated what she had become. Quickly she calmed herself down, knowing that if her mother saw the tears, she would have at least one more bruise to join her collection.

After washing her face and straightening her hair, she descended the stairs and checked the cupboards to see what food there was. Nothing. No lunch money either. Oh well. Kait wasn’t hungry, she supposed that Mum was still asleep, so she jumped out of her skin when a dry and quiet voice rasped from the living room.

“Kait,” her Mum, Jezebel, rasped, “Where are you, you silly girl?”

“I-I’m here M-Mum.” Kait answered cowering against the wall from the voice that had come right before a hard slap when she was just a young girl.

“First of all, get that stupid stutter under control, and second, where’s my breakfast?” Jezebel glared.

“Th-There i-is-isn’t,” She took a deep breath, “There isn’t any food.”

“Well go and get some then!” her mum snarled making Kait knock over a glass vase containing some long dead tulips.

“I c-can’t.” She replied simply, starting to clear up the fallen vase.

“Of course you can, and don’t you dare start playing games with me young lady!” Jezebel thundered.

“I have school.” She replied, avoiding her mothers ferocious glare, she slipped out of the front door and started to walk to her college, Salem High.

A storm was on its way. She could feel the electricity and power building up in the air around her as she walked down the sidewalk. She was just beginning to go up the steps as the first bolt of lightning ripped the sky apart, and the heavens opened.

Just as she was starting to run inside, Kait had a change of heart. She turned around and strode back outside and stood amidst the storm her face tilted towards the sky, she tried to imagine harnessing the power that it displayed, but such a thing was impossible, surely.

Her dark hair was plastered to her snow white skin and her green eyes gleamed. This was what she wanted. To be able to let loose and vent her emotions to the world. No one knew how she felt, how alone and unsure. Only two real friends that she could rely on, but neither new her deepest feelings. As deep as they could go, they could never reach her core, Kait had too many secrets, too many feelings.
♠ ♠ ♠
A semi-lame start I know

Please be patient, it is my first story

Constructive criticism is welcomed, but please don't comment just to say how crap it is

please keep reading
