Sequel: Something Else

And if I Die Before I Wake...

Morgan's POV

I woke up on tuesday and put on my average outfit: a skirt that hid all the weapons strapped up my leg and a nice looking t-shirt.

I ate an apple and walked to school.

My first class was AP History, I took the class with seniors. I got there right before the bell rang and sat down.

All through the lesson I glared at the way too gorgeaus boy sitting three seats in front of me.
Filthy vampire I screamed in my head. How dare he act like he belonged here in our world? I thought about what had happened six years ago.

"GET OUT!" My dad yelled. I looked down the stairs to see he was yelling at a strange man standing in our living room. Before I could tell what was happening the man had bitten my dad and blood was dripping down. My little brother ran down past me before I could stop him.

The man attacked my brother and then his eyes met mine. I ran upstairs and could hear him following me. I ran to my parents room and into my mom.

"Mommy...daddy and mikey...dead..." I cried.

What happened next went to fast, all I remember is he broke down the door and injected something into my mom.

I woke up the next morning to my mom looking at me carefully.

"Honey, it was a vampire that attacked us last night." she said.
That's when I noticed the fangs she had grown.

I shoved her away and ran. I didn't stop running until I was far away. I enrolled in a new school under a new name. I met a mythic freak and she taught me how to kill vampires. Unfortunately a vampire killed her.

I refused to remember anymore and rushed out the door as soon as the bell rang. I couldn't stand to be so close to that disgusting thing for long. Luckily I wouldn't have to.

I ran to my next class, shooting a final glare at his back as I passed his locker and sat down next to Michelle.

Nobody in the school really liked me but Michelle was nice during school so I wasn't always alone. I mumbled a greeting and waited for the techer to start his usual lecture.

"So how was History?" she asked.


"I'm sure, I don't know why you bother to even take such advanced classes, You're a FRESHMAN."

"I know but history is my best subject."

Michelle nodded. I waited for the day to end.
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My first chapter is pretty short but you know. Aya will update soon, I think. (you can never be sure with people like her!)