Status: over.


high school relationships

This is the most awkward moment of my life.

Alex and I stand side-by-side awkwardly as Zack and Lori start making out in the small ice cream parlor. Lori's low-cut shirt is starting to sag as Zack starts moving his hand on her back. I cringe as Alex looks at me.

I point to the door. He nods, and we creep out of the store, cones in hand. The two of them haven't noticed so far, so I think we're good. Although Lori and Zack are still inside the parlor, we head off without them. They can find their own mode of transportation.

Alex starts to back out of the parking lot, and I sift through my denim purse for my phone. No texts from Lori. "...Do you think they'll get mad at us?" Alex starts, biting his lip. I give him a look. "Okay, dumb question. But it's not like we can just...leave them here. You know?"

I give him the same look.

"Okay, okay. But if she starts to believe it was my idea, I'm blaming it on you." In seconds, we go from zero to sixty. "And Kaleb, if Lori ever asks if we want to hang out with her and Zack again, say no. Please."

"Same to you with Zack. Where are we going, anyway?" The roller rink is way behind us now; we pass by Starbucks, Pet Palace, restaurants. Walmart. "Could you slow down? Please?" He's going fifteen over the speed limit, and I'm gripping the handle for dear life.

"Kaleb, I don't understand why things have to be like this. I mean, dating in high school...what does that even mean anyway?" Says the guy who's had more relationships than I have cousins.

"It doesn't. You're a teenager; the feeling of being with someone, that supposed 'love' from someone who isn't in your's different. So different, that you want it. Need it. Badly. It's like an addiction; it creates this desperation for something that you've never had before." At the red light, he stares at me. For once, I think I've stunned someone with profound thought. This is perhaps the greatest moment of my life. "Not that I've ever felt that way about anyone."

"Sure, you haven't." Alex smiles and speeds off, leaving his followers in the dust. Several cars honk at him as he changes lanes hastily. "I wouldn't think you, of all people, would be defensive of high school relationships and all that jazz."

"To be honest, I didn't think I would be either." It's weird how some things play out. I never thought Alex had issues with teenage love, but I suppose he does, even though he's dated more people than I ever will.

We're silent the rest of the way back to my house. Alex screeches to a halt, and I open the door. As I reach for my denim bag, he gets to it first. "Alex, what are you doing?" Dad's Ford truck starts to pull into the driveway. Great timing.

Alex whips out my phone. "Did you know you have Tetris on here?"

"That's great. Now give me back my phone before my dad realizes you're not a girl." He starts to mess with the buttons, and I snatch the purse from the passenger seat. "Seriously, Alex!"

He throws my phone at me, and I shut the door. I wave, and he speeds away.

After retrieving the mail, Dad strolls over to me. "Kaleb, who was that?" He squints at Alex's Audi van as it screeches, turning right. "Do I know this person?"

We start to approach the front door together, my dad still eying me suspiciously.

"It was Lori. She just dyed and cut her hair."

> >

Calculus is going downhill for me. As Mr. Pearson lectures, I'm texting Lori in the back of the classroom. Oh, and I checked my phone. I don't have Tetris on here; I have no idea why Alex lied to me about something so stupid.

u didn't hav fun w/ alex? i think ur lying.

I roll my eyes and pretend to copy down notes. If I want to become an engineer, I might want to learn calculus. That might be somewhat beneficial to me.

i had fun. just not w/ u & zack. They scared the children away, I swear.

"Mr. Chamberlin, I don't think sleeping during the AP exam will help you much. They've recently created a policy that if you sleep during the exam, you will be kicked out. I advise all of you to take this exam as seriously as possible; you can avoid taking this class in college, and you'll save your parents money. How wonderful will that be?"

No one cares, Mr. Pearson.

but u had fun w/ alex? cuteeee. told u so.

told me wut? She told me nothing; she's such a liar.

"I hope all of you are able to receive threes to fives on your exams. BC Calculus is not an easy class. But if you didn't want to challenge yourself, you wouldn't be here, would you?"

I'm only here, because my math teacher last year didn't want me to take this class.

told u u liked him. & he likes u. dun deny it. She's crazy.

"Calculus is an important course. You children should know America is falling behind in math and science."

i do not. u're crazy. shut up. don't make me hurt u.

I doodle in my notebook. I draw a bunch of hearts and smiley faces. And write "I hate Lori" over and over.

denial denial denial denial denial denial denial denial, bby.

I grit my teeth.

u aren't my bff ne mor.

"You should all be like Miss Wagner over here and take notes." Mr. Pearson beams. "I'm proud of you, Kaleb." He turns around to go back up to the board; he starts to drone on. I'm still writing "I hate Lori" in my notebook.

hey, u doin nething afterskool 2 day?

It's Riley; I haven't talked to him in a while. He's been real busy with school work and whatever.

no. wut's up?

Nothing from Lori yet. Did she get caught texting in Spanish? Good job, babe. The whole point of texting during class is to chat with your friends without getting caught.

nothin. just miss talking 2 u.

Aww, that's so cute.

kk. meet me @ my car? it's the ford 2day.

I swear I don't have a thing for Alex. It's just Lori being an idiot. She's stupid. She doesn't know a thing about feelings. She's just an ugly slut.

wutever u do, don't hang out w/ riley 2dai.

I narrow my eyes. Is Lori serious? I thought we were all friends; apparently not.


I start writing "Lori is stupid" over and over again. I'll have to trash this page before she finds it in our book of notes.

he wants to ask u out.

I drop my cell phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Miranda :]