Sequel: Something Else

And if I Die Before I Wake...

Morgan's POV

The pizza was tolerable, the company, was not. I couldn't stand to sit in this rotting house with a bunch of blood suckers. Ugh...but what can I do. That dumb bastard will just catch up with me, and I'm already missing some blood. But I have an even bigger problem.

I need to kill something!

I can't stand this! I want to hear a monster's (or a person's [I am desperate])dying breath and know that it is because of me! I want to watch them crumple to the floor as a cold lifeless carcass! I can't stand being near them anymore. The world should be rid of monsters like him! And I should be taking care of that! Not sitting here eating pizza! I am so foolish.

I stood up, fighting the lightheaded-ness that accompanied the action and shot a glare of Lucifer. But then a thought struck me, a soothing thought.

Just down the hall from where I currently am, two of those foul creatures are resting. I would kill them humanely, a luxury they had refused to the many they themselves had killed. How I wish dear Lucifer could follow his father down that path, but no. I will keep him alive just long enough to get to the vampire king. Once I have killed the leader the monsters will start a war with eachother, never assuming a human girl would be capable of killing their highest lord. They will slowly kill themselves.

I must have lost myself in my thoughts because the thing that I was current stuck with was forcing me into a chair. I glared at him, wishing death would come a greet him before I had my chance. It would make life so much nicer. But no, Morgan. Focus on the goal. Kill the king.

I reached for my bag of weapons and Lucifer, I must get used to calling him that, tried to take it away.

"I'm not going to shoot you, you dimwit." I hissed, he looked visibly shocked by my change in attitude. Dumb ass.

I picked out my simplest weapon. It was a gun. I will spare you the horror of knowing what it shoots, but it has yet to fail in killing a target. Lucifer watched all of my motions carefully. Whether out of fear, or concern for his well being, I do not know. But he clearly was uneasy. I smiled and calmly stood again.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Oh, nowhere. I just have a little problem to take care of."

Later that night I was back in my townhouse. Lucifer was standing in the corner. Why can't he just leave!

"I can't believe you killed them." He spoke.

I smirked, "You're welcome."

Yes, I had killed again, and it felt good to be back. Now for the ultimate target!
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, Morgan has officially gone insane. I am going to enjoy writing her character a lot more now! *evil laugh*