Sequel: Something Else

And if I Die Before I Wake...

Lucifer's POV

I ground my teeth together, regretably cutting up my gums. Apparently, the mere presence of my bride (an extremely ill-fitting term) provokes hostility in me, considering my fangs and claws were still fully formed. Perhaps if I fed, my body wouldn't rebel against my mind so much?

"Are we there yet?"

Oh my god Morgan, I will slice your face off. I thought. Ironic. I don't have a god.

"Hey Fang, you know what I think?" No. "I think you, and Dracula for that matter, should die."

I rolled my eyes. "Really? I would never have guessed."

"You shouldn't use sarcasm like that. Because a dense person would think you really wouldn't have guessed it, which would be dumb. Plus, seeing as you always want to be correct you wouldn't want someone thinking you were wrong, now would you?"

I pondered it for a moment and fought a smirk that threatened to unveil my newly hatched plan. Why not make the little human uncomfortable before I shut her up? I turned to her, stopping dead in my tracks and my face completely composed.

"Morgan...." I whispered, moving so I was arms length from her. A pale hand raised and I gently let my fingers brush her neck. She shuddered, repulsed by the touch, and moved to take a step back but was stopped by a tree. Her eyes widened in fear (much to my amusement) as my right hand touched her jaw, the other grasping the back of her neck. She whimpered slightly, my lips perhaps an inch from hers, trying desparately not to smile and give myself away/

"Ready?" I whispered, my cold, sweet breath touching her face.


Her body went limp in my hands, sagging against the tree trunk, as the smirk that had so nearly threatened my plan appeared on my lips.

"Sorry about that." I mumbled, hitching her over my shoulder. She tried to speak, but the break in her spine had....damaged'/i] her ability to move. "We're going for a walk."

I walked through the thick grove of trees, wacking her head against one every so often with an 'Oh sorry" or "Gee, I didn't see that one," while gigling slightly. My God, if this was all I had to do to shut her up, I would have done it ages ago.


The gates were wrought iron and slightly rusted, the metal pinched to points at the top. Beyond them was yet another expanse of vegetation, hiding even more the structure I so desparately wished to reach. It was dusk now, or nearing it at least, so I suppose we wouldn't be alone for much longer.

Sighing, I set Morgan against a tree and waited for the welcoming comittee.

"I suppose you'd like the ability to speak, hm?" I asked, looking down to her. After a short moment of silence I went to snap her spine back in place but.... My undead heart beat faster and the breath caught in my throat. I suppose I hadn't realised how hungry I wasuntil I felt the blood beneath my fingertips. Perhaps if I just take a bite....

The gates creaked and my head snapped back to get a better hook. Three lanky, pale figures emerged from the shadows behind the gate: to male and one female. They all looked identical, despite the changes in height; their crimson irises, ivory skin abd hunter green formal wear.

The woman beckoned me, but the hunger had evolved into an aching need and I could not bring myself to move from Morgan's side. Not when precious wine coursed through her veins. Without a word, the two males arived at my side, gently lifting me by the arms. Perhaps I could have left Morgan, she would probably be safer outside the gates where there would be at least a bit of sunlight, but I didn't seem to have a choice in the matter since one of the men released me and grabbed Morgan, hitching her over his shoulder.

The rest of the night passed in a blur. I remember being brought to a room (Morgan wasn't with me and I can't remember why....) and being told to wait. I remember sinking my fangs into something and wanting another. But then....blackness....

I was still in the romwhen I woke up, lying on my back and looking up at a crimson canopy.

"Hurry up and change." A harsh male voice called. Startled, I looked around. I saw nothing but a chair, laden with a crisp, folded grey suit. I changed quickly, but heasitated before opening the door. Turns out I didn't have to, since it opened from the outside, revealing the same three figures from the gates. All dressed formallym I was led to a large courtyard, surrounded by pillars....