Status: over.



This summer was the best summer of my life.

I have a little baby brother whose name is William Andrew Wagner. Dad picked William, because it was his father's name, and I picked Andrew because of Andrew McMahon. Hopefully he'll be just as talented as either of the men he's named after.

Little Billy has blond hair like Liz, and he has green eyes like Dad. Liz and Dad are having bets on how fast he'll learn how to read, but I think he just likes watching Blue’s Clues. If I were just a couple months old, I think I'd like watching Blue’s Clues too.

Alex and Jack were disappointed Billy wasn't named after either of them.

Speaking of those two, we hung out with Miranda most of the summer, doing this and that. Most nights, we'd sneak out late and hit golf balls off the roof of Giant. We shouted out our insecurities before hitting the ball, like always. The last time, Alex hit a street lamp and the manager of the grocery store, came out and cursed at the sky. Now we go to an actual mini golf course instead. Some nights, we write our secrets on post cards and throw them off the roof of a law firm. Miranda interns there and sneaks us in.

Miranda decided not to go to William and Mary, even though it was her dream. She realized it was in the middle of nowhere, and she didn't want to work as a reenactor at Williamsburg. She's not really a huge fan of the whole colonial bit. She also heard rumors about people getting put in the stocks for showing up to work late. One girl was called a prostitute by a fellow reenactor, and said it was her punishment for “being a whore”.

Instead, Miranda and I are going to Towson together, and I couldn't be happier. We're rooming together, and I'm excited for the fall. I think she's pretty unsure about the new school year, because she and Jack are still together. I think she feels like they'll grow apart, because they won't see each other for a while. But a break is good; it helps show how much you love and miss someone.

I tell her that all the time, but she's still scared. It only makes sense; nothing is going to be like high school now. Alex and Jack are going to go off and tour and meet new people and such, and then, we won't all have the same friends anymore.

Alex to a swig of his beer and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “So, excited for the new school year?”

I shrug. “I guess.”

“Miranda’s crying in the living room. Had to get out of there.” He pretends to wipe sweat from his brow. “She and Jack will be fine; I don’t get why she’s sobbing over it.”

“She’s scared; we both are. You guys are going to meet new people, and we’ll meet new people; we won’t have the same friends, and we might drift apart because we don’t see you that often.” The sun set into the trees in a fiery haze as Alex and I watch from Miranda’s porch steps. “It won’t be the same.”

“That’s part of growing up. Nothing’s ever the same day after day.” Alex looks at me. “We only hope that we can come back to the people we love that love us for who we are.”

“Of course we love you.”

“Good.” Alex leans his forehead onto mine. “If you didn’t, I don’t think I would have a reason to come back home.”

There’s nothing left to do but hold each other until it’s time to say goodbye. Until next year, Alex.We I will miss you.